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Two hundred and seventieth eight chapters have to add money

After the initial discussion, everyone in Quicksand dispersed and went about their own business.

Cheng Xiu also took a carriage and returned to his mansion in the south of the city.

In the carriage, Cheng Yu closed his eyes and thought about something in his mind. When he was approaching the mansion, he had already made a decision.


"My subordinates are here, what are your orders, Lord Marquis?"

Gan Sha was driving the carriage outside and responded immediately after hearing the words.

Xuan Jian did not follow Cheng Xi, because he was investigating the origin of the sudden appearance of helping Liusha forces at night, so Xuan Jian went to take charge of the matter.

"Inform Mo Ya and ask him to come over when he is free today."


After dinner, Cheng Yu read in the study room in the outer courtyard and studied the book "Book of Changes".

In modern times, Cheng Xi also read the "Book of Changes", but unfortunately he was confused, but now reading this book can give him some inspiration and inspiration from time to time.

In Dongdong, there was a knock on the door. Cheng Yu raised his head slightly and looked outside the house, casually saying: "Let Mo Crow come in."


The door opened, and Mo Ya, who was dressed in black feathers and had an evil and handsome face, stepped into the house, stepped through the outer room, entered the inner room, bowed his head, bent down, cupped his fists, and saluted: "Greetings to the Marquis."

Cheng Xi put down the scripture and said in a casual tone: "Sit down."

"Thank you, Lord Marquis."

After thanking him, Mo Ya knelt down under Cheng Xi with a respectful look on his face, leaning forward slightly, as if he was listening to instructions.


"Don't be too restrained, just relax."

"Have you been doing well recently?"

Cheng Xi picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea. With a sweep of his sleeve, the seven-quarter-full tea cup flew out and landed lightly on the eucalyptus table in front of Mo Ya.

Mo Ya was so good-natured, whether he was pretending or really, his attitude suddenly became much more relaxed.

"Thanks to Lord Marquis, my life is more prosperous than before."

"Everyone who was annoying or constrained among the birds was dead. Ji Wuye also relied on him more. Missions were frustrated one after another, but it was just a small punishment or a big punishment."

Cheng Yu nodded slightly: "Your merits will be recorded in the secret files of Luowang. The day when they will bear fruit will not be too far away."

The meaning of "flowering and bearing fruit" is to reward according to one's merits. Chinese culture is extensive and profound, and if you want to listen to it, it requires very high reading comprehension skills.

In the officialdom, reading comprehension skills are the most demanding, and whether you can understand the subtext or not can determine your future.

Fortunately, Cheng Xi was only half an official, so he didn't pay much attention to the subtleties of Yunshan Wuzhao, so Mo Ya could easily listen to him.

"We all believe in Mr. Hou."

"The Marquis has summoned his subordinates to come here this time. If you have anything to do, please feel free to tell me."

Mo Ya doesn't talk much, but his attitude is very good.

"There is indeed something to call you here this time. See if you can do it..."

"My subordinates will do their best."

"Do you have the ability to let the night intelligence network accidentally learn something that I want them to know?"

"It... depends on what happened."

"The intelligence network in the night is mainly run by the coir raincoat. Bainiao can participate in it, but it is only a support."

Mo Ya answered honestly, not daring to make a big deal.

"I want to let Ye Mu know that Liusha has secretly joined forces with Baiyue Tianze and is preparing to repay Ji Wuye and Bai Yifei with tooth for tooth and blood for joy."

Mo Ya looked shocked when he heard this. He quickly calmed down and thought about whether this matter was feasible, and quickly came to a conclusion.

"Now the birds are secretly controlled by you..."

Look, Mo Crow can talk a lot. He is talking about Cheng Yu's control, not him. It's very detailed.

"This matter has been carefully planned. Although there is still a certain risk of exposure, there is a high probability that it will be successful."

