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Chapter 677 The miraculous power of the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage! (Two


Four Symbols of Heaven:

Type:Special Star Spirit Power


The character can obtain the constant power of the Four Symbols, complete a four-season rotation with the shortest one natural day (based on the character's current comprehensive state), and trigger the effects of the Four Symbols:

Spring: life recovery, life return/life growth

Xia: Mana recovery, combat skill cooldown reset

Autumn: Mental recovery, Will test improved

Winter: Negative effects are frozen/purified (frozen negative effects will be forcibly purified/concept-forced the next time the four images are triggered), and the buff status is continued/strengthened.

Each time the four-image star spirit is triggered, the character can choose one of the four-image effects for additional strengthening.

Strengthening effect:

Spring: The lifespan return/life growth effect increases by 10% of the character's current lifespan/life growth.

Xia: Limited combat skill cooldown reset






The seasons rotate...

Yi Xia felt the celestial spirit elements surging within her body.

The subtle feelings from the time dimension can't help but emerge in my heart again.

The accumulation of rewards from the previous four professional level promotions finally ushered in the harvest moment at this moment.

And it turns out:

As the star spirit's choice that once revealed his will, it has indeed shown its due value.

Equivalent to 10% of bloodline growth every natural day...

For any being whose dominant factor is bloodline growth, the value of this special protoss effect is unquestionable.

Yi Xia has not yet obtained the multiverse artifact related to bloodline.

However, judging from the caster sequence artifacts he has obtained so far, Yi Xia believes that bloodline artifacts in the ordinary sense may not be able to match this effect.

For beings whose bloodline upper limit becomes more and more terrifying, the value of this special protoss effect becomes higher.

However, considering the important elements that Sixiang occupies in the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage, Yi Xia can also understand the intensity of this growth dimension.

After all, at this level, it is probably the most difficult concept to mention the so-called "balance"...

As mentioned in the introduction, except for elements such as bloodline templates, ancient times are often given priority.

Be it bloodline ability or star spirit power.

In a system that is not built with it as the core of combat, the value it presents is more based on fit.

Just like the effect of the Four Symbols of Heaven displayed on Yi Xia at this moment, if it were replaced by another existence, it might not be as useful.

At least compared to the limited rewards provided by 4 professional levels, it may not be cost-effective enough.

I just don’t know if this 10% bloodline growth can be affected by other benefits...

Of course, even if it does not receive any gain bonus.

Even just 10% of its natural growth is enough to relieve Yi Xia's great pressure in the bloodline growth dimension.

This means that he can have more energy to fill his shortcomings.

In short, the arrival of the Four Symbols of Heaven undoubtedly made Yi Xia feel happy enough.

To do this, he looked around the fertile land.

Then he set his blazing gaze on the research institute with the largest number of people.

These high-level mages are different from ordinary workers.

The so-called holiday does not have that significant meaning to them.

Therefore, Yi Xia thought for a moment and transferred some research funds to the institute's public network account.

Today is a day worth celebrating...

Not long after, feeling the joy emanating from the research institute, Xia Wu withdrew his gaze with satisfaction.

Meanwhile, Earth:

Yi Jiao, who was sitting on the toad and studying the Gu Sutra, couldn't help but stop and looked at the sky outside with the toad under her butt.

In their eyes like this, they can naturally see many things that ordinary people cannot understand.

"Master, you seem...very happy today?"

In the perception of other ordinary people, today's winter sunshine seems particularly bright.

The cold wind in the past has suddenly become milder today...

Perhaps after dozens of weeks, the sudden surge in the number of newborns in one day compared to before will silently explain some truth...



In this way, Yi Xia drank a standard portion of mint witch medicine for a Xia witch comfortably in the fertile land.

After getting roughly familiar with the effects of the Four Symbols of the Sky and trying it out a little bit on the Earth, Yi Xia returned to the land of plenty.

For this type of star spirit, it can not only show high value to him personally, but also benefit from the power of the group and even civilization.

It is undoubtedly the most suitable star spirit element besides his personal core elements.

Therefore, after becoming familiar with the effects of the Four Symbols of the Sky, Yi Xia was ready to start synthesizing the power of the stars.

The main element of synthesis is his undoubted core at present:

Roe owl...

As his first star spirit, it is also the strongest manifestation of his will.

The power of the roe owl's star spirit has undoubtedly been present throughout Yi Xia's growth.

Just as a corresponding concept of protoss, there is undoubtedly a certain upper limit for protoss.

Its strength is obviously subject to certain limitations.

Apart from the unconventional evolution whose origin has not yet been clarified, Yi Xia has not found any other way to strengthen it.

But now, the synthesis of the power of the stars has undoubtedly unlocked a new way of strengthening.

After all, judging from the description on the comprehensive website, the synthesis of star spirit power is not limited to the same star spirit.

This means that he can carry out targeted deflection strengthening for a single star spirit.

In this regard, the added conceptual power is undoubtedly an important enough influencing factor.

For those who do not have the means to extract it, they can only obtain it through the newly added Legendary Protoss Challenge dungeon on the comprehensive network.

After Yi Xia took a brief look at the Legendary Star Spirit Challenge dungeon, he directly threw it aside.

For him now, it is obvious that he will not brush any dungeons again.

After all, the copy provided by Zongwang will most likely not be hacked by him directly...

In other words, even if it can be chopped off, the estimated benefits are obviously incomparable to those of chopping off the real material world.

In fact, after arriving at Legend, the income provided by Zongwang through such channels has gradually decreased.

After all, in comparison, the comprehensive network players who have reached the legend can undoubtedly gain greater benefits by traveling through many time and space in the multiverse.

At this stage, the value presented by the comprehensive network will often change.

At least, it is no longer the dimension of this kind of direct benefit.

So, in the next moment, Yi Xia thought for a while.

Afterwards, the chaotic mana in his body flowed freely.

In this way, in the void, a certain invisible concept is taken in.

This is the concept of witchcraft and devouring levels that Yi Xia extracted from a small part of his consciousness.

Then, Yi Xia thought.

The next moment, the elements from the star spirits began to merge for the first time in the void...

This chapter has been completed!
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