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Chapter 405 The Fusion Soup of the Distortion Abyss

 Chapter 1326 The Fusion Soup of the Abyss of Distortion (1st update!)

"Tips from the Internet: You have completed the creation of a legendary witch potion, and your related skills: the legendary witch potion specialization points have increased!"

"Tips from the Internet: The legendary refining was successful! You obtained the witch medicine: (legendary quality: 41/transcendence)!"

"Tips from the Internet: You have obtained the legendary witch medicine: Fusion Soup of the Twisted Abyss (Taboo Mark)"


Fusion Soup of the Twisted Abyss (Taboo Mark ①):

Type: Legendary Witch Potion Properties

Type: Legendary Witch Potion/Legendary Advanced Limited Taboo Twisted Product

Usage: Destruction②/drinking

Item information:

This item can be regarded as a standard share (planet-level life) of chaotic fusion collection (chaos deflection level: Chaos Void). It can continuously produce powerful chaotic fluctuations, permanently contaminating and distorting the rules of surrounding space and time.

(Distortion and deflection: based on the relevant will of the creator).

Comprehensive network high-risk pollution warning: This item is regarded as a pollution-type annihilation concept (pollution danger level: multiverse level disaster)!

Appendix information ①: This item has been jointly approved by organizations related to multiverse taboos at the time of its birth, and has been included in the list of general taboos in the multiverse. The seventh volume of Unnatural Creatures, "The Final Chapter of Warning"

Appendix information ②: This item (including but not limited to the item itself and its variants and derivatives) has been included in the concept of annihilation related to the multiverse.

Unique limitation:

Individuals who meet the limited requirements (there is no relevant public knowledge on the comprehensive network) can drink it to obtain a continuous and massive supply of vitality (based on the player's current maximum health comparison reference), and at the same time obtain a permanent constant after digestion.

Vitality regeneration bonus.

Legendary Prefix: Fusion of the Twisted Abyss

When this item is used as a witch potion, the permanent vitality recovery bonus it provides will be changed to full recovery and enhanced to a conceptual level (there is no energy replacement, and it will not be enhanced or weakened by other factors).




Fusion of the Twisted Abyss

Type: Spell-Like Ability (Holy)/Conceptual Feature

Restriction: The character's own life recovery speed must be greater than the life recovery/full recovery provided by the witch potion.

Capability description:

Chaotic fusion, disordered accumulation...

The powerful power precipitated in chaos allows the drinker to obtain a recovery bonus at the conceptual level of chaos.

This concept is based on the independent chaotic miracle born from the original elements related to the Chaos Void (unique/eternal), which is endowed by the rules of chaos, and its recovery is regarded as concept recovery.

Concept recovery does not interact with the drinker's own energy or external energy. It will not grow or be consumed. It is only affected by the intensity of the unique concept itself.


"Tips from the website: You have swallowed an extremely powerful legendary witch medicine, and you have absorbed a huge amount of nutrients from it. Your vitality has gained a permanent and huge increase, and your bloodline has grown at a huge growth rate: 8, 28 years →

9,48 years (2 years ↑).”

"Tips from the comprehensive network: Based on the related changes in your bloodline, your shaman body shape information changes as follows: 3,034,6 meters high (174,6 meters ↑)...

"Tips from the Internet: You have obtained the concept of chaos: the fusion of the Abyss of Distortion, and you have obtained a greater improvement in the constant overall recovery ability (based on the character's current life recovery speed comparison reference)..."



The curtain parted...

Or after witnessing Yi Xia drinking this witch soup that shines with the brilliance of chaotic fusion.

For those beings who spy on the changes in the chaotic void, they have achieved their goals to a certain extent:

They knew what kind of changes all this stemmed from.

Although that is surprising enough, it seems perfectly reasonable.

It's just that this rough method and related attitude, which is slightly beyond the thinking of orderly creatures, has also led to some less calm thoughts.

After comfortably drinking a pot of witch soup, Yi Xia, who was finally free, began to look at the densely packed sights intertwined in the fertile land.

Just like the sun of the physical world has set behind the horizon.

The dazzling sight that was originally filled with this chaotic world suddenly became only a sluggish afterglow.

And this "afterglow" quickly disappeared into the darkness of time and space, like waking up from a dream.

Everyone was watching before, so it was nothing.

No one will feel that they are unlucky...

But now, there are only a few goals left.

It would obviously not be polite to stop here any longer.

Although so far, Yi Xia's hunting behavior in the multiverse has not violated those realms of kindness.

But as to how to define "evil".

If you really talk about it, it is a topic that can extend a huge amount of obscure knowledge.

Who dares to so accurately define or even constrain the categories of evil identified by Yi Xia?

In the current situation where Yi Xia appears as an absolute enemy of the evil sequence, those beings on the level of order and goodness will not seek trouble.

The enemy of an enemy may not necessarily be a friend, but there is no need to provoke them into enemies either...

Anyway, in comparison, those in the evil camp will undoubtedly have a lot of headaches.

Because Yi Xia has already demonstrated a keen sense of malice in the multiverse dimension many times before, it can be said to be a keen sense of the elements of the multiverse's hierarchical rules.

They couldn't even discuss this matter in such a big way.

As for snooping?

In the early days when many dark worlds began to fall, there were still some unknowing dark beings who glanced at them from afar.

After discovering the true situation, a certain oppressive silence spread like a plague.

It was as if at this moment, those dark beings had completed some kind of rare and efficient information exchange.

Soon, this peep from the dark plane disappeared without a trace.

Yi Xia was not interested and went to find trouble with those escaping fish.

Maybe some of them are still a bit overweight.

But for Yi Xia now, he has no special interest in it.

Just like a fisherman who owns an ocean-going fishing boat and experiences the feeling of a school of fish exploding.

Picking up a fishing rod is more of a recreational activity.

I am no longer as obsessed with catching fish as I once was.

This is the first harvest of the great epidemic in the world...

But the harvest greatly exceeded Yi Xia's previous expectations.

He originally thought that the dark life of this intensity was simply not enough to make such an effective witch soup.

And now it seems that the accumulation of quantity is enough to offset the gap in quality...

Yi Xia put away the witch cauldron and stretched his slightly improved body wantonly in the chaotic void.

His eyes filled with endless firelight stared at the dark world that was still falling from material time and space into the void.

If such gains can be sustained, then perhaps pushing the Chaos bloodline to maturity is not so far-fetched?

And just when Yi Xia was thinking like this.

He noticed relevant abnormal data at the level of the epidemic.

This time, the reaction and actions of the Dark Realm seemed to be particularly swift...


This chapter has been completed!
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