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Chapter 330 Legendary Evil Lord Gremitz: Idiot! Don’t eat it!

 Regarding the Chaos Void, most of the creatures in the multiverse know very little.

Of course, this may not be a bad thing.

Because when you have a sufficient understanding of the void, it often corresponds to irreversible disaster and destruction...

Not all worlds have plane guardians powerful enough or native supernatural power powerful enough to withstand the void.

When countless void beings descend into the material world along the cracks in space.

Killing and destruction will become the tone of a colder and crueler world...

Therefore, how many existences know that there is such a vast "ocean" in this chaotic void...

The legendary Lord of Evil Void - Gremitz stands in the deep chaos.

Some kind of invisible force turned into eternal shackles and tightly wrapped around its huge body.

This is a curse that it once slaughtered in a certain material world and was imposed by a mortal creature in that world...

This curse forced Gremitz to temporarily stay away from the material world.

Otherwise, the shackles that continue to become heavier with killing and death will remain in a certain destroyed material world forever...

That is certainly not enough to destroy a powerful legendary void evil lord.

But Gremitz knew that the real trouble was after it was trapped...

It has swallowed the souls of countless intelligent beings.

Those wailing and weak wills will occasionally bring it some messages belonging to the material world.

Gremitz's evil and cold eyes stared greedily at the material world that had not yet been destroyed.

In fact, Gremitz does not consider himself a destroyer.

In the souls of those mortal things, Gremitz found its place:

It should be a herder...

Ah, who can deny the wonderful taste of a free soul...

It greedily devours everything.

The wise or the stupid, the poor or the strong...

Gremitz believes that he devours all free souls equally.

Only when you accidentally get too immersed will everything become less wonderful...

But it doesn’t matter:

Creatures of flesh and blood are always endless.

It seems that in just a blink of an eye, they will emerge from the earth in dense numbers again.

Of course, sometimes, among those weak, screaming flesh and blood creatures, some... freaks can always be born...

As a person who has suffered a lot, Gremitz naturally knows this very clearly.

Now, it chooses to temporarily dormant in the deep sea of ​​void.

The power of chaos from the void impacts the curse of order on it all the time.

Gremitz could feel that the chains on his body were getting weaker little by little...

It has plenty of patience.

When the curse of order completely collapsed from it.

There was a hint of ferocity and greed in Gremitz's cold eyes.

It will start again, a grand hunt!

At this moment, Gremitz suddenly noticed a dangerous pulse.

That is the unique ability of the Lord of Evil Thoughts:

Everything is intertwined with the unique pulse of coldness and profoundness.

When the cold concept of a thing gradually becomes stronger, that is when the final moment given by its natural destiny is approaching.

The Lord of Evil Thoughts can drag things into the final moment of their fate in advance.

Of course, if there are beings who happen to enter such a state, the Lord of Evil Thoughts will of course be happy to "help" them...

And just after Gremitz locked his eyes on the deep-sea monster that exuded an ominous aura out of curiosity.

It suddenly noticed something was wrong.


Gremitz sensed the seasonal movement that spread like a plague in an instant.

It sees the impending destruction.

But it can't do anything...

At this moment, the curse of order, which had been gradually weakening, suddenly became unprecedentedly powerful!

The whisper that came from the skull of mortal beings suddenly sounded at this moment:

"I, along with my companions from other times and places, impose the curse of voluntary sacrifice: you will despair of witnessing your own destruction..."

No! Idiot!

Gremitz mobilized his dark power with all his strength, trying to suppress the curse of order on his body.

It worked:

Under the abrasion of the void for a long time, even such a vicious curse cannot be maintained for a long time.

With an elusive shattering sound, Gremitz escaped from the suppression of the Curse of Order.

At this time, it had already seen the huge figure in the deep sea suddenly swallowing a tiny, seemingly harmless piece of void matter...

The next moment, a burning Qingtian figure suddenly appeared in the void!

Gremitz didn't hesitate at all and started the void jump directly.

It doesn't know what the hell those stupid void monsters have attracted.

But it smelled the strong end of fate in those guys...

The other party is not here for it.

But if it stays here, it will also pay for the actions of these idiots.

However, perhaps Gremitz's behavior was too conspicuous.

Just like among the seemingly endless schools of fish under the sea, a big fish goes against the school of fish...

This mother undoubtedly attracted the fisherman's attention.


The next moment, some violent force suddenly exploded in the deep sea of ​​void!

Feeling that the time and space around him suddenly became chaotic, Gremitz had to stop the void transition.

The void is already extremely chaotic, and under such circumstances, a transition is forcibly launched.

Even the twisted existence born here cannot bear it.

Just like fish in the deep sea, they can swim freely in the depths of the ocean that most living creatures cannot reach.

But this does not mean that when a disaster such as a deep-sea volcano erupts, everything will remain as usual...

Those are two completely different element requirements...

As a result, Gremitz's ferocious figure kept flashing in this deep sea.

In the end, it managed to avoid the chaotic realm that was constantly collapsing...

The violent roar of the shattered void realm is like a big bell ringing in the soul, bringing a strong and stimulating feeling.

However, Gremitz did not wait for him to completely escape from the violent destruction.

The next moment, a burning and majestic figure suddenly appeared behind it!

Gremitz's dark consciousness shrank sharply, and the aura of final destiny was stronger than ever!

And at this moment, the curse of order that had collapsed gave it its final inspiration!

A slight stagnation, like a pale and dangerous bloody hand, placed Gremitz on the edge of life and death!

The next moment, the violent chaos force tore apart its evil body!

The power of the explosion undoubtedly annihilated its evil consciousness!

And at the moment of annihilation, Gremitz seemed to understand the feelings of those mortal objects.

Ah, what a bunch of damn fools!

This chapter has been completed!
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