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Chapter 652 Blazing Star Spirit (two updates!)

Perhaps it's because this aspect is indeed unique.

Or maybe, in this timeline, Yi Xia has good luck in this regard.

It didn't take long for him to hear the news about this combination of chaotic characteristics from the countless twisted and crazy murmurs.

Of course, with a more realistic representation of the chaotic void, it will naturally not be as regular and orderly as the comprehensive network.

Yi Xia ignored those Chaos narrations that were more or less mixed in the feedback given by Chaos.

Soon, he refined this and came to his final conclusion:

This combination of chaotic traits has an enhanced effect on speed...

As for more detailed information.

To be honest, it still takes some luck and time to get it this way.

Of course, for Yi Xia, this is enough to support his choice...

In this way, the next moment, Yi Xia's mind moved.

As his consciousness fluctuated, new prompt information was refreshed on his retina:

"Tips from the Internet: Please confirm whether to choose the Chaos trait [Miracle Jump] as your reward for this legendary career level upgrade..."

Yi Xia glanced at the prompt information refreshed on her retina, and then directly confirmed it with her consciousness.

As his consciousness fluctuated, relevant acquisition information was directly refreshed on his retina:

"Tips from the Internet: Success is confirmed, you have obtained a new chaotic trait: Miracle Jump!"

As the comprehensive network prompt information was refreshed, Yi Xia could feel the restlessness coming from the power of chaos.

Chaos traits are undoubtedly somewhat different from the sorcerer's professional abilities or other powers.

It is carried out directly from the conceptual dimension and is often an isolated reinforcement.

Even among chaotic traits, there are very few situations where they can be linked.

Of course, considering the endless possibilities represented by the Chaotic Void.

Yi Xia estimated that if he was completely biased in this regard, he might be able to gain greater benefits from it.

However, it is also irrelevant.

With the endowment of chaotic characteristics, Yi Xia can feel the new chaotic elements added to his concept.

That is to say, Yi Xia himself has the template of Chaos bloodline, and Wu Jin's adaptability to this aspect is unquestionable.

Otherwise, as the number of chaotic traits increases, the impact on the existence of related concepts will become more and more serious.

And Yi Xia is undoubtedly immune to the erosion of this chaos...



Because it is the strengthening of a direct conceptual dimension, there is no such step-by-step process or logical principle.

Of course, Yi Xia could feel that the elements about the jumping level in his concept were directly linked to this newly acquired chaotic trait.

In a sense, it is not a bad idea to regard it directly as a built-in limited amplifier.

So, Yi Xia thought about it for a while.

He raised his head, his eyes filled with endless fire, and glanced at the chaotic sky above his head where the "meteor shower", a characteristic scenery of the land of fertility, was still falling.

After some thought, Yi Xia gave up the idea of ​​trying it here.

Those are one after another, corresponding to the best ingredients of Wu Tang.

The chaotic void is certainly a place that can accommodate Yi Xia's wanton behavior.

However, the fertile land has been classified as an "important grain-producing area" by Yi Xia due to its excellent output.

By that time, those high-level mages who were conducting research on the intake of Void Material Witch Soup materials had really achieved results.

Then the importance of the land of fertility in Yi Xia's heart will be improved again.

It may never be able to compare with the weight of the earth, but it is definitely not comparable to other realms.

After thinking about it, Yi Xia decided to find a place to try jumping in the chaotic void.

Even if some damage is caused, compared to the boundless chaotic void, it is just a slight ripple on the sea.

In the next moment, you will be submerged in the eternal turbulence of the sea...

After deciding on the characteristics of chaos, Yi Xia was ready to start the selection of the protoss.

In this way, the next moment followed the fluctuation of Yi Xia's thoughts.

The twisted chaos that belonged to the land of fertility gradually became trance-like.

The dead universe of stars lost in ancient time once again ushered in a new blazing glory...



Yi Xia's eyes shone with endless fire, staring at the dark star spirit universe that was showing a completely different vitality because of his arrival.

Due to the arrival of Xia Wu, countless star spirits revealed their original images behind the stars.

Their roars were the wild reverence of the ancient times for the bearer who had reached a sufficiently powerful dimension.

As for the choice of subsequent star spirits, Yi Xia had already made a decision before.

For him now, there is no longer a need to invest the characteristics of the protoss into the dimension of battle.

In other words, for Yi Xia now, being able to gain bloodline growth gains from the Star Spirits is more valuable than the simple combat enhancement provided.

After all, let’s talk about it.

So far, except for those auspicious stars used on the earth and some hunting stars.

Yi Xia is currently in the normalization stage and during the battle, the number of times that the power of the celestial spirits of Roe Owl, Yazui and Fei has been used is far more than that of other celestial spirits.

Therefore, Yi Xia now believes that it is a better choice to gradually transform the subsequent power of the stars into gains in bloodline growth.

Of course, things can change at any time.

A plan is a plan, and Yi Xia will not stick to an established plan on how to proceed.

In this way, as Yi Xia's consciousness fluctuates.

The thousands of stars revealed by Yi Xia's arrival also returned to darkness and calm.

In the boundless darkness and silence, a majestic star shines with its bright brilliance!

Suddenly, a raging fire ignited in the bright light.

Its shape is like a bird, with a fierce meaning visible in its spread wings.

There is an overflowing light that shades the stars...

And with Yi Xia's intense attention, it also responded with high spirits.

Speaking of which, this one is the same as the power of the blue dragon that Yi Xia had obtained before.

Strictly speaking, it does not correspond to the most ancient and original related four-image concept.

Of course, as far as Yi Xia is concerned, the intensity of the related concepts corresponding to the Star Spirit is not actually that closely related to the performance of the corresponding Star Spirit's power.

What he values ​​​​is the final actual expression of the power of the stars.

The strength of the concepts related to the protoss determines the upper limit of the protoss.

At this point, taking into account the previous exceptional improvements, it is not an entirely unsolvable problem.

In this way, the next moment, following Yi Xia's will, the soaring firebird turned into a blazing flame and sank directly into Yi Xia's forehead.

In this way, the 27th level star spirit choice can be completed...

This chapter has been completed!
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