"If there is a high probability that it will happen, then go ahead and do it. How many things in this world do you not need to take risks?" Cheng Yu said decisively.

It’s not scary to have risks. The higher the risk, the higher the reward.

The most important thing is that even if it is exposed, the problem is not big, and the big deal is to change the action plan.

This little Kun in the night, this big Kun in South Korea, he is sure to eat it!

Jiutian Xuannv can’t keep her, he said so!

The creator of the Mingyue World in the Qin Dynasty was Jiutian Xuannv. If nothing else, Canglong Qisu must be inseparable from Jiutian Xuannv.

"I obey my orders."

In fact, Mo Crow is basically certain that it can be done, but he just left a way out out of caution and deliberately said that he was not so sure.

"This matter must be completed as soon as possible without being exposed, the sooner the better."

"I understand, I will make arrangements now."

This attitude is very pleasing to the eye. Mo Ya can get to the point where he is the commander of hundreds of birds and Ji Wuye's personal guard. He is still very capable!

It is similar to the secret skills of the seventh-rank officials in front of ancient prime ministers and modern high-ranking officials. Many people who understand the energy of Mo Crow in the night are fawning over it.

"Although this matter is urgent, it is not so urgent that I will not eat until I have a cup of tea before leaving."

"Don't waste the best snow-top silver shuttle."

"That subordinate will take advantage of it. I only heard its name and have never tasted it."

"Drink and see. If you like it, you can take some back."

Of course, after Mo Crow drank it, he wouldn't complain that it tasted bad. The leader gave him face and expressed his close attitude. Even if he didn't understand the situation, he would not be put in the shoes, and he would definitely be exempted from promotion or anything.

A killer also needs a place to eat!

But he didn't act too exaggerated, but praised appropriately, giving people a sense of sincerity that he was telling the truth.

After Mo Ya left, Cheng Xi began to study the "Book of Changes" again.

Nowadays, in his spare time, Cheng Xi likes to read some ancient books, especially those related to cultivation, hoping to capture inspiration for breakthroughs.

This is today's top cultivation level and top combat power. If it can break through again, it will reach another brand new level.

So, apart from areas that require large armies to deal with, Cheng Xiu alone can overwhelm the opposition forces of hundreds of schools of thought.

After Mo Ya returned, he found an excuse to find Ying Ge and Bai Feng, and conveyed Cheng Xi's message.

The three of them discussed the plan together, perfected the details of the operation, and took action resolutely in the middle of the night.

One day later, Lin Yike received a piece of information reported from below, saying that he saw Wei Zhuang and Tian Ze meeting in private.

In fact, Liusha has not yet met with Tianze and his gang to reach an agreement, because Liusha is not fully prepared yet.

Mo Ya is equivalent to cashing in on this meeting in advance, tacitly assuming that the two parties have begun to cooperate.

Lin Yi Ke is a professional in intelligence, although the intelligence reported showed that the two met for a short time and seemed to have broken up on bad terms.

But out of professional sensitivity, Lin Yike suddenly felt that this matter was not simple.

What is there to talk about when people from Liusha meet Tianze?

Thinking that Tianze had accidentally disrupted the situation at a critical moment last time, Lin Yike couldn't help but think that the two parties had reached some kind of agreement?

Also, a mysterious force came out to disrupt the situation last time. Does this mysterious force have anything to do with Liusha and Tianze?

Although Linyi Ke knew that Tianze's group had also burned the private cache of military rations that Liusha had worked hard to obtain, and the two sides had a rift, this did not mean that there was no possibility of cooperation between the two sides...

The bustle in the world is all for the benefit of coming, and the hustle and bustle of the world is all for the benefit of the going.

As long as the benefits are sufficient, mortal enemies may become as close as brothers, and brothers may become mortal enemies.

As the saying goes, birds of a feather flock together, and the core members of Ye Mu have similar ways of thinking or values.

