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Chapter 289 Traditional Arts of Oriental Genealogy

 Yi Xia looked down.

At this time, he was standing there holding a witch flag.

In the item backpack, there was a dragon whose internal organs had been removed and washed clean.

Yi Xia was merciless in killing such evil aliens.

Also carefully consider its background relationship?

Wu is not a Taoist, and he is not afraid of ghosts and gods.

In the past, Yi Xia might have been more tactful.

Not sure, but also collect some evidence that the other party is evil.


In his eyes surrounded by fire, he could clearly see the evil aura of the other party.

Different worlds have different standards for judging good and evil.

For the extraordinary world of the Eastern lineage, killing human beings has always been a profound enough evil.

Especially for foreigners.

Once contaminated with such blood, it will be difficult to cleanse.

And Yi Xia's "camp detection" based on Eastern pedigree will naturally not cause any problems.

Therefore, there will be no mercy.

However, the dragons in this world are much weaker than imagined.

Last time, the evil dragon struggled more fiercely.

Of course, times have changed.

Yi Xia waved the flag, which instantly caused countless commotions among the water tribe.

For a time, countless water tribes were seen fleeing.

The scene was quite absurd and chaotic.

But if you really feel the plight of these aquatic tribes at this moment.

It’s understandable:

A thousand-meter humanoid creature is still solid.

It has exceeded the conceptual limits of what they can currently access.

In other words, these aquatic tribes have clearer ancient memories than the lives on earth.

I remember those terrifying and wild ancient times.


Among countless aquatic animals, a line of silver carriages slowly moved forward.

Then, a man with the body of a dragon and the head of a dragon impatiently opened the curtain.

He stood in front of the carriage, staring at the scene in the distance, his expression suddenly became solemn.

"It seems...it's not a trick?"

In the carriage, someone took a glance.

He was stunned for a moment.

It took a long time to reflect.

Reporting from the aquarium and seeing it with your own eyes are two different concepts.

Only at such a distance can one truly feel the overwhelming pressure.

The two dragons glanced at each other through the curtain, and instantly had a problem with each other.

It would be extremely unwise to offend such a being by siding with the dragon.

Long before this, there was an urgent report from Long Sun.

Although the old Dragon King saw it at that time, he didn't take it seriously.

After all, the Tao is not directly derived from it.

Although he is a dragon, he lacks some courage after all.

He has become accustomed to human beings' naughty ways, and he has lost his dignity by taking advantage of the situation.

Now that I think about it, I have a definition in my mind.

There was no expression, and there was Prime Minister Gui next to him presenting a gift list.

He also described the friendship between shamans and the water tribe, eloquently and without wasting much words.

The old Dragon King then waved his hand.

As a result, a kind of armed naval force removed the spear heads and transformed into a guard of honor.

Each carried a box of rare treasures and followed behind the carriage.

"But the meeting with the great witch?"

"The old dragon is the Dragon King of the East China Sea. Hearing that there was an old friend of the witch, he worked tirelessly to remove evil and silt for us."

"Bring a small gift and come to visit."

The old dragon king activated his magic power.

The sound shook the world.

Although it attracted darkness and a lot of tuts.

Anyone who lives a long time never cares about this.

You may have suffered some losses and paid some tuition fees.

Only then did I realize that the world is hard and times are different.

This is the dragon's opportunity to change.

Gufanwu praises it: it can be big or small, it can rise or it can hide.

How could these pedants know this mystery?



"Tips from the comprehensive network: Deterrence is successful, you triggered the event: Dragon King apologizes."


The Dragon King apologizes:

Type: Non-fixed trigger event (can be triggered repeatedly)

Event reward: 5~99 boxes of dragon treasures (each box is worth at least 10,000 comprehensive network disaster coins)

Event triggering frequency: every natural year (if triggered again within this period, there is a high probability of triggering a highly difficult wanted event)

Event description:

There are no eternal enemies, only friends that are temporarily unwinnable.

For the old Dragon King who has experienced a long time, he has a thorough understanding of the world.

A mature dragon king can not only take down the dangerous wild monkey, but also defuse the naughty child next door who is dangling Hongjuan.

He is a great script actor when you need it...

Please note: After you receive the event reward, if you actively attack the non-evil camp dragons in the water area without triggering the relevant tasks, you will be punished by a decrease in the reputation of the plane."

Yi Xia looked at the retina, and some subtle emotions emerged in her heart.

At the bottom, the old Dragon King ordered boxes of rare treasures to be piled in the wilderness in front of Yi Xia.

No one cared about it.

Who dares to think of someone who can make the Dragon King cut off his flesh like this?

Even some paranoid people walking on the evil path coldly and manually averted their greedy eyes.

The battle of life and death is very thin, and no one wants to take shortcuts...

It seems like something the old Dragon King would do.

Yi Xia leaned down and looked at the tiny Dragon King below.

It seems that out of some concern, He did not transform into a dragon body.

Yi Xia looked at the mountains of treasures underneath.

No big feelings.

If it is just exchanged for comprehensive network disaster coins, it is just a medium-sized number.

For Yi Xia, there was not much joy at all.

But blackmailing the Dragon King is also an old unwritten tradition of Eastern civilization.

Sitting on the wealth of the world can be considered a powerful person.

Unfortunately, the lifespan is too long, and it is inevitable to encounter some iron fists from the new era.

In this way, he is much more well-behaved.

Is it the pleasure of completing some kind of invisible achievement?

Yi Xia looked at the old Dragon King.

His voice turned into invisible muffled thunder, resounding in all directions.

The trees swayed and the ground raised dust:

"Old Dragon King, I don't need these Dragon Palace treasures from you."

"It's just a coincidence that we need an old ginseng to go with the wine."

Yi Xia's voice made the surrounding soldiers tremble.

This big guy is not a vegetarian.

The dragon that cut out the liver and intestines has gone to no one knows where.

Come to think of it, I was eaten raw by it.

He can eat dragons, not to mention shrimps and crabs.

Many aquatic tribes that were growing quite well couldn't help but shrink back into the group.

Afraid that the other party would see him, he stuffed it into his mouth.

When the old Dragon King heard this, he felt much relieved.

Of course He doesn't care how much treasure is given.

It's just that the other party's posture is to give less, for fear of offending the other party.

Old ginseng?

This is not difficult.

Later, someone brought a crystal jade bottle.

There is a ginseng like a human being inside, sleeping soundly inside, no one knows the year.

"I would also like to ask the Great Witch to know that although this old ginseng is not wild and unusual, it is still a rare thing."

"If you eat anything, you will be as light as a swallow and your life will be extended by ten years."

The old Dragon King explained.

On the other side, he looked at the crowd that was gradually becoming sparse.

Glenda Ashley looked above her head as she entered the most intense moment of leaping through the dragon gate.

It always felt like she was looking at an abandoned side chick...

But isn’t this the main venue?

Glenda Ashley wonders...

This chapter has been completed!
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