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Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty Six Great Witchcraft: Cataclysm

 With the path clarified, Yi Xia became more confident.

The legendary way of Wu Jin is difficult.

But a tangible goal is much better than wandering in confusion.

Moreover, it was not long before Yi Xia broke through the "professional title" of apprentice.

The current accumulation in the extraordinary stage can only be said to be in its infancy.

To truly transcend the legend, there is still a rather long journey to go through.

Yi Xia is not anxious about this.

In the basement, Yi Xia used her consciousness to open the comprehensive network panel.

Then, switch out the challenge interface of the Ancient Gate.

At this time, Millennium Ginseng Essence is still in the cooling period.

Yi Xia looked back with regret.

When he was digging the dragon gate, he asked the local Wu Xun about it.

However, Xun has not heard of rumors about thousand-year-old ginseng essence.

Obviously even in ancient times, there were not many such existences.

Maybe going back to ancient times, the situation might be better.

The challenge cooldown of the Ancient Gate is calculated independently for each boss.

Later, Yi Xia took out the Yihe Stone from the item backpack.

I have just learned the great witchcraft skills, so I always have to practice my skills.

The opponents next to me are never very good enough.

This one still feels much better.

As Yi Xia's consciousness fluctuated, a new message appeared on his retina:

"Tips from the comprehensive network: It is detected that ticket materials that meet the relevant orientation challenges have been placed in the sacrificial space. Do you want to choose to generate tickets?

It's not really a valuable item.

It seems that the old Dragon King is more generous.

Yi Xia glanced at the prompt message on her retina and thought.

Then, he directly confirmed it with his consciousness.

And as his consciousness was confirmed, new prompt information was refreshed on his retina:

"Network prompt: Confirmation successful, tickets are being generated..."

"Generation completed, you have obtained the challenge ticket of the Spirit of Yihe (Challenge of the Ancient Gate/Ancient/Divinity/Leader)"

"Please note: Since this challenge ticket corresponds to a conceptual divine unit, during the challenge process, the player may cause the unit to be traced back to its derivative clone, and there is a small probability of it coming (the phantom will receive a substantial attribute enhancement and unlock divine authority)


"Warning! Due to the relationship between the player and this unit, the probability of arrival is greatly increased!"

Yi Xia looked at the refreshed prompts on her retina and fell into deep thought.


Yi Xia smiled.

Although I don’t have the ability to predict the future.

But at this time, he already knew the answer.

That was a serious water god active in an era when both gods and humans were unruly and stubborn.

He couldn't stand such provocation...



At the same time, a certain plane in the multiverse

The spirit of Yihe is sleeping soundly.

He is not a god who is interested in being active for a long time.

Deep sleep is a rare relaxation for an ancient god like him who has experienced too many things in the world.

More often than not, the spirit of Yihe has to carry a long whip to comb the water under his control.

In an era when divinity has not yet been eliminated, they are not always as common as ordinary things, always running from high to low in an orderly manner, all the way to the sea.

Under the influence of various factors, such as battles between gods and stars descending to earth, it is inevitable that some fluctuations will occur.

The relatively daily job of Yihe Spirit is to sort out these fluctuations to avoid causing too big a disaster.

As we all know, the spirit of Yihe is not a good-tempered person.

Sometimes, He will join in.

There seems to be nothing going on recently...

While sleeping, the spirit of Yihe yawned out of boredom.

At this moment, Yihe Spirit felt a tap on his forehead.

It's a bit far away, but the taste seems quite familiar...

The spirit of Yihe suddenly woke up from his sleep.

His will fills the river Yi.

Where is that guy?

However, it was not found.

The spirit of Yihe suddenly remembered the river stone he had given to the other party.

Could it be?

Just when the spirit of Yihe was about to find out the truth and laugh at it.

He traced back to the source, and his divine consciousness explored a vague world.

The spirit of Yihe didn't understand where that place was.

Then he saw the somewhat unfamiliar huge figure.

Without any hesitation, the spirit of Yihe directly poured its power into it!



Ancient Gate-Challenge Dungeon of the Spirit of Yihe

"Warning: You have triggered the event of the arrival of gods. The status of the leader of this dungeon will be reset, and its attributes will be greatly enhanced!"

A scarlet message flashed on Yi Xia's retina.

But he didn't pay attention, but smiled at the illusion of Yihe that was constantly changing at the moment.

At this time, the raging fire light surrounded him.

This made Yi Xia's figure seem to have expanded a lot.

The snake totem behind him was originally like a stone pillar and had no sense of existence.

At this moment, it transformed into a big green snake, snaking above his right ear.

On the left side, there is a black snake with a green head, spitting out a long scarlet letter, greedy and ferocious.

There is also an independent eye standing between the eyebrows, exuding an endless aura of disaster.

In the midst of ferociousness, the vertical pupils are naturally tyrannical.

As for the many strange phenomena, I will not describe them one by one.

Anyway, the spirit of Yihe, which had just poured its power into it, felt that something was not right.

This guy disappeared in the blink of an eye, how could he even learn the magic spell?

Didn't he take the path of fighting witches?

The spirit of Yihe was shocked when he saw this.

But there is no fear.

It just activates the mana and directly draws out the power of the surrounding waters unscrupulously.

After he entered, he discovered that this place was almost a replica of the scene in Yihe.

Although in comparison, the water power it provides is much weaker.

But it’s enough!

The infinite power of the water converges on the spirit of Yihe.

His body continues to expand.

Not long after, he barely reached the same level of body shape as Yi Xia.

The witch and the god didn't say much.

The next moment, they suddenly collided together!

The raging firelight intersects with the boiling water vapor, exploding into endless brilliant particles of electric light in the air!

The blast of air directly blew away the surrounding vegetation, leaking out the tangled brown soil inside!

The spirit of Yihe was knocked back, and he staggered a few steps above the water before standing still.

He looked at the fierce and powerful Yi Xia opposite him, feeling somewhat indignant in his heart.

What kind of great witchcraft are you learning from a war witch?

Is this how the great witchcraft image is used?

In the electric light and flint, the spirit of Yihe is a little higher.

The waters here are convoluted and do not seem to be connected to all directions.

But a wave of forceful urging is barely enough.

Then, the spirit of Yihe suddenly activated his divine power.

So the water that can be seen as far as the eye can see is rushing back one after another!

The surrounding lands all become Zeguo!

For a time, the entire space was enveloped in a vast mist of water vapor!

This is the authority of the Water God, and it is also the natal magical power that the spirit of Yihe has cultivated for many years!

When Yi Xia saw this, he didn't stop him.

He circulated the blood power in his body rather awkwardly.

Then, the fire surrounding him suddenly exploded!

The surrounding water mist evaporated instantly.

The air began to twist and the soil gradually dried and cracked.

Great Witch Dharma Image: Catastrophe!

Just as the battle between the witches and wizards was fierce, someone discovered a new extraordinary world in a corner of the multiverse.

The fluctuations of plane magic particles will show very different "brightness" in the vast planes of the multiverse.

"Magic resource assessment: f, scientific and technological resource assessment: e, slave trade resource assessment: a...

"Unknown variables, a plane with obvious technological tendencies, the assessment of magic resources is so close?"

"What a deformed plane... Nothingness, prepare for a space jump..."

"[The Nihilist] 147:213; We have found a new goal, the expected development time is one hundred years, and we are applying for independent development..."

"[...]147:213; Development application approved, good luck, Nihilist"

In the vast dark universe, a faint light quietly emerged...

This chapter has been completed!
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