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Chapter 835: Enjoy the hunt, minions!

 "Network reminder: Warning! Your related behavior has attracted the attention of Chronomo, the demon god of evil and domination!"

"Tips from the Internet: Warning! Chronomo - the Demon God of Evil and Domination has taken a certain interest in you [The Demon God's Dangerous Review 1/3], and she will send her minions to hunt you..."

"Network reminder: Warning! You have been targeted by Cronomo, the minions of the evil and dominating demon! They are about to launch their first hunt..."

Yi Xia stood on the ground and glanced at the prompt information refreshed on her retina quite unexpectedly.

Yi Xia doesn't quite understand concepts like demon gods.

But Yi Xia has come into contact with too many evil gods that should be similar to them:

So far, the enemy list of the relevant camps on the earth has already included, even as many evil gods as the evil gods of some supernatural worlds...

There are also countless operations such as being hunted and being remembered.

For example, for some creatures who can maintain enough reason and order to reach a certain abyss, they will be lucky enough to find a burning word on a certain line of the towering gate of the abyss...

Of course, such eagerness and efficiency are quite rare for Yi Xia.

Among those on the list that must be liquidated in the future, the one that currently impresses Yi Xia quite deeply is a certain legendary poisonous dragon.

It sends its direct descendants directly to the earth.

Of course, it also adds a new chapter to Yi Xia's multiverse layered recipe...

Yi Xia, who originally thought that it was just a magical nest wandering in the void or subspace, suddenly became interested.

He really didn't expect that there would be such an additional "surprise"...

Then again, what is quite strange is that Yi Xia did not see this demon god in the relevant background introduction of this war plane.

Maybe there is some messy connection that Yi Xia doesn't know about?

Yi Xia wasn't too surprised by this.

The many chain reactions in the abyss plane have already allowed Yi Xia to see the reaction ability of the evil camp, which may even be sharper than other camps.

Therefore, Yi Xia was not surprised that a fallen world would be connected with an evil god whose background had nothing to do with it.

In this way, Yi Xia is not in a hurry to carry out the final cleansing of the current world - the witch fire that is raging on the surface of the entire planet's material is enough...

Everything is just a matter of time...

But now, Yi Xia, who had been warned that "fish schools are coming", was as patient as a familiar old fisherman.

I just don’t know if this demon’s minion has more additional derivative value...



"The master's mission is also the legion's order!"

The roar of Letizize, the destroyer of life, roared in this sky filled with endless darkness.

And wherever the violent roar went, countless roars followed!

There seemed to be an indescribable strong evil aura lingering in the dark sky.

In a world full of darkness and coldness, a picture of a cruel country belonging to the dark ones is outlined...

And those monsters roaring filial piety are the most cruel and evil hunters under the command of the powerful demon god Szirase.

They were given the title of "Hands of Schirath", and they went to other worlds on behalf of this powerful demon to hunt for the powerful creatures he was targeting.

And those weak mortal beings trembling under the evil shadow of monsters are the supreme gifts given to them by the devil - she will entangle with those good gods who try to urge the arrival of divine power at any cost...

It is precisely because of such "generous" and "merciful" actions in the evil realm that Szirasse has attracted countless evil beings.

Through various channels, they came to this evil world that exuded the horror of intelligent beings, and then joined the powerful demon god to work for him.

Over the long period of time that has passed, these Szirath's minions have destroyed countless cities.

Under the revenge blows of many alliances of good gods, the evil legions that suffered several devastating blows still recovered again and again.

In the realm of the multiverse, the infamy of this powerful demon is manifested.

Because of this, this powerful demon became more and more wanton and public.

She even tried to obtain the destiny and divinity belonging to her universe, but ultimately failed.

But even so, in the surrounding planes, her name, which seems to be lingering with endless evil and cruelty, still has enough deterrence.

And now, it is just repeating countless evil journeys...

"Shine your fangs, lackeys, it's time to drink blood!"

"The prey this time is a plump giant. The great, generous, and kind Skilasso only needs us to bring back its eyes!"

"Flesh, flesh, sinews, and even its greasy soul are all ours!"

“Enjoy the hunt!”

"Praise the mighty Skilas! The supreme master will never be stingy with her favors!"

As the current ruler of this evil legion, the Destroyer of Life, Letizize, knows how to control these dangerous beasts.

Of course, as the undoubted leader among them, the evil will of Letizize, the Destroyer of Life, also gave rise to the bloodthirsty desire as expected.

It will not be like those inferior and weak monsters, like a hungry wild dog that only wants to eat the flesh and blood of those mortal creatures.

For a being like it, only prey of sufficient weight can satisfy its endless bloodthirsty and greedy desires.

As for the danger of being destroyed and hunted?

Individuals who weigh the pros and cons cannot appear here.

Skilasso's legion will not accept the existence of even half of the "weak thoughts" that still exist.

In this way, with the instigation of the Destroyer of Life, the roars of the beasts filled with fanatical will cracked the hard ice of the surrounding lake!

With the cooperation of many evil spellcasters, a huge door exuding evil aura appeared in the void!

That is the passage to the endless world for Szirasse's minions, and it is also the guarantee for its ability to display its powerful evil power across borders.

In the dark realm, legend has it that it was forged from a powerful ancient dark artifact.

Therefore, he can show such a characteristic that can be called "toughness".

After all, even if it is a true artifact, it is commendable that it can still work relatively safely until now despite the impact of multiple powerful divine powers.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguoyuedu recently to read and catch up on new books. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. www.yeguoyuedu.com is available for Android and Apple.]

"Set off!"

The Destroyer of Life gave the order to march.

It can't wait...

It is also extremely interested in this prey.

A giant of that size doesn’t know what it feels like to chew...

This chapter has been completed!
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