Ji Wuye, Bai Yifei, Chao Banshee, and Jade Tiger all believe that benefits outweigh everything else, and do not think that anyone can remain unmoved in the face of sufficient benefits.

As one of the four evil generals of Ye Mu, Lin Yi Ke knows very well how deep the hatred between Ye Mu and Tianze's group is...

If the night of revenge can be guaranteed, Lin Yike believes that Tianze will not hesitate to sell his own soul!

In view of the huge threat that Liusha and Tianze's cooperation posed to Ye Mu, Lin Yike handed over the information at the highest level.

Ji Wuye took this information very seriously after receiving it, and immediately secretly sent someone to Xueyi Castle to inform Bai Yifei to return to Xinzheng quickly, saying that they had important matters to discuss.

In the Yemu Organization, any important matter can be implemented as long as Ji Wuye and Bai Yifei discuss it thoroughly.

Lin Yi Ke only manages information and provides decision-making basis, and does not express much opinions.

The Chao Banshee was in the deep palace, and it was difficult for Ji Wuye to communicate with her. Bai Yifei usually conveyed her opinions.

As for when the Emerald Tiger was still there and Bai Yifei was still at the border, Ji Wuye sometimes made decisions on his own, and sometimes he would consult the Emerald Tiger.

It was already night when Bai Yifei, who was in Snow Clothes Castle, received the message.

Bai Yifei didn't waste any time and immediately returned alone overnight, while the others set off again at dawn.

I have to say that Mo Ya really understands the virtues of Lin Yi Ke, Bai Yifei and Ji Wuye.

It does not create clear information, but creates ambiguous information that makes people think about it and fully stimulates people's imagination.

Information that is too clear can sometimes be counterproductive and arouse suspicion.

The coir raincoat guest is shrewd, Ji Wuye is suspicious, and Bai Yifei is thick and black.

In terms of specific performance, the actions of Mo Ya and others can be said to be the right medicine!

On the afternoon of the next day, Bai Yifei secretly returned to Xinzheng and arrived at the general's residence of Ji Wuye.

Ji Wuye arranged for people to isolate the inside and outside, and only he and Bai Yifei were discussing in the palace.

The news was a bit bad, and Bai Yifei was not in the mood to stand at the edge of the hall with a wine bottle, so he sat down at the lower right corner.

"The Marquis already knows the news. What does the Marquis think?"

Ji Wuye sat on the couch in the palace with a gloomy expression and said in a deep voice.

"Whether it's true or false, we need to be prepared just in case."

"If Liusha and Tianze really join forces, plus the mysterious forces that appeared that day, if the opportunity is seized, we may really capsize in the gutter..."

Bai Yifei's face was expressionless. Although he was reluctant to admit it, he still had to admit it.

Regarding the mysterious forces that appeared, Ye Mu did not associate them with the Qin forces.

From Ye Mu's point of view, Qin's forces have no motive to help organizations like Liusha. By supporting Liusha, aren't they themselves causing trouble for Qin?

Ye Mu would rather speculate that the mysterious forces that appeared are biased against Qin. If Liusha can control South Korea, it will be good for the anti-Qin forces in other countries.

As for the fact that Cheng Xi had guarantored Liu Sha, Ye Mu didn't take it too seriously, but regarded it as a personal relationship between Han Fei and Cheng Xi.

As far as Ye Mu knows, the friendship between the two is limited and they can help once, but not a second time.

Ye Mu once supported Han Wangan's rise to power. Han Wangan once revealed some situations for An Ji Wuye and Bai Yifei's heart.

"The Marquis is right, and I also think that we need to take precautions."

"But with Bai Niao's current strength and the strength shown by the enemy, it's really a bit tight."

"And we don't know if that mysterious force still has top-notch experts..."

"We can't always mobilize heavy troops for defense, right?"

"Only a thousand days to be a thief, not a thousand days to defend yourself, even a tiger can take a nap."

Bai Yifei's eyes flashed, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he said: "It seems that the general has a good plan in his mind."

