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Chapter 127: The Battle of Snake Hill by the Rat People (two updates!)

 I just came...

Sitting on the high-speed train on the way back, Yi Xia thought about the tourist group she met by chance while riding the high-speed train.

Although Yi Xia could not glimpse the magnificent destiny.

But their spirituality has more or less extraordinary traces.

If ghosts and gods do not exist, there will naturally be no so-called guidance from the underworld.

But just like the body lacks certain elements, it will eagerly want to eat certain foods.

An instinctive desire for the transcendent will drive them there.

In a sense, it can also be regarded as a kind of traction in a macro sense?

Unfortunately, Yi Xia is not interested in a bunch of rookies.

What's more, they are still a bunch of rookies who may be in a lot of trouble.

The inheritance of extraordinary power is not just about power.

In particular, the inheritance of the extraordinary Eastern civilization genealogy must involve ideas, orthodoxy, and even historical grievances.

Coupled with the fickle nature of people's hearts, it is nothing new for a close friend to act like a fool.

It is possible to have a harmonious atmosphere, but friction and collision are inevitable.

Wu Jin has already withdrawn from the big stage of the times, but they still come together to watch the excitement.

The most important thing is that there is no one who can fight.

This made Yi Xia feel a little depressed.

He has little interest in developing partners for discussion.

Is it that the dungeon is difficult to clear, or is the illusion from the trial leader not strong enough?

Even if you have that time, it would be good to go online and watch the ladies for a while.

On the high-speed train, Yi Xia yawned.

He already got what he wanted.

There is no coveting for other inheritances.

Collect all the colorful mushrooms and save them for training minions and lackeys later?

That's not what Yi Xia would do.

He disdained this.

It's not because he's lazy...



When the sun hung high in the sky, Yi Xia finally returned to Liucheng.

Walking through the familiar quiet alley, Yi Xia cast a non-magical creature expulsion spell.


Close the iron door and darkness swallows everything.

Yi Xia stretched her body and felt like she was back home.

After releasing the Gu insects that had been resting for almost 24 hours and taking out a wave of poisonous miasma, Yi Xia devoured them happily.

Although the scarlet poisonous mist and the poisonous miasma and yin fire of the Colorful Forest were redeemed, Yi Xia Fei's level progress reached more than 40%.

But the possibility of encountering such a beautiful thing every day is too small.

Although the poisonous miasma of Gu insects is not so generous, it is still a stable income.

Yi Xia thought for a moment and did not report to the trial leader first.

He opened the comprehensive network panel of today's dungeon to see if any valuable dungeons had been refreshed today.

As Yi Xia's consciousness fluctuated, the details of today's copy were flashed on his retina:


1. Chasing the Thunder Nest

Type: daily copy

Difficulty: Normal

Entry cost: 150 comprehensive network disaster coins

Recommended challenge level: Level 6~9

Output: Network disaster coins (a small amount), general experience (certain), magic equipment (rare)

Limited output: Follower-Thunderbird (rare)

2. The Battle of Snake Hill among the Skaven

Type: daily copy

Difficulty: Hard + (massive enemies)

Entry cost: 150 comprehensive network disaster coins

Recommended challenge level: Level 6~9

Output: Network disaster coins (a small amount), general experience (certain), magic equipment (rare)

Limited output: The Ratman's King's Certificate (you can obtain it with a certain probability after leading the Ratmen to defeat the Demonic Snake troops head-on and successfully beheading the Demonic Snake leader. It is also possible to obtain it by killing the Demonic Snake leader normally and clearing the level).


Yi Xia stopped at the second copy.

In the description of the copy, there are a lot of words that have been missing for a long time.

God knows, only a few days have passed.

Always play hand-to-hand training with the Trial Leader.

The sight of enemies all over the place seemed like a long time ago.

Looks like you have good luck today?

Just enough to replenish a wave of souls...

If the Rat Man is nothing, he will also be packed away.

Yi Xia's attitude towards kind and neutral intelligent life is relatively good.

The premise is that the other party will not take the initiative to attack him.

As for evil intelligent beings and monsters?

Their souls and flesh and blood will be very good food...

Witchcraft, in the eyes of the foreigners in the wild land, has never been a good concept.

The next moment, Yi Xia directly chose to enter the dungeon.

As Yi Xia's consciousness fluctuated, relevant prompt information appeared on his retina.

The material world gradually faded away, and Yi Xia's consciousness fell into a trance...



Copy: Ratman’s Battle of Snake Hill

Smell, stench, rancidity...

When Yi Xia regained consciousness, he immediately smelled various odors in the air.

Looking around, Yi Xia found that she was standing in a hilly area.

It is surrounded by rolling hills.

It seemed that there had been a fierce battle, and the surroundings were filled with the corpses of various rat people and demonic snakes.

A rat-man with a sly eyebrow was lying in the trench next to him fearfully.

Yi Xia once fought against rat men in the sewers of a certain instance.

He looked at the rat man for a long time, and after realizing that the other party had no intention of attacking, he ignored it.

As for the demonic snake?

Yi Xia looked at the twisted body that looked like a python with a human-like face.

Some kind of instinct told Yi Xia that this thing couldn't be used to refine Gu.

The economic value has dropped significantly...

Yi Xia shook his head, it seemed he could only replenish his soul.

"Network prompt: The transmission is successful and the character enters the copy: the battle scene of the Ratman's Snake Hill"


Dungeon monster information:

1. Challenge unit +: Demonic snake (level 5, massive)

2. Demon Snake Leader (level 7 leader, 1)

3. Neutral unit: ratmen (level 3, large number)

Copy related branches:

1. Friendship of the rat people (after completing it, you can get the help of the rat people, please help the rat people next to you to evacuate the battlefield safely)

2. Surrender of the rat people (after completion, you will obtain the military command of the rat people, and you need to complete the prerequisite task 1)."

Yi Xia glanced at the comprehensive network information that appeared on her retina.

In addition to the brief information about the monsters in the dungeon, there are also 2 additional side quests.

Rat man?

Yi Xia looked at the rat man next to him who seemed to have escaped from the frontal battlefield.

It was much stronger than the murlocs Yi Xia had encountered in the sewers.

But it doesn't have their crazy, bloodthirsty momentum.

"Where is the demon snake?"

The copy had built-in language proficiency, so Yi Xia walked directly across the trench and asked the ratman lying there.

The rat man pointed tremblingly in a direction.

Yi Xia threw a bottle of Life Mixture at it, and then it jumped up into the air in the other's horrified eyes.

As the height continued to stretch, Yi Xia was able to get a full view of the area he was currently in.

As he could see below, it was a hilly area covering a large area.

In the direction of the star, there is a big river, and on the other side of the river are green grasslands.

What the Rat Man is referring to is the other side:

That's the direction that goes deep into the hills, and you can see the undulating brown mountains in the distance.

Yi Xia activated his eyesight, and he quickly discovered two teams fighting fiercely under the obstruction of the mountains.

However, it seems that the leader of the demonic snake is not here.

Obviously, this is not the normal way to open a copy of the game.

Yi Xia grinned, he liked this abnormality.

The next moment, he directly urged the cloud head to fly over there...

This chapter has been completed!
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