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Chapter 893: Mortal objects appearing in the dream of the great witch?

Brilani returned home with a somewhat dazed expression.

When the old priest was young, he probably had a lot of fangirls?

Although until now, Briilani was forced to hear the gossip about the old priest.

Probably although in terms of business, he is a bit... partial?

But in general, basic professional qualities are still there.

In fact, Briilani originally just wanted to find a tree hole.

In a sense, this can also be regarded as a traditional function of the priest in a certain sense.

I just didn't expect to find a somewhat crooked old priest whose memory is always accompanied by a bunch of messy things and stories.

He actually gave her a decent answer.

In other words, acquitted?

Maybe it’s because I paid this time?

Before this, Briilani could only remember certain days.

That is, her mother would only take her to church when it was free.

Call my mother devout—she spent almost no money on church.

Let’s call my mother ungrateful—it was a free holiday for the church, and she fell behind...

Briilani felt that her mother didn't seem like someone who wanted to take advantage.

Maybe there are some stories?

Briilani doesn't know.

She is lying on the bed now, thinking about the old priest's novel insights on the "life block theory".

Of course, this is probably not the old priest’s original work.

Briilani guessed that there should be a prototype, but she had never been interested in it.

Theory is just theory after all, and the chasm between saying it and doing it has always been a more solid obstacle.

As the night wore on, Briilani, who had tossed and turned for half the night, finally slowly fell into a deep sleep under the influence of the medicine.

As the brain activity level gradually decreases, those complicated thoughts settle down like sand that has returned to calmness.

Just like removing the moss covering a pond, something deeper is revealed...


The fire that ravages the world...

Suddenly, Briilani seemed to hear the screams and roars of thousands of creatures.

That is not the plaintive sound of life waiting for death in despair.

It was not soft, and even Briilani, who was in a state of confusion, could hear the imminent death.

But there is a more cruel will that fills the time.

But even so, they are still insignificant embellishments under this magnificent curtain.

Just like the insignificant mortals when the earth collapsed that day, any struggle or escape could not attract more attention.

Because of the stronger colors, the mother undoubtedly occupies the center of everything.

It was a majestic creature that Briilani could hardly look at.

No, not so much living beings.

When Briilani's hazy consciousness involuntarily converged on her, the first word that appeared deep in her heart was - stars...

Even if it is viewed from a far enough distance, its distinct humanoid features can be fully displayed.

Nothing could go against Briilani's understanding.

And the next moment, the red "wave" in the distance suddenly swept towards this area.

The overwhelming momentum made Briilani step back subconsciously.

The next moment, she suddenly opened her eyes.


Briilani felt as if she had fallen into water, and her body was already soaked with sweat.

The rapid beating of the heart has triggered repeated warnings from home medical equipment.

Fortunately, Briilani woke up in time.

This is important - because she doesn't have any more money to pay for emergency assistance...

Is it a dream?

Briilani collapsed on the bed and took a long time to recover.

She stared at the work plan aside and suddenly had a new idea...

On the other side, under the quiet night, the great witch slowly opened his eyes...



I actually dreamed...

Yi Xia curiously explored the aura of the dream that had not yet dissipated.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, dreams are mysterious and difficult to control.

But Wu Jin himself has enough control over this.

It's just that Yi Xia has never paid too much attention to the power in this field.

In fact, in this field, Wu Jin also has corresponding methods, which can be called the top methods of the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage.

Yi Xia invests more in this aspect, at the level of resistance.

He doesn't have much interest in fighting or exploring through dreams, but he doesn't lose his due role as a witch at this level.

Not long after, a look of understanding appeared in Yi Xia's eyes filled with endless fire.

As mentioned in the introduction, under normal circumstances, shamans do not have dreams.

Whenever dreams appear, it is either due to contact with planes or ghosts and gods, or it is the enlightenment of one's own spirituality.

Obviously, for Yi Xia, who has a more convenient access to the former, basically only the latter situation will occur.

Prior to this, Yi Xia tried to find a more convenient and protective entry method that could bypass plane consciousness to a certain extent.

Due to various reasons, Yi Xia only had a piecemeal understanding of it.

He now has a basic understanding of this.

In general, it is obviously not feasible to enter a plane like the abyss, which has a high probability of causing great damage to the local area.

But for the world where for some reasons, there are many misunderstandings about Yi Xia and thus rejection, there is more room for maneuver.

But Yi Xia's understanding of this stopped there.

For more detailed operations, Yi Xia obviously had no idea.

And perhaps the fierce battle with Chang Yangshan rarely consumed Yi Xia's overly fiery and restless will, giving those usually quieter thoughts a long-lost space to express themselves.

Thus, the enlightenment that began with Yi Xia's vast spirituality found its way...

Of course, now it seems that this is more like a random screening in a sense?

Yi Xia stared at the fragile breath of life that existed in his conscious perception.

It originally belonged to a mortal object.

There are countless mortal things that interact with Yi Xia.

But obviously, not every mortal thing can leave traces of its breath in Yi Xia's consciousness so deeply.

Just like a girl who is learning how to control her natural power in the East.

It corresponds to the call of evil beings such as devils, which directly breaks through the intensity that the earth's current environment should have in related fields.

A crude ceremony that cannot even be called a slaughtering sacrifice...

With a huge life base of hundreds of millions, it is inevitable that such a truly gifted being will be born.

There is no doubt that this mortal creature, caught in his dream or "self-inflicted", possesses this kind of talent.

[An old book friend who I have known for ten years recommended to me a book-chasing app, Yeguo Reading! It is so easy to use. I rely on this to read and listen to books while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here www.yeguoyuedu.com]

Not everyone can easily step into the dreamland of the great witch, even if they are in a non-combat state.

Especially since it is still a mortal creature that has not yet mastered extraordinary power.

Of course, Yi Xia felt that there should be other factors influencing this - there was no basis for this. He did not sense any other power in the breath of life left by the other party.

But if you feel something in your heart, you will respond accordingly.

For Wu Jin, this sentence obviously has a higher gold content.

There is no need for any basis for the suspicion of the great witch.

Of course, Yi Xia has not yet sensed any new effective malice in this regard.

Jiaju, which is built on the level of the great witch's consciousness, is not so easily circumvented.

So, maybe try to expand a copy of this?

If possible.

Then when entering the relevant vigilant plane, you only need to first throw the opponent or the existence with such elements... and teleport in...

A thoughtful look appeared in Yi Xia's eyes filled with endless fire.

This chapter has been completed!
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