Chapter 383 Ichiban made an instant patch

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 Of course, Yi Xia didn't know that her words caused a storm in the eyes of the little cat in her ears.

He stared at the relatively tall Void Corruption monster below and thought for a while.

Compared with the giant dragons that Yi Xia had come into contact with, the degree of void corruption in these creatures was countless times higher.

If the power of the void really has a promoting effect on the bloodline.

After the materials of these creatures are refined, they should have very obvious effects.

Of course, Yi Xia still has some doubts about their edibility...

The appearance of Void Life really made Yi Xia, a vegetarian and non-vegetarian eater, feel some doubts.

This stuff really doesn't look like it's appetizing.

But it’s all here, let’s collect it first.

The roe owl has never cared much about food.

It has always been fair...

Yi Xia's thoughts moved, and the witch flag came out in response...

Then, he rushed straight to the earth!

A giant several thousand meters high fell from the sky with an unstoppable force!

The picture can probably refer to some of the supernatural powers of the Eastern lineage in the extraordinary world.

Or maybe it's the famous scene of the floating city falling...

A life distorted by the void will naturally not have any emotions of fear.

Even though Yi Xia was about to hit him, the void monsters below were still eager to try.

So the next moment:


As if a high-explosive bomb was dropped, the purple earth shook violently!

The earth is full of activity, with densely corrugated folds appearing!

And in the area where Yi Xia fell, the entire land exploded!

The mud covered in void slime is flying everywhere!

As for those lives distorted by the void?

They were directly squeezed and broken by the huge and terrifying force!

There is no whine or ferocity at all, and it is directly integrated with the earth in an extremely intimate manner!

Looks like average strength...

In the thick dust and mist, Yi Xia thought as she looked at the scene of destruction without any life fluctuations below.

The huge air wave also tore open the surrounding purple land, revealing countless tentacle-like things intertwined like pythons.

That is the material form given to all things by their material understanding of the void.

Compared to the old "friend" the dragon, Yi Xia didn't know much about the void.

He still understood a little bit out of respect for food.

After all, that determines the growth progress of his bloodline power.

Therefore, Yi Xia must know where the life essence of these things lies.

He is a relatively traditional eater and is not keen on the crude interpretation of eating food alive.

Witch medicine: The refining of soup does not require those superficial "impurities".

Yi Xia doesn't have much information about the real life in the void.

He has never had any personal contact with it.

Most of the records about them are vague and full of skewed perceptions of observers.

On the contrary, these lives corrupted by the void have relevant records in various planes.

After all, it is the most common corruption of the Void.

When the overall order of the plane is out of balance, eventual chaos will follow as expected...

And these corrupted lives are the precursors.

Their flesh and blood has little overall significance to Yi Xia.

This is also the reason why Yi Xia is able to kill with abandon.

There is also some void power wrapped in it, but it is too meager.

The real core lies in their corrupted souls.

After death, these twisted souls will not return to the lower plane or fall into the void.

The former is a happy destiny that they can hardly hope for.

The latter is the ultimate reward that only the best among them can obtain.

As for the fate of most of them, they vary according to the specific conditions of the plane.

As far as this copy plane is concerned, the corrupted souls of these void monsters will temporarily be gathered into nearby void nodes.

That is a form that normally has no physical form.

Only when the observer has relevant observation concepts in his mind, will the gray-white mineral-like structure of the material form emerge.

Yi Xia only hopes that their taste will not be too strange...




Yi Xia's landing obviously triggered the highest alarm in the beast's nest whose specific location was not yet known.

In the blink of an eye, wherever Yi Xia looked, there were densely packed void monsters!

They are several meters tall on average.

Some of them are huge, even tens of meters long.

Although for Yi Xia, it’s pretty much the same...

Yi Xia's violent and dangerous momentum did not scare these void monsters.

They all let out different hoarse roars that seemed to reveal their evil nature, and then rushed towards Yi Xia crazily!

In an instant, it was like countless ants swarming towards a giant elephant!

The little cat person Miriali Xinmiao smelled the tense atmosphere of the battle.

The ferocious and dangerous aura emitted by those void beings made its body tremble slightly instinctively.

銆愯铌湡攛屾渶杩戜竴鐩ancun椤鍜霜阒呰鍤湅涔﹁毴町鎹㈡簮鍒囨崲锛屾湕璇wedding煶鑹insert pan纴瀹夊崜鑻gui牉鍧囧彽


But in terms of consciousness, Miriali Xin Miao did not panic at all.

It even spoke in the guild group, saying that it would hit the guild level rankings this month.

I declare: This month is Kitty People Month!

The next moment, magical fluorescence full of activity and vitality shot out from the ancient magic book in Miriali Xin Miao's hand!

Ancient Magic - Master Acceleration Specialization - Time Overlap!

In an instant, time around me seemed to have frozen!

Yi Xia felt that her consciousness and body suddenly "submerged into a deep water."

His movements seemed to become extremely slow.

The surrounding scene is almost frozen!

Infinite aura flickered in Yi Xia's sea of ​​consciousness.

He could clearly see that after he started charging with all his strength, the ground was overwhelmed and tearing out spiderweb-like cracks bit by bit, and then gradually collapsed!

The witch flag "slowly" broke through the air full of "folds", and in the swirling dust and mist, a huge air wave was vaguely pulled out!

Everything became silent, everything was like a solemn silent movie.

Is it thought acceleration?

No, how can accelerated thinking affect one's actions?

In a daze, Yi Xia smelled something familiar.

That was like a tidal wave of time!

Yi Xia could vaguely feel that the power of time was accumulating on him.

It was as if there were many invisible threads stretching out with him as the center.

Or are they gathered here?

A destructive force is quietly gathering!

Kitten Man seems to have mastered an incredible skill...

Yi Xia thought so.

And the next moment, he broke away from that indescribable state.

The witch flag waved out, and a terrifying power that Yi Xia had difficulty controlling for a while roared out!

Without any rehearsal, it directly and brutally crushed the earth and all materials in it into the tiniest components!

A huge hole extending to the end of the horizon!

And everything within it has completely disappeared!

"Network reminder: You have been affected by the master-level time overlap effect of your teammates, and the maximum number of character time overlap layers is being calculated..."

"Tips from the Internet: Based on the character's current health status and related resistance, the maximum number of overlapping layers you can bear: 25."

"Network reminder: Your next attack will cause an attack effect of time coefficient * 25 times..."

"Comprehensive network warning: Based on the copy plane protection mechanism, your attack exceeds the relevant security threshold and has been forcibly weakened to the safe range..."

"Important reminder for comprehensive network dungeon: Immediate patch repair 14759...3.1-The maximum attack limit of the player after receiving the rare blessing effect related to time overlap cannot exceed the safety threshold of the dungeon plane..."

"Network tip: Based on the relevant mechanism, you will receive 1 free attribute point (extraordinary) patch feedback."

Looking at the terrifying hole in front of her and the reminder information refreshing on her retina, Yi Xia couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

It seems that extraordinary players who specialize in auxiliary items do have a powerful role in their own right...

Perhaps, we can explore the beneficial effects of witches in totems and other aspects?

This chapter has been completed!
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