"It's not a good strategy, after all, it will bleed."

Ji Wuye's expression changed and became less gloomy, he shook his head and said.

"General, do you mean to invite foreign aid?"

"That's right, I plan to let Luo Wang intervene."

In fact, it would be impossible for Ye Mu to get other forces involved, because Ye Mu has a bad reputation and has no friendship with the forces that are qualified to send out first-class experts.

Moreover, it is easy for the forces of the five Shandong countries to intervene in South Korea's internal disputes.

It would be fine if the supporting forces win, but if they lose and others interfere, it will be troublesome.

“How deep is the involvement?”

"The price of the snare is too high. This general intends to give the price of a first-class killer to lead the team."

Without the ground to take action against Ying Zheng, it was naturally impossible for Luo Wang to help him for free and cooperate with Ye Mu.

As for the nighttime cooperation with the snare, although it is not free, the price is much lower.

Who said Qin is stronger and the net is stronger?

Only in this way can friendship be established. There is no point in refusing to accept it. Hold it in, who says you are inferior to others in strength?

In the past, Ye Mu was like this, and the vitality of the birds was greatly damaged. After the power of the court was damaged, Ye Mu no longer had the confidence to speak forcefully.

"Here comes another Tianzi first-class killer. Each of us will be responsible for the price of one, and the rest will go to the public account."

"It's safer this way. You can also use the trick to see if there is a chance to severely damage Liusha or Tianze."

"No matter which one is hit hard, we can seize the opportunity to destroy them."

"If you are lucky and hit two of them hard at the same time, night will completely cover the sky in South Korea."

"Not only can the lost profits be recovered in full, but they can also reach a whole new level!"

Bai Yifei felt it was not enough and suggested increasing efforts.

Ji Wuye thought for a moment after hearing the words, and felt that it made sense. Regardless of the pain in his body, Peng slapped the bronze table with his palm, and a trace of a sinister smile appeared on his rough face.

"Okay, let's give it a try!"

After the two discussed it, they immediately started making arrangements and sent people to contact the Luowang headquarters through secret channels.

Afterwards, Bai Yifei secretly left the General's Mansion, went out of Xinzheng to join his soldiers, and returned to Xinzheng City openly at sunset.

In order to prevent Liusha and Tianze from taking action before they were ready, the two of them did not play the trick of being loose on the outside and tight on the inside. They deployed elite soldiers to guard both inside and outside the mansion, and they were also followed by fully armed elite soldiers when traveling.

In Xinzheng City, the two of them cannot be called heavily guarded by troops. After all, the capital is such an important place that there is no way to mobilize troops on a large scale without a strong reason!

But his own strength, the vigilance of Bainiao, and the special capital environment are definitely enough to deal with the assassination.

That night, the letter sent at night fell into Xuanjian's hands, and Xuanjian delivered it to Chengyu.

After reading the opened letter, Cheng Xi smiled meaningfully and then handed the letter to Xuan Jian.

After reading it, Xuan Jian smiled and said: "Master Hou, Ye Mu finally couldn't bear the pressure and began to seek foreign help."

"Yes, we have finally come to this point."

"If I hadn't been concerned about the success of Qin's takeover of South Korea and whether South Korea could be peaceful in the future and not cause chaos to Qin, I would have forced it long ago."

"Where can there be so much trouble?"

"It's just that the twisted melon is not sweet. Although you can taste it, it won't last long."

"Night is deeply rooted in South Korea. If you are convinced in person but not convinced in heart, and you are submissive in secret, you will definitely be in trouble."

"Ji Wuye, Bai Yifei are not peaceful masters, and neither are the other core members of the night."

"If we kill them, a group of evil wolves will have no restraint, and it will be easy for other forces to take advantage of them."

"The so-called wolf was wiped out, and the hyena came again!"

