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Chapter 401 Norbertson: Crazy Chaos

 So, although maybe I am not very happy.

But Nobson still became a live audience in this epic disaster that was, to a certain extent, unprecedented.

Of course, maybe it’s not the only one?

After all, in addition to Nobson, there are many small figures that are difficult to gaze at under the world that is constantly falling towards the land of abundance.

It's just that these existences, due to camp or other factors, obviously do not have as good luck as Nobson...

If it is the evil camp, even Nobson will not have a chance to escape from the void...

Only under very limited circumstances, when faced with a small group of special evil camp groups, would Yi Xia communicate in a relatively peaceful manner.

In this way, thousands of worlds are like stars falling into the deep sky...

Nobson and his void dog sat neatly in the only light in this chaos.

At this moment, this blazing light did not make anyone or the dog feel so dazzling and resisting.

Instead, as many fallen worlds began to fight, one person and one dog could feel an unprecedented sense of security...

Although until now, Nobson has not been able to search for any information about this powerful existence from his mind - under normal circumstances, his comrades and mounts are responsible for searching for such information related to the void.

After all, information involving the void itself can easily carry strong enough distortion pollution.

For Nobson, who wants to maintain his own purity, he is naturally unwilling to have too much contact.


In Nobson's opinion, the void is not a good place for exploration.

Even though it is full of endless unknowns, there is actually no good exploration experience...

Because when all discoveries can be "new discoveries", then the fun of "discovery" itself is obviously not that strong.

In short, although I don't know whether the goodwill of this powerful being named "Yi Xia" towards them is stable and true.

Now, one person and one dog have no choice.

Nobson glanced at the Void Dog next to him calmly.

After receiving the signal from his eyes, Nobson withdrew his gaze thoughtfully.

Communication at the conscious level no longer has the elements of privacy and security.

On the contrary, this primitive communication method can be more stable.

This guy must know the other party's information, and he must be a dangerous enough existence...

However, due to the other party's powerful power, it did not dare to send the message to itself.

But for now, it should be safe?

Nobson analyzed silently.

He was not sure whether his innermost thoughts could also be perceived by the other party.

Facing such an existence, one is as helpless as an ordinary mortal encountering a legendary lord...

Not to mention resisting, even the fluctuations in my thoughts are not secret at all...

Therefore, Nobson can suppress those unnecessary thoughts for the time being and wait for the end of this grand stage of chaos.

At this time, indescribable scenes of madness and chaos are taking place in this place that cannot be enveloped by light.

Brutal killing and bloody devouring among twisted creatures...

Even the physical collision between those distorted worlds...

Perhaps because he was protected by the radiance of this powerful being, Nobson, who witnessed all this, actually found that he was in good condition.

There is no such feeling as "I feel like I want to grow a brain" at all.

If it had been in the past, Nobson would have gritted his teeth and dared to take out his tools and try to record it.

Even if it's just a vague outline, it's not a bad idea.

But this time, Nobson just stayed there.

In fact, he was quickly clearing his current memory.

Can this be memorized?

Only the Void Dog next to him was staring at him carelessly.

Nobson was somewhat puzzled.

This guy was scared to death before, why is he so brave now?

Although Nobson did not dare to connect to the other party's perception at the moment.

But Nobson could sense that the aura of his fighting partner was becoming stronger and stronger.

It already has a pure enough void bloodline.

And now, this chaotic epic is enough to distort and collapse the mind of any mortal being, and it is enough to sublimate its void bloodline.

Nobson was actually somewhat worried about this.

He himself is quite repulsive to the void.

So, it's not always about venturing into the void.

This time, the decision was made out of helplessness.

Nobson has been in contact with those void beings, so he understands their twisted life forms.

Nobson didn't want to see his fighting partner become like that.

Even then, it can really give the opponent several times or even more powerful combat capabilities than what they currently have.

But so what?

To become such a twisted and crazy existence, what can it do if it is more powerful?

But now, Nobson has no choice...

He can only wait for the final judgment of impermanent fate...

Before his eyes, madness and chaos far beyond ordinary physical understanding were unfolding in scenes of horrific scenes.

There is no climax, or in other words, there is a climax every moment...

In every gap of distorted time, countless distorted lives are being destroyed...

Nobson didn't know when it started, let alone when it would end.

Now, he has lost his orderly perception of time.

Maybe a long time has passed, maybe it's just a short moment...

Nobleson suddenly felt some kind of touch from the origin of life.

He turned his head suddenly:

Nobson saw that his fighting partners were expanding!

An indescribable violent aura is shrouding it!

The bloodline of the void received its original response after witnessing this crazy scene of deep chaos!

It is no longer sustained, like the life state of a large dog.

It turned into a mountain of twisted shadows, and countless crazy murmurs surrounded this chaotic life!

From a macro perspective, it still barely has the structure of previous canine life.

The difference is:

Those tissues that were once distinct from flesh and blood are no longer clear and distinct.

What fills it now is endless chaos and madness!

It's broken, I can't ride anymore...

With this look, Nobson felt that wherever he was in the material world, he might be chased and judged...

The only thing that reassures Nobson is:

The eyes in the opponent's head formed by the power of chaos still maintained the look he was familiar with.

And in the next moment, a powerful chaotic force poured into his life breath inexplicably!

Theoretically speaking, at this moment, countless crazy illusions should be flooding towards him.

But in fact, nothing happened...

Or maybe, he was already in the craziest center of this chaotic void...

At the same time, some undercurrents are surging in certain areas of the multiverse...

This chapter has been completed!
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