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Chapter 607 Despair? The embers of Xia Wu are not rich in weak creatures.

The protoss had told Yi Xia before about some matters concerning Amon Bihad.

Of course, Arthur Lesluk is not a specialist in this area either.

Although its complex memories contain many secrets of the multiverse.

However, it is difficult to say how in-depth the many fields involved are.

Passed down through iterations, not all of Arthur Les Luke's memories and knowledge can be completely preserved.

Perhaps when it truly becomes a legendary life, it can realize this iterative rebirth that seems like an infinite reincarnation.

As Yi Xia read these taboo knowledge, a new message flashed on his retina:

"Important reminder from Zongwang: You have gained dark enlightenment from many forbidden knowledge and notes, and you have discovered the place of disaster and despair in the multiverse: Emmon Behad!"

"Network reminder: Warning! Your attention has triggered the limited legendary forbidden event: Amon Behad's attention!"

As the prompt information on the comprehensive network was refreshed, Yi Xia could feel some indescribable grand attention.

It exudes a kind of coldness and darkness that needs no words.

In a sense, we can roughly refer to the mortal beings walking alone in the dark night, facing the lonely and vast deep wilderness in front of us...

Yi Xia's eyes filled with endless firelight calmly stared at the chaotic void in front of her.

His blazing gaze seemed to penetrate the twisted chaos and look directly at the horror and taboo of the multiverse.

It was at this time that a new prompt message flashed on Yi Xia's retina:

"Reminder from the Internet: Forbidden Disaster of the Multiverse - Aemon Behad is watching you..."

"Tips from the comprehensive network: You are directly anchored by the multiverse-limited taboo concept - Eamon Behad (strength: first-level contact), based on your original related characteristics (including but not limited to: multiverse-limited fame, charm bias

etc.), you will receive permanent additional disaster blessings in terms of destiny elements such as destruction, tyranny, despair, terror, curse, etc.!”

"Tips from the Internet: Emmon Behad has determined that you are creating destruction and achieving the supreme talent of despair. You will be able to freely use any of Emmon Behad's terrifying creation materials, and at the same time gain the ability to freely travel through Emmon Behad.


The most terrifying terror in the deep space will tolerate the darkness and violence from all the deep realms - "The Fragmentary Essays of Emonby Horror"...



Yi Xia's eyes were filled with endless fire, staring at the indescribable darkness in front of her.

It is a depth and horror that is difficult for most mortal things to see.

Of course, for them, this is not a blessing.

Just like the chaotic void, it will be tolerant enough to actively absorb all creatures that try to get close to it.

As a desperate place of disaster in the multiverse dimension, this place will also render despair itself to all creatures who try to approach or spy on it.

In fact, according to Yi Xia's initial thoughts on this, he would think that this was a hearty and bloody fight:

He felt the threat that was born in the forbidden place very clearly.

Even though he has already established a firm foothold in the even more terrifying place of final chaos - Chaos Void.

But really speaking, there is a huge difference between the two concepts at the level of magnitude.

The chaotic void corresponds to the entire multiverse...

Therefore, if he breaks into the movement inside, he will undoubtedly have a greater chance of being captured by the forbidden creations inside.

In a sense, we can roughly refer to the difference between the deep sea and the deep lake?

Of course, this is Yi Xia's perception of Emmon Behad based on relevant limited impressions.

He believed that as a place corresponding to the terror and despair of the multiverse, it should be as full of unimaginable dangers and dangers as he judged.

Perhaps there are some terrifying projections of ancient gods of war, or manifestations of disasters that are enough to overturn civilization.

At least in Yi Xia's understanding, he thought that was how it should be described.

Of course, if you look at it from the perspective of hunting, there is undoubtedly another corresponding concept...

But now, when Yi Xia comes into close enough contact with the taboo concept of the multiverse, the situation has changed...

"...the supreme talent to create destruction and achieve the level of despair?"

Yi Xia looked at the taboo concept that had gradually dissipated with a rather subtle expression.

At this moment, even though the danger exuding darkness and taboo has completely gone away.

But its breath has not disappeared.

Just like in that magnificent multiverse, a dark star like a beacon suddenly appeared.

Even in the chaotic void, Yi Xia could feel the taboo concept exuding despair and terror.

It is like an invisible deep vortex, or like a chaotic teleportation icon imprinted on the retina.

As long as Yi Xia's will is deflected, he can directly enter the forbidden realm...

Is this considered a "desperate choice"?

At this moment, Yi Xia's face, shrouded in endless firelight, couldn't help but show some indescribable subtle fluctuations.

To be honest, this was not the first time he had encountered this situation of being chosen by a dark taboo concept.

In other words, compared to his performance in more narrow and limited categories such as "guarding" and "shelter".

In fact, stretching the realm to the dimensions of the multiverse.

Perhaps, he does undoubtedly have a more intense and prominent performance in elements that are not so mild, such as "destruction"...

Therefore, Yi Xia soon put aside this bias that seemed like a desperate choice.

In fact, if you really want to talk about it, Yi Xia thinks that Amon Behead's judgment on this aspect is actually wrong...

Perhaps, he will miss a lot of "residues" at the hunting level.

But even their fear of this can only be suppressed sobs in the so-called secret room...

It’s just that these “residues” naturally don’t know:

When their past malice has been anchored by the raging beast, Xia Wu's blazing gaze will cover the deepest shadow...

And when these "residues" accumulate to a certain amount, the spread of blood will directly provide the most complete relief.

Therefore, Yi Xia does not think that many derivatives like "despair" will be spawned in this process.

What's more, if you have a weak heart, how can you take the evil path?

What Yi Xia is currently hunting, even if it is "residues", definitely exceeds the cruel definition of death penalty for mortal beings.

In Yi Xia's view, such a dark existence does not have emotions such as weakness.

But now that I have obtained such qualifications...

Yi Xia thought for a moment, and then a thought came to his mind.

The endless distortion of the chaotic void gradually moved away, and he jumped from a place of madness to another twisted country...


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