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Chapter 247 There are always creatures on earth who dare to look directly at the brilliance of stars


As if she was electrocuted, Yudina suddenly withdrew her gaze!

The fair skin around her eyes that was used by elves suddenly had a new circle of burning cracks that looked like cracks!

The eyeballs that turned red instantly conveyed uncontrollable severe pain!

It was a pain that even Yudina could not suppress, and she even let out a cry of pain uncontrollably.

What a terrifying scene that was...

Udina could not describe the scene she just saw.

It's not like the spirituality that mortal creatures should have.

Looking directly at the sun?

No, that is a more unspeakable horror...

It seemed like a realm of chaos shrouded in violent flames and monstrous killings.

Multiple indescribably ferocious and huge figures emerged in the realm of chaos.

A star that theoretically should emit infinite fire, but takes on a mysterious form, appears in the middle.

And this is just the silhouette that Yudina caught a glimpse of...

However, Yudina had not yet escaped from the severe pain and shock.

Some unprecedented fear of death caused her to suppress the severe pain in her eyes and forcefully move.

Sure enough, the next moment, a wisp of light broke through the forest in her area!

Like a hot blade cutting off a piece of butter, a large blank exuding an ominous atmosphere was cut out of the forest that was already crumbling under the violent impact!

Although Yudina's spirituality suffered an extremely violent impact during the prying process.

But in the realm of the forest, her premonition of danger cannot be weakened.

It seems she made a wrong choice...

Udina realized this.

The power of nature is trying hard to heal the suffering she has suffered.

But without any preparation, he looked directly at the spirituality of the great shaman at such a close distance.

Such damage cannot be repaired in a short time even by the power of nature.

How terrifying and horrifying that is...

Even until now, Yudina felt that her breath seemed to carry a bit of fiery and bloody breath.

It was as if just such a brief peek had caused that violent power to permanently infect her senses.

Yudina couldn't imagine it.

How many lives had to be killed before such a bloody atmosphere existed.

What puzzled her even more was:

Even after she has spied on the opponent's truth to a certain extent, her natural judgment power cannot cause enough effective additional damage to him.

Of course, it's not entirely impossible.

But Yudina felt that at best, that level was equivalent to some arsonists who behaved quite badly.

The depth of blood corresponding to the other party is completely separated.

The burning pain like spiritual needles and the bad condition of the flesh and blood body and eyeballs caused Yudina's condition to deteriorate rapidly.

To be honest, she doesn't have much desire to win now.

She just wanted to figure out what the true nature of this guy was.

An exotic ancient god?

A monster from the past?

Or are they those terrifying beings who were born by destiny?

Yudina couldn't understand.

What she couldn't accept the most was that such a guy was on the same track as her...

Although Udina is easy to push, this guy won't stay in this circuit for long.

But this also means that at her level, it is possible to reach such a level.

Yudina had to accept the outcome of failure.

In itself, spying on the other party's spirituality is an operation that carries certain risks.

If successful, she has a certain probability of seeing the opponent's weakness.

This was also one of the few choices that could break the deadlock when faced with a situation with no chance of winning.

In fact, before this, Yudina believed that her attempt had a certain success rate.

It is more common to be strong physically but lacking spiritually.

Rather than what she is experiencing now...

As the natural choice, Udina possesses the means to attack at the spiritual level.

It can even be said that he is quite proficient.

However, attacks in the spiritual realm are not as "frizzy" as those in the material world.

It often requires some mistakes to produce more outstanding results.

If used as a means of frontal attack, it is often not so satisfactory.

Therefore, if she can successfully find the other party's spiritual weakness.

Then, Yudina felt that she had a chance to win.

Of course, if it fails, there will be nothing to say.

Now, Udina must suffer the consequences of her wrong choices.

In an already disadvantaged battle, this kind of unfavorable decision may make her comeback to the level of "theoretical existence of the multiverse".

After all, Yudina now fully knows what kind of monster she is facing...

But really speaking, I feel that I have gained something from this time-space arena battle with Yudina - at least during this period, she will no longer think about drawing the bow string to the fullest...

The next moment, Yudina opened the comprehensive network panel with her consciousness and decisively chose to give up the battle.

To be honest, there is nothing theoretically wrong with continuing to fight.

But the forest has told her - the risk of being hit by the opponent's weapon...

It was a pain that even plants could not withstand, and it was the most fundamental tear coming from the depths of spirituality...

As an individual favored by nature, Yudina can perceive it from another perspective and even be substituted into that concept.

Seriously, she has her own responsibilities.

Although there is no war for the time being, it allows her to have free time to participate in competitive activities.

However, this kind of situation that may cause damage to her physical world state should be avoided as much as possible.

As the judge of nature, she must always be prepared to face darkness and erosion.

Putting aside the responsibilities temporarily and starting from a more practical and personal perspective, it is probably another reason - it hurts too much to be hit!

Yudina feels that she still has some characteristics like "idol baggage".

And as Udina used her consciousness to choose to give up the fight.

The next moment, the entire space-time arena suddenly changed.

At this moment, time and space seemed to have become stagnant.

The sea of ​​​​fire that was originally raging completely stopped at a certain moment.

But Yudina could feel her thoughts, and she didn't seem to be affected by this stagnation.

"Tips from the comprehensive network: One party has chosen to give up the battle, and the relevant time and space arena judgment evaluation is in progress..."

"Tips from the comprehensive network: After the evaluation is completed, it is a standard operation for the contestants to give up the battle, and this round of battle is over..."

In this way, on one side is the remaining forest and the small figure standing in embarrassment under the tree, on the other side is the burning sea of ​​fire and the majestic body standing on the earth.

Yi Xia took back the witch flag and stared at the elves underneath with eyes filled with endless fire.

"Earth, Yi Xia."

A sound more violent than thunder roared in the sky.

This chapter has been completed!
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