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Chapter 567 Hidden Treasure Map Dragon King’s Crown (1st update!)

This is a hearty battle - in the eyes of many bean soldiers...

The dragon's blood glows with golden luster, flying like silk threads hanging from a curtain in the starry sky...

And in the brilliant light refracted from the celestial body, "even a copper plate" - the greedy evil dragon - Inezmu's breath gradually became thicker...

The power is disappearing little by little...

The long-lost slowness and heaviness swallowed it up like a tsunami...

The dragon's heart in the chest is beating like a twilight drum with some kind of aging...

For this battle, Inezmu had too many assumptions before.

It had considered that the forbidden power it borrowed was not enough to completely destroy the opponent and failed miserably.

It also thought that after successfully using the forbidden power to eliminate the opponent, it failed to penetrate the final secret of the Dragon King's crown.

It thought about getting into the most brutal hand-to-hand fight with its dying opponent.

It also thought about how easily it could play with that dangerous existence by relying on the power of the dragon...

It has thought too much... too much...

But that never includes this moment:

Being forced into such a situation by a group of minions-like beings...

Or even put it bluntly:

Complete defeat is only a matter of time...

Why is this happening?

They were obviously just a group of harmless people picking up materials from the information it had already received, but at this moment, they staged a scene of cold "reality" for it that is not lacking in the multiverse.

This may be somewhat similar to the feeling that some mortals have when watching professional games and thinking, "I can do it, too"?

But obviously, Inezmu is not willing to admit this cold reality.

Now, in comparison, perhaps dying under that violent and fiery figure would not make it feel so uncomfortable.

Inezmu's shaky figure did not attract the sympathy of the countless fiery figures that besieged it.

In fact, although Inezmu seems to be the end of Qianlu.

But it still has enough dangerous power.

But facing a seemingly endless stream of bean soldiers emerging from the void exuding a strong aura of chaos.

Inezmu's remaining power is no longer enough to support it in destroying them...

I will die here, at the hands of these minions!

Inezmu realized this very clearly at this moment.

And the next moment, the thundering dragon roar sounded again!

As early as the early stage of the battle, time and space had been blocked.

That kind of ban may not be such an absolute restriction for a legendary being who specializes in time and space.

But Inezmu is obviously not in this case.

At that time, Inezmu did not think that these miscellaneous minions could pose much of a threat to it...

In the next moment, Inezmu suddenly broke through the bean soldiers' blockade!

Its huge body rushed straight towards the chaotic area where the bean soldiers appeared!

It is also the only place currently where a single time and space teleportation is possible.

But where it leads, Inezmu also knows very well.

It knows that its own move first and the other party's first move will inevitably mean completely different outcomes.

But at least, it has to make a choice so that it will not become a new "legendary classic" of the dragon...

When he submerged into the chaotic void, some kind of indescribable terror and horror appeared in Inezmu's consciousness involuntarily.

It may be an evil dragon fighting for supremacy.

But if you put it here, it's like the dog king who dominates the hills was thrown into the cold and endless deep sea...

When the huge eyes from the darkness opened, they were filled with unknown and irresistible terror and destruction...

It was at this time that Inezmu finally looked directly at the enemy he had been studying for a long time on the material level:

It was the only light in the boundless chaos, showing some kind of grotesque holiness amidst the madness and distortion...

But this was also the last afterimage that Inezmu could glimpse in the gap of chaotic time.

Of course, it is also prepared to take this opportunity to launch a comeback and counterattack plan.

But Inezmu also knew:

Setting foot in the territory of a Chaos Lord and wanting to take the initiative is undoubtedly a bit...reluctant...

And it was as if the collision of several worlds' material levels directly crushed its head into billions of particles.

Inezmu had just felt so clearly the horror that could not be truly understood through the information...

If you could give me a little more time...

The consciousness of the evil dragon Inezmu disappeared into the endless chaos full of regret...



"Tips from the Internet: You killed the evil dragon Inezmu, and you were rewarded with more Chaos experience!"

"Tips from the Internet: You have completed a legendary hunt, and you have obtained a legendary trophy: the super giant legendary treasure chest of the Evil Dragon of Fortune that cries silently and sadly!"

"Important reminder from Zongwang: You obtained information about the multiverse artifact - the Dragon King's Crown from the death message of the evil dragon Inezmu..."

"Important reminder from the comprehensive network: You have gained enlightenment from the information about the multiverse-Dragon King's Crown that you have already mastered, and you have obtained limited information: the secret treasure map-Dragon King's Crown (multiverse/unique)!"


Secret Treasure Map-Dragon King's Crown (Multiverse/Unique):

Information type: treasure information/concept information

Information Level: The only treasure in the multiverse


07% unlocked: Space-time coordinates***** (please click here to view with your consciousness);

Content not fully unlocked:

When the unit holding this message is followed or effectively killed by a legendary dragon with a limited title, it will gain new unlocking progress...

Appendix: Surrender or be destroyed...


"Tips from the Internet: You have won the multiverse limited challenge event: The Supreme Dragon King..."

Yi Xia's eyes were filled with endless fire, and she glanced at the prompt message that appeared on her retina.

Then, he slowly put away the summer ax and grabbed the headless body of the evil dragon...

In order to prevent Inezmu from using the taboo methods he perceived, after discovering Inezmu's intentions, Yi Xia directly launched a violent attack without reservation.

As Inezmu knows, how can it get the first move in the land of abundance if it is not proficient in the elements of time and space.

In the chaotic time that was completely controlled by Yi Xia, Yi Xia's attack had been launched from the chaotic past and future at the same time.

This was a trick taught to Yi Xia by one of his former opponents.

Compared to his opponent, Yi Xia was naturally not as proficient in using it, and he could only play around in the Land of Fertility and the Earth.

But dealing with Inezmu is obviously no problem.

That is, after Inezmu was killed by Yi Xia, Yi Xia finally found the existence that he was quite afraid of from its wreckage.

Just like what he saw when he started the hexagram.

That's - an arrow...

This chapter has been completed!
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