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Chapter 387 A great epidemic in all realms

 A space-time sequence spore that has not been injected with information elements. "Tips from the Internet: The legendary forbidden spell: the space-time spore has been successfully mutated! You have obtained the legendary forbidden spell ability: Fei - Pandemic of All Realms!"


Fei - great epidemic in all realms:

Type: Legendary forbidden spell-like ability

Level: Multiverse plague rule derivative (unique)

Spellcasting requirements (not necessary): Spores with time and space elements (spell enhancement)

Spell-like ability description:

After a swift action, the character can randomly release rule abstract modules containing plague elements to the selected area/world or towards the multiverse.

The rule abstract module released by this spell can carry all the spells, breaths of time and space, rule elements, etc. mastered by the character, and obtain additional strengthening effects in areas such as plague, corruption, and distortion.

Selected casting area: When the rule abstraction module arrives at the selected area, it will contaminate the relevant elements carried by the selected area.

Unselected casting area: The rule abstract module will automatically anchor the time and space that conforms to the corresponding rules based on the rules given by the caster's will, causing continuous pollution of relevant elements to the time and space.


Element pollution will automatically generate new rule abstract modules and automatically project towards the time and space where the plane system and surrounding plane systems meet the corresponding conditions.

The pollution caused by the rule abstract module cannot be purified through conventional spells, and can only be reorganized through the power of the rule level.


Releasing this type of spell ability through corresponding limited casting materials will greatly increase the probability of anchoring in time and space when the casting area is not selected.




Some kind of twisted power condensed in Yi Xia's sea of ​​consciousness.

As the ancient god of disaster corresponding to the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage.

From the extraordinary stage, Fei's star spirit power has provided a strong boost to Yi Xia's growth.

And Yi Xia has always exercised this dangerous and taboo power cautiously.

Until now...

When Yi Xia Qingtian's body was able to stand erect in the depths of the chaotic void.

Yi Xia felt that he might try to uncover this taboo...

Fei - A great epidemic in all realms...

Suddenly, the profound light in Yi Xia's mountain-like magic book suddenly became powerful!

Even in this chaotic void, its unique light is not obliterated by chaos.

As the prompt information on the retina was refreshed, Yi Xia gradually understood this forbidden spell based on the elements of Fei.

Yi Xia quickly summarized it:

In addition to throwing and harvesting, there are even fully automated fish cages that can achieve unlimited self-proliferation...

Of course, you must be more cautious when setting it as an anchor to the world.

After all, Yi Xia was planning to directly release the aura of the land of abundance as a plague.

This is probably its rather basic application.

But obviously, Yi Xia does not intend to develop it more in-depth in this area.

He thinks that now, he has been able to gradually master and control the power of this taboo.

But this does not mean that he can abuse it without limit.

Pandemic, in the history of extraordinary civilizations with Eastern pedigree, has never been a word that can be considered lightly.

And when it showed up in the most violent and taboo form in the extraordinary realm.

That weight arises spontaneously...



After gaining the ability to control the epidemic in all realms, Yi Xia did not delay.

The Archdruid presented him with a sufficient amount of space-time spores and carefully taught him how to cultivate space-time spores.

Therefore, Yi Xia is not in a hurry to plant those space-time spores first.

Speaking of which, in addition to space-time spores, other food spores also need to be planted.

Yi Xia planned to deal with it together after testing the effects of the plague in all realms.

In this way, Yi Xia pulled it directly from the chaotic void next to him.

The next moment, a mist-like object with endless twists appeared in Yi Xia's palm.

This is the scent that Yi Xia ingests directly from the land of abundance.

Yi Xia didn't know how other spellcasters absorbed their breath.

For him, the most proficient and only method he currently has is to absorb the concepts of things.

At the earliest time, Yi Xia remembered that it was just to give her food more spiciness...

Later, Yi Xia took out a ball of space-time spores from the item backpack.

Although space-time spores are called spores.

But its actual size is at least half the size of a fishman.

Yi Xia used her magic power to inject the mist absorbed from the land of abundance into her palm.

As the most recommended casting material in relevant information on the Internet, space-time spores quickly absorbed this twisted aura.

Compared with Fei, the predecessor of the great plague in all worlds, it is a violent force inherited from the ancient god of disaster in the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern pedigree.

Its requirements for materials are not that high.

It doesn't matter whether there is information injected or not, the power of the plague is enough to contaminate everything...

What's more, it's just the bit of information in the space-time spores?

Of course, Yi Xia did not doubt the characteristics of the chaotic void corresponding to the fertile land he controlled.

He has witnessed and even destroyed too many worlds corrupted by the void.

Although it sounds like this, the world seems to be very fragile and can be corrupted at every turn.

But in fact, those evil gods who claim to have unlimited power have been tossing for a long time, and often at best they have corrupted a certain kingdom.

The corruption of the entire world is not that easy.

Afterwards, Yi Xia began to think deeply about the rules that anchored the world.

This must be carefully considered.

First, Yi Xia presets the first rule:

It must be a world of evil alignment...

As for other rules, Yi Xia improved and supplemented them bit by bit.

He must ensure that the world anchored by the great epidemic in the world will not affect the innocent world.

At the same time, we must prevent the anchor from becoming too dangerous.

Yi Xia does not believe that the current self can run rampant in the multiverse.

It's just that compared to before, his behavior in the multiverse no longer has so many constraints...

It took Yi Xia a lot of time to set the anchoring rules for major epidemics in all realms.

In order to prevent the release of major epidemics in various worlds from causing an out-of-control situation in the infinite proliferation.

Yi Xia also specially added some insurance.

He himself possesses the power of the famous star spirit, so in this regard, it is not as difficult as imagined.

In this way, everything is ready.

Looking at the tiny space-time spore in his palm, Yi Xia's sea of ​​consciousness, which was raging with infinite fire, began to move.

Chaos mana can penetrate time and space.

The ancient disaster remembered by the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage once again appeared in the most ferocious form in the depths of the chaotic void...

This chapter has been completed!
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