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Chapter 951 The Great Witch’s Version of the Wine Pond and the Meat Forest

 "Zongwang Chat Assistant: You have a new channel@, please check it in time."

Yuan Xian was slightly startled as he looked at the prompt information that was refreshed on his retina.

Then, use your consciousness to open it and take a look:

"Channel - Three people who love each other on the earth [Xie Xia]: We agreed to fuck Zhou Ben together today, but you guys have a different rhythm again? @Yuan Xian, Angry Stewed Pigeon jpg"

Yuan Xian suddenly realized it and remembered that he had made an appointment with his friends today to attack Zhou Ben together.

But there were too many things going on yesterday, and the notification was received at short notice, so the results are self-evident.

Who would have thought...

Yuan Xian looked at the majestic palace surrounded by dense heat.

Or should we say, Hall Forest?

All the palaces seemed to be built by giants holding up the sky.

Even the columns supporting the palace are far superior to those tall mountains that Yuan Xianping had been exposed to.

It's all so vast that it's confusing.

Even if you are just standing in such a building, the small feelings that originate from the depths of your soul are surrounding you as tightly as air.

The area he is currently in should be at the corner of this palace forest. Of course, Yuan Xian is not sure about this.

Just because the surrounding buildings are too grand, and obviously there is no relevant convenient magic map for reference.

Along with Yuan Xian, there were many online players in the war lord sequence. Yuan Xian knew that today's banquet was held by the Adrusu pantheon to entertain Yi Xia.

He was invited here because he is the diplomatic image of the earth in a sense and has been assisting in alliance activities related to the Adrusu pantheon.

Considering the size of the main area of ​​this banquet, it was probably somewhat unfriendly to a small mortal like him.

Therefore, the banquet he attended was set up on the other side.

So far, Yuan Xian has not seen Dawu, and he is not even sure whether they are on the same interface.

After all, this is the place where the gods of the Adrusu system entertain the great witches, so no one will be surprised by the existence of any kind of supernatural beings.

According to the attendant, there are mountains of meat available for consumption outside the palace.

Of course, the attendant asked Yuan Xian if he was interested in "contracting" one of the physical "meat mountains".

To this, Yuan Xian's answer is naturally no.

Although he has never attended a banquet of this size.

But in Yuan Xian's view, strictly speaking.

The banquet he attended before at the Great Witch's invitation was not of such an exaggerated scale, but the gold content was a different concept.

Therefore, in general, Yuan Xian feels that he has some experience in this aspect.

At least he knows that, except when the invitee is too close, packing is always inappropriate...

Especially, in this situation where he is not just an individual.

But then again, I didn’t realize it before, but the Adrusu god is actually a rich man!

To be honest, Yuan Xian was a little surprised by this.

A divine system that is closely related to Zongwang cannot be said to be barren.

After all, having such a huge resource network and being able to remain impoverished probably requires some "hard power."

But if you are rich, it depends on what the reference system is...

No matter what frame of reference he used for comparison, Yuan Xian felt that being able to treat the great wizard to a meal so generously was definitely considered "generous".

Speaking of which, Yuan Xian made tentative suggestions on this before, mostly with the idea that "it's still a suggestion after all."

What's surprising is that the Adrusu pantheon actually adopted his suggestion, which can't even be said to be brilliant.

After all, inviting a great witch to a meal can bring you closer to someone, which doesn't take much wisdom to figure out.

The reason why the great witch travels through time and space to hunt is not a secret - not yet.

To have a full meal?

It’s just a question of whether this choice is cost-effective enough...

All in all, it is a well-known "stupid method".

From this point of view, Yuan Xian felt that whether the Adrusu pantheon was really that rich or not, it was quite surprising.

At least they are really willing to spend money!

At this moment, the prompt information on the retina was refreshed again, and Yuan Xian realized that he had to reply to his friend first.

After thinking for a while, Yuan Xian first asked the goblin attendant at the side.

After learning that activities such as filming were allowed, Yuan Xian directly took a picture and sent it to the group.

"Channel—Three people who love each other on Earth [Yuan Xian]: I can't help it. I suddenly got a notice yesterday that I was going to take advantage of the great witch to make a living today, but I was too busy and forgot to tell you."

"Channel—Three people who love each other on Earth [Yuan Xian]: Picture.jpg"

After a short period of silence, Yuan Xian could see a new message on his retina that seemed to be able to sense some strong emotion:

"Channel—Three people who love each other on Earth [Xie Xia]: You really deserve to die!"



The mountain of meat is dumped, just like the cakes set aside, you can take it at will.

The torrent of wine brought down by the roar of the sky begins with the torrent swept by the storm from the sea of ​​wine.

In this intertwining full of violent power, these complex drinks are given a more harmonious and layered taste.

From this perspective, is it a legendary concept of "cocktail"?

At this time, Yi Xia had transformed into a witch body form.

Garmendike on the opposite side also transformed into the image of a giant holding up the sky.

It is different from the old human form shown by the other party before.

Now, Garmendik's whole body was filled with turbulent thunder and sparks.

His eyes are even more brilliant, shining like stars.

Between its arms, there are protruding, bright gem-like natural crystal nuclei.

On top of this vast and grand banquet, it emits a bright light all the time that is difficult for ordinary things to gaze at.

And the divine power that arose with his wanton drinking even turned into a dazzling lightning snake.

This is also the true face of the war god of the Garmendic-Adrusu pantheon.

Yi Xia on the other side is a little plain.

Before entering the state of great witchcraft, his body did not have so many external manifestations.

It's just that the body, surging with infinite chaotic power, is slightly eclipsed by Wenlan compared to the state of ordinary things...

Now, the other gods who originally attended the banquet have temporarily left the banquet.

When the two giants were drinking to the fullest.

Even the gods find it difficult to maintain decent stability in such an environment.

After all, if you need to activate your divine power for protection when attending a banquet, that would obviously be a bit too subtle.

Therefore, after the banquet "officially started", they left the table one after another.

For this, the gods of the Adrusu pantheon probably had no plan in advance.

Fortunately, the two giants who were drinking at the moment didn't care about it either.

In this way, this great witch's version of "Wine Pond and Meat Forest" continues amidst the roaring divine power and the slightly restless storm...

This chapter has been completed!
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