"Now that Ye Mu takes the initiative to ask for help, it is equivalent to luring a wolf into the house, and it is a wolf that is much stronger than them. This makes it a lot easier to handle."

"Forget it, since Ye Mu is asking for help from Luo Wang, then we have to let Ye Mu gradually understand one thing!"

When Cheng Yu said this, he did not continue, but picked up the tea cup and took a slow sip of tea.

Xuan Jian has been following Cheng Xi for quite some time, and his head is obviously much smarter, and he can already communicate and win praises.

For a first-class assassin, especially with Xuan Jian's character, this is already quite an incredible thing.

"Master Hou, let Ye Mu understand what is going on?"

Cheng Xi put down his tea cup and said with a smile: "Let Ye Mu understand that the quicksand that gives them such a headache is just a piece of cake for the snare and can be wiped out with just a flip of the hand!"

Xuanjian nodded in approval when he heard this, but he didn't feel that Cheng Yu was talking big words.

Based on his recent contact with Liusha, Liusha's strength is not that strong.

Given his strength, if he uses various assassination methods to defeat him, without strong foreign aid, the core members of Quicksand will hardly be spared.

He is not afraid of the Inverse Scale Sword Spirit. The sword wielder is not strong enough, but the power he exerts is just passable.

"Master Hou, what method of destruction are you talking about?"

"You must be reluctant to kill someone, right?"

Cheng Yu was stunned for a moment, then laughed and cursed: "You Xuanjian, you have become a lot more courageous, how dare you tease me?"

When Xuan Jian heard that Cheng Xi called himself "I", he knew that Cheng Xi was not angry. He said with a smile on his face, "Isn't it because of the generosity of the Marquis that I have such courage?"

"Hahaha, you actually know how to flatter me."

"It seems that having a family and having children really changes a man a lot."

When Xuan Jian heard this, he looked at Cheng Jian and laughed without saying anything.

Of course, Cheng Yu had no intention of arguing with Xuan Jian. He turned over the chapter and said calmly: "It's just a matter of breaking up the core members of Liusha."

As for the Wei Zhuang group not forming a new Liusha, Cheng Xi didn't care.

Regardless of whether the team is formed or not, he has a way to deal with it, and he can't make any waves and is of no help to the general situation.

If nothing else, if Wei Zhuang still forms a new Liusha, then he will send Gai Nie to play with his junior brothers, let them fall in love and kill each other, and let them play by themselves.

Gai Nie is really good at defeating Wei Zhuang, and Wei Zhuang is really good at defeating Gai Nie, but the former is more powerful.

"This subordinate will understand that from now on, Qianqian should get closer to Miss Zinu."

Cheng Xi smiled and did not express any objection.

This made Xuan Jian feel relieved and comfortable.

Logically speaking, his wife is absolutely not qualified to be close to Cheng Yu's woman.

Not to mention the women who entered the Yonghou Mansion, even the outer rooms without entrances were the same.

But Xuan Jian didn't expect that Wei Qianqian's father would definitely qualify.

The Kingdom of Wei has not yet been destroyed, so the status of the legitimate daughter of the great general of Wei is naturally very noble.

Of course, Cheng Jian was not born because of Wei Yong, but because Xuan Jian was his confidant and could kill anyone, so he naturally had to treat him differently.

"Go and send a message to Zhanri and Zhao Gao, asking them to send the Six Sword Slaves over."

"But since the price given by Ye Mo is not enough, the services provided are limited, and temporary price increases are not acceptable."

"Let the two of them think of the reason why the specifications are too high for Six Sword Slave."

Showing power, but limited help.

This is what is called Jiang Taigong fishing, and whoever is willing to take the bait is the way to go!

It can also be regarded as raising the bandits' self-respect. If you want to destroy the "bandits", you have to add "money"!

And it’s possible to catch more than one fish…


Xuanjian bowed and clasped his fists to accept the order, and the next moment his figure disappeared instantly...

This chapter has been completed!
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