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Chapter 927: Fighting in the Coronal Layer


An unstoppable fall...

For the countless lives in the many material worlds, you only need to raise your neck to gaze at the material miracles.

However, there is a high probability that there will not be many people who can talk about their journey through the stars in such a calm manner.

Although among a few advanced civilizations, there are many examples of making full use of and even destroying stars.

But just like humans on Earth can use nuclear energy.

But it does not mean that they can contact those reactors full of dangerous power in their most wild and primitive attitude.

At this moment, Yi Xia and the chaotic life are facing the true glory of the star!

Endless plasma is scattered in this magnificent realm.

The temperature during the raging period had already exceeded the combustion limit of most substances.

In the extraordinary realm, it is a high concentration of positive energy condensed in the form of relative order.

Although chaotic life does not necessarily belong to darkness as defined by the world.

But on the line between order and chaos, there is absolutely no room for maneuver.

At this moment, Yi Xia's fight with chaotic life has entered the corona of this strange star.

The light of ordinary meaning has lost its meaning here.

The eyes of mortal beings cannot gaze at everything here.

The strong and high-concentration positive energy that filled it had a violent reaction with the two behemoths that invaded the period.

Plasma flow filled with the aura of destruction filled the bodies of Yi Xia and Chaos Life.

Here, the warm sunshine in the secular concept is no longer so gentle.

In its most violent form, it destroys or transforms any matter that falls into this area.

If it were just a star in the dead magic world, for Yi Xia at this moment, the corona area would not be enough to pose much of a threat to him.

But the stars in the extraordinary world are another concept...

In a certain sense, it carries a great concept that is one of the sources of order in the material world.

Even though Astrazia has occupied this universe for such a long time, it has not been able to distort the nature of the stars in it.

That is a realm belonging to a greater level...





Life is passing quickly...

For the first time, Yi Xia felt like a pine nut wrapped in ice, surrounded by a raging sea of ​​fire...

This plasma floating in the corona of this star stretches out one arc after another in a magnificent filament-like form that reaches into the sky.

At this moment, the fight between Yi Xia and the other party was going on at the edge of this huge arc.

At this time, Yi Xia's armor had been completely destroyed.

The thorns on the opponent's body were unable to maintain the posture he had recovered instantly before.

After fighting for so long, the amount of energy consumed is indescribable.

The long-lost hunger is bothering Yi Xia.

Of course, similarly, the other party's chaotic life also fell into such a predicament.

Astoria's dark power is of course huge.

The long accumulation of time makes it unlikely that there will still be any shortage situation in this regard.

However, now, it is no longer able to transform its dark power into chaotic life at will as before.

In this extremely harsh environment where a high concentration of positive energy is raging, its dark power is also greatly suppressed.

After all, it only occupies and dominates, rather than completely owning and controlling the world from the level of rules.

It cannot and cannot do this, because that would completely distort the material rules of the universe and change the original intelligent life in the period.

In a certain respect, it has also lost its corresponding related value to a certain extent.

"Do you want to die together?"

After another violent bombardment, the two behemoths, pulled by the power of the stars, once again "dive" deeper into the corona.

Astezia sensed some danger.

Just like under normal circumstances, a healthy adult would certainly not drown in a small pool of water.

But if there is a strong man with murderous intentions next to him, the situation obviously cannot be generalized anymore.

So, it once again controlled the body of chaotic life and roared.

It's not that it hasn't thought about manipulating the chaotic life to tactically retreat or take back the chaotic life, and fight with a more flexible attitude.

But after being arbitrarily caught by Yi Xia along the invisible thread and smashed with a flag, Astezia suddenly realized:

The opponent has the ability and resistance to observe this level of fate!

And the reason why the other party has never cut off his link.

It's just because the other party is already eyeing the powerful chaotic life that he summoned...



However, Astoria's question failed to receive a verbal response as always.

Some are just shaman flags thrown in the face.

At this moment, going deep into the environment deep in the corona, Yi Xia's eyes had completely turned into a burning red.

In this true paradise of life, light and heat dominate and dominate everything.

After acquiring the bloodline of chaos, Yi Xia relived the feeling of "burning" for the first time in his life.

The violent positive energy is trying to destroy every part of his huge body all the time!

Destruction, reorganization, rebirth...

Uncontrollable pain, approaching death and... the desire to achieve greatness...

All of this is eroding Yi Xia's remaining rationality little by little.

In his eyes, the phantom of the ferocious beast representing endless hunger became more and more violent.

He once again fought with the enemy who was once again separated from the control of the dark will and returned to wild chaos.

With too frequent high-energy reactions, they have completely transformed into two huge luminous bodies!

The "tiny figure" fighting among the stars cannot be glimpsed by ordinary things.

Only by paying close attention to the relevant beings here can we observe the interaction of the two "black spots" on the star from a distance through the changes in light and shadow.

And when the insignificant black spot on the star moved an unobservable distance toward its blazing core.

Astoria finally realized that it was in a dangerous predicament.

What makes it deeply uneasy is that it is unable to change this predicament.

Either kill the opponent here, or be killed by the opponent here!

Strezia's dark consciousness was gradually filled with some cold murderous intent and determination.

After discovering the predicament it was in, it did not lack the courage to fight bloody battles.

It no longer resists the "vulgar body" of chaotic life, and directly pours its own dark consciousness and power into it!

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguoyuedu recently to read and catch up on new books. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. www.yeguoyuedu.com is available for Android and Apple.]

In the next moment, the life of Chaos, which had been strongly replenished, seemed to have returned to its full glory again.

And a sharp thorn snaked out of its palm, like a mortal stabbing sword.

"Who do you think you are! A cub of Chaos!"

At this moment, Stezia suddenly felt some subtle changes in the other party.

Due to the related effects of always being in high-intensity fighting and continuous pain, the opponent's related rationality seems to be on the verge of some dangerous threshold...

This chapter has been completed!
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