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Chapter 612 Fox and Cauldron (two updates!)

Palore actually doesn't know anything.

But it knows something better:

Its opinion is actually not that important...

Therefore, it can only seemingly stand quietly on the platform in the void, waiting for the final situation.

The foxes didn't bother him.


Now, they no longer have the energy to pay attention to this insignificant person.

Perhaps after successfully withstanding the disaster of this destruction, they will undoubtedly take crazy revenge on the culprit who caused all this.

But maybe, they don't have this chance...

Under Palore's gaze, it discovered that the entire forest began to tremble!

Countless foxes were scurrying restlessly in the forest.

Even at this time, they have entered the blood-red color and begun to gnaw at living creatures.

But even in Palore's eyes at this moment, they no longer possess the terror they had before...

It was at this time that the earth began to dent continuously!

In just an instant, a large forest and countless foxes sank instantly!

Under the hollow deep depression, there is a blazing light shining from it!

With Palore's field of vision at the moment, it was impossible to see the foundation of that place.

But it can probably guess the upcoming fate of this forbidden realm.

Since cities can be used to make soup, then forests seem to be more suitable?

The next moment, Palore shook his head vigorously, as if trying to throw these taboo and distorted concepts out of his mind.

Even based on the nature of the dwarf, it does have enough interest in ores and the like.

But even the most enthusiastic dwarf only kissed it like a lover.

Eating stone creations as if they were stones?

Dwarves are just the darlings of the earth, not elemental creations like stone elements...

It was at this time that it became clear that there was no room for improvement.

Under Palore's gaze, all the foxes began to gather crazily!

At such a height, they intersect crazily like wriggling caterpillars.

Bloody liquid kept pouring out of it.

Maybe it's the biting between them, or a more evil ritual.

Soon, the earth gradually became violently trembling.

These foxes form an indescribably vast and twisted creation!

Countless blood-colored glues combine from a macro level to form an image of a bloody giant fox that has lost its fur.

It opened its bloody mouth, revealing countless densely packed tiny fangs inside.

The aura of terror and taboo is like a substantial bloody cloud, shrouding the area where it is located!

Palore just took one more look and suddenly became aware of the madness and distortion in his consciousness!

Fortunately, in the next moment, the remaining fiery aura from the platform where it was located instantly dispelled these taboo elements in Palore's consciousness.

Because of this, Palore had no choice but to lie down and didn't dare to look any further.

It was at this time that Palore noticed some details:

The platform under its feet seems to be made of different materials.

The parts that seemed to be forcibly combined showed clear differences under their different colors and characteristics.

And the ground features that were filled with a strong sense of familiarity made Palore vaguely aware of them.

These areas have undoubtedly experienced horrific high temperatures before.

At this point, Palore came to a conclusion:

Perhaps the composition of this platform comes from the ancient god's territory called "Yixia".

After discovering this, Palore immediately withdrew his gaze.

It does not dare to conduct too much research, lest it provoke another more powerful forbidden creation after it is about to get rid of a forbidden creation with a high probability.

Although now, if the other party really has any thoughts, it can't get rid of it.

After all, before that, it ate the barbecue made by the alien beast summoned by the other party.

Now I just hope that those should be real "roasts"...




Countless amounts of soil are constantly collapsing...

Maybe there is no such real gravity in this forbidden realm.

But at this moment, even a real physics engine cannot restrain the position of those materials under such violent power.

Billions of foxes invariably let out some kind of weird, indescribable roar.

For an instant, the twisted monster formed by countless foxes seemed to have some kind of wriggling movement all over its body!

And this only aroused the deeper anger of a certain bloody nine-tails in Yi Xia's endless flames.

If interpreted from a divine level, this is undoubtedly the most complete blasphemy.

Yi Xia didn't have too many emotions about this.

He was used to seeing twisted and chaotic creations.

This little work in the material world really couldn't touch him on any emotional level.

Of course, he didn't mind appeasing the restless Star Spirits as long as it was harmless.

Before this, Yi Xia did have contact with some aliens and even had deeper transactions.

But these are built on a premise.

That is - those evil aliens are not stained with the blood debt of mankind.

If we say that adhering to the essential elements of the fox race is a taboo for the concept of the bloody nine-tailed star spirit.

So the protection of human beings is undoubtedly the more core content of Yi Xia.

This is a red line that must not be touched, and it is also hostility that leaves no room for discussion.

And in this taboo composition that looked like a fox before his eyes, Yi Xia had already sensed a strong enough sense of human death.

Because of this, when Palore tried to take the fur that represented the opponent's submission, Yi Xia directly interrupted him.

It's not Yi Xia's style to put things away and start fighting again.

Even in the face of evil and taboos, Yi Xia would not bother to resort to such bluffing methods.

Just like in the relevant traditions of extraordinary civilizations with Eastern pedigree, there is a summary of this:

"A gentleman should not deceive someone in a dark room" - by extension, even if you are facing a taboo creature without human wisdom, you should not do anything harmful to your heart...

In this way, the next moment, Yi Xia's magnificent body suddenly disappeared from where it was!

The next moment, he appeared directly next to the twisted monster made of countless foxes!

Without any explanation, Yi Xia Qingtian grabbed it with his giant hand!

The power of chaos suddenly surged away!

The raging witch fire was also inspired by this!

The blazing fire instantly enveloped everything!

Now, there are not many choices left for this twisted monster...

Countless foxes wanted to take the opportunity to bite Yi Xia's arm, but their teeth shattered in the next moment!

Of course, facing those terrifying beings at the same level, Yi Xia's protection may not be so tough and invincible.

But this does not mean that taboo creations at these levels can touch porcelain.

And the next moment, Yi Xia resisted the opponent's crazy resistance and roughly pressed him into the ground!

After penetrating countless rock formations, the twisted creation formed by countless foxes was directly forced into the burning witch cauldron!

In this way, the chaotic Wu Tang can be complete...

This chapter has been completed!
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