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Chapter 174 Inherited Object: White Turtle-Gen

 Hearing Tijie Kano talk about these past events, Yi Xia suddenly smiled.

The humor in this process is naturally difficult for outsiders to appreciate.

"Weaving a catastrophic fate, it's rare that you still remember this."

Then, Yi Xia had a thought in her mind and took out something from her backpack.

After recalling the relationship between Tijie and Kano, Yi Xia started rummaging through the messy items in her backpack.

For the previous Yi Xia, that strange item of destiny was a very useful amplifier for opening treasure chests.

As for later, he did not lack this bit of luck.

On Earth, Yi Xia, who is holding a yellow snake, has gained a level of luck that is unimaginable for ordinary people.

"Item of Destiny: Eye of the Great..."

Tijie Kano watched Yi Xia take out the object from the item backpack.

She couldn't help but say with some nostalgia.

Even in the long years that have passed, on her great ladder of self-achievement and miracles.

This was once considered by her as a fateful artifact that might be a great help to her legend.

In reality, not much effectiveness occurs.

What if I forget?

Tijie-Cano thought she might never forget this name.

During those long years full of hardship and numbness, this item became her spiritual support to a certain extent.

It allowed Tije-Cano to survive those difficult times.

And when Tijie Cano really accomplished the great goal that was once considered "impossible".

This strange object, filled with powerful destiny, no longer seems as perfect and brilliant as in memory.

Perhaps, as the god said, this is also her obsession...

"It's the way I remember it, it's been many years..."

Tijie Kano smiled as she spoke.

Then, she drank the witch medicine in one gulp.

Those things that have passed, those things that are not humane, seem to be drinking like this and turning into smoke.

Afterwards, Tijie Kano placed the object in her hand on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

Yi Xia glanced at it curiously. He knew that this should be the inheritance component of the shaman profession brought by Tijie Kano from the wilderness.

But what makes Yi Xia quite strange is that he didn't feel any substantial breath from above.

It's like, it's just an ordinary turtle shell.

And as Yi Xia's consciousness was filled with endless fire, the cracked turtle shell-like object began to emit a faint light.

An ancient and obscure atmosphere gradually lingers on it...

This is……

Yi Xia suddenly had some ideas.

Then, he reached out and picked up the turtle shell.

In this way, this agreement that spanned a long time and took place when the two legends were extraordinary has been completed today...

The next moment, a new message flashed on Yi Xia's retina:

"Tips from the Internet: Based on the relevant verbal agreement between you and Tijie Kano (for details, please click here to open the contract/informal contract archive with your consciousness...), you have obtained the inherited object: White Turtle-Gen...



White turtle-gen:

Item Type: Limited Heritage Rare Item/Limited Professional Artifact

Item level: Level 22 (the item level fluctuates with the relevant professional level of the soul-bound person)

Restrictions on use: Level 20 or above of witchcraft or related advanced professions, must have the top professional title of witchcraft or related advanced professions, charm 25 points, and perception points above 25

The only soul-bound person: Yi Xia (real name mark)

Item effects:

1. The only inheritance-eternal binding:

This item will be bound to the user's relevant real concepts (the user needs to have relevant levels of concepts/current status: met). When the item is permanently bound to the user, it will be regarded as related to the user's concept.

External derivatives.

It can obtain a strength bonus based on the real concepts related to the eternal binder, and at the same time provide additional protection to the user's related concepts.

When the eternally bound person's concept is attacked or even severely damaged, this item will bear a conceptual destruction for the eternally bound person.

After the object is destroyed, it will absorb the relevant life force of the eternally bound person and return to the material world.

The current proportion of vitality required to absorb is: 15.7%~16.3%

Limitation: This item can only be used normally when held by the only soul-bound person/This item can be lent to other individuals who meet the basic conditions by the eternally bound person, but it will not be able to exert the relevant restricted abilities.


This item can be used as a limited item for related professions to cast spells, and restrain the results of related spells to reduce interfering factors.

Adaptive skew limits:

The Eternal Bound can inspire the power of the item to perform an adaptive divination.

When the divination-related elements are related to the Eternal Bound, the divination result will receive a double huge bonus based on the concept of the Eternal Bound and life strength.

When divination continues to be activated, adaptive divination will continue to consume the character's vitality (adaptive adjustment).

During the divination process, if the character is interfered or blocked by other related forces, the character can offset the related effects by consuming his own life force (considered as annihilation damage, which can be reduced by related resistances and character abilities).

Please note: When the character's current remaining health is less than 30% of the maximum health, the calculation will be forcibly ended.

2. Di-gen:

This item can additionally increase the holder's natural armor.

Adaptive skew limits:

The Eternally Bound can obtain additional life recovery multiplier bonus.

At the same time, when in a limited area, the eternally bound person gains additional natural armor based on his or her maximum health.趞


This item can be carried in the item backpack as a special rare item, and will additionally increase the professional training progress of the carrier/eternally bound person.

Adaptive skew limits:

Those who are eternally bound can obtain a huge natural bloodline growth speed bonus based on the character's professional level.

The current bonus speed is: 220 times

Related inheritance: Xiantian Bagua-Wanxiang (the prerequisite basic ability requirements are not met)...




And as the dense reminders of related heritage items refreshed on Yi Xia's retina, he suddenly felt the gaze from far away in time and space.

It is kind and close like an elder in the family, and it also carries the recognition and expectations of a comrade.

The next moment, a new prompt message flashed on Yi Xia's retina:

"Important reminder from Zongwang: You have received eternal blessing - wind..."


Eternal Blessings-Wind:

Type: Eternal state/concept entry


The character's bloodline growth always shows positive gain (great divine power)


Yi Xia didn't pay attention to the prompt information refreshing on her retina.

His eyes filled with endless firelight stared at the old gaze of distant time and space.

Old and new, old and young...

Across the boundless time and space, the two great wizards met their eyes...



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