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Chapter 778 What kind of spell is this?

 Time and space seem to have stopped at this moment!

It doesn't look like two mortal beings with extraordinary power are competing here.

It is more like a majestic mountain that can serve as a benchmark scenery in the material world suddenly collapsed!

It was pure terror unimaginable by anything, and it didn't have so many weird or obscure features.

Only the overwhelming and suffocating sense of oppression truly inspired the most instinctive fear!

At that moment, Dolly Wells' will was concentrated to the extreme!

In a daze, he seemed to have returned to the time when he was still in the arena.

Face the towering and ferocious ogre.

He was so thin at that time...

And now...


Doli Wells's whole body's strength suddenly condensed to some extreme state!

The aura all over his body was accumulated in some kind of condensed form!

And the next moment, the sky collapsed!


The earth is shaking!

The sky is roaring!

Under such great power, the world screams overwhelmed!

In the haze raging with the witchfire of destruction, the distorted space makes these broken signs even more obscure.

However, the ground in the area outside the haze instantly burst into countless large and small canyons!

A huge horrifying roar that sounded like the death knell of the world in doomsday raged away from the haze!

Like an invisible giant demon, it declares its reign of terror to all things!

And in the haze, the area where broken particles are the rarest.

Just like the hero in myths and legends who fights against demigods with a mortal body, Dori Wells's tiny figure stubbornly resists the "collapsed sky" above his head!

Wearing heavy armor, his whole body seemed to be trembling slightly.

It was the ultimate expression of the power of the flesh, and it was also the most heroic silent symphony of flesh and blood!

And the next moment, the thick armor on his body suddenly cracked, revealing a strong body with many scars inside!

Dolly Wells held his head high, and his originally calm eyes had turned into a passionate fighting spirit!

Some people say that legend is the dreamy end of the path and dream pursued by all things.

But Dolly Wells never thought that the legend would have an end!

He will rush into the never-ending disputes and face endless challenges with the weapons in his hands!

Even if the current situation has become bad enough, it seems that the next moment, the battle situation will turn into an irreversible failure.

But who doesn’t know how to fight against the wind?

The passionate fighting spirit in Dolly Wells's eyes is another manifestation of the path he follows.

Fighting is his tactical choice, but this does not mean that head-on confrontation will be his weakness.

When there is no choice, how to defeat the strong with the weak is also the area that combat and skills really need to pursue!

"Come again!"

Dolly Wells' roar seemed so weak in the churning haze.

But Yi Xia, who was ten thousand meters high in the air, still heard the roar full of passionate fighting spirit.

It was the vast and powerful sound of the horn at the beginning of the war, and it was also the sonorous and romantic sound of soldiers striking their chest armor with their weapons...

So the next moment, Yi Xia suddenly put away the witch flag!

In the haze, he had enough time and space to adjust his position.

After stretching the charging distance to a sufficient limit, Yi Xia suddenly turned around!

It started with a headless war dance, and there were not so many pretentious gestures.

The power gathered as the majestic body rotates is also one of the sources of the increasingly fierce attack after the war dance is launched.

And the violent power returned after being blocked added a particularly violent increase to the next blow.

Without any pause, the witch flag holding the sky suddenly fell violently towards the small figure who was alert and prepared in the haze!




The world was trembling, and Alerisser's little heart was also fluctuating.

Its composite brain, which condenses the crystallization of magic and technology, began to operate rapidly.

Without the need for too complicated calculations, Alerisser was able to figure out what an outrageous disparity existed between the funds it had to pay for the maintenance of the site and the fees it collected.

But it has been cautious enough to raise the other party's fee to the highest allowed by the comprehensive network...

A sigh from Alerysser...

As a legendary figure who was born in an ordinary goblin tribe, Alerisser rarely engages in loss-making business.

In fact, Alerisser has never been very optimistic about the so-called trial ground.

But in order to fulfill its agreement with a certain powerful figure, it had no choice but to survive.

It's not because of how honest Alerisser is, but sometimes, there is something stronger than personal conduct that restrains...

Alerisser doesn't like fighting, but since this trial ground was opened, it has been forced to watch the competition between many legendary characters.

And this further aroused the thought deep in its heart - simply pursuing combat ability is too dangerous.

On the contrary, it is safer and safer to obtain the protection of those powerful enough people through the business field in which it is good at.

Except for those evil chaotic lunatics, no one will have trouble with an existence that can bring enough benefits to themselves.

What's more, Yalerisser always adheres to the bottom line of not crossing the "red line of basic philanthropy".

After all, a greedy villain doesn't care if he's equally evil.

But those who admire justice will definitely not ignore such a "trivial" thing as murdering a civilian just because it has donated so many materials to so many suffering worlds.

Discussions between legends may not be so rare.

You can pay a relatively expensive fee for this, and it is quite rare to come to the trial field for special discussions.

Therefore, if Alerisser has time, he will still watch it.

It's not all about worries about possible losses. On the other hand, it's also about collecting information about these legendary characters.

Although due to relevant restrictions on the comprehensive network, it cannot sell this information.

But even just understanding, sometimes, is an extra wealth...

It’s just that Alerisser is not so sure whether the wealth received this time can match the resources lost...

At this moment, on the ground "to be overhauled" in front of it, the majestic body kept waving the weapons in its hands that were as large as a mountain.

Even an "layman" like Alerysser can see that its offensive is becoming more and more fierce.

Because the speed adjustment magnification displayed next to it is constantly increasing...

And at this moment, Alerisser saw the tiny figure that was wrapped in mist and could not be seen, and could only be generated through relevant feedback from the world, and suddenly swung his weapon towards the huge weapon that was attacking again!

The next moment, a scene with great visual impact happened:

That huge weapon, which was countless times bigger than the opponent, was deflected directly to the other side!

Its huge deflection force even almost caused it to fall off the giant's hand!

And that tiny figure suddenly jumped out in the direction of the weapon!

Just the next moment, he stopped - because he returned to the starting point where he left...

"What kind of spell is this?"

On the ground burning with witch fire, Dolly Wells, who was covered in his own broken blood, stopped, finally feeling a little deflated, he looked at the vast fog in front of him and asked.

"It's called haze..."

In the vast mist, there was a loud sound like thunder...

This chapter has been completed!
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