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Chapter 79 Garitalia’s cold primitive egg-laying species 1)

 The unexpected encounter did not make Yi Xia pay too much attention to it.

In the many colorful adventures in the past, he has become accustomed to this kind of unexpected encounter.

Some of them may suddenly meet again one day in the endless time to come.

And more, it is just a single-threaded contact in the endless time and space of the multiverse.

Of course, those vivid memories are still stored in the great witch's sea of ​​consciousness surrounded by endless fire.

For Yi Xia at this moment, this level of memory reserve is not something worth mentioning.

At this time, Yi Xia had returned to Liucheng from the edge of chaos on the outer reaches of the earth.

It is noon in Liucheng now.

The sky, which has already begun to spring, looks a little cloudy and uncertain.

No need for detailed research, Yi Xia just took a look and knew the time when the rain was about to fall and more detailed information.

The great witch finally finished his work and prepared to make a pot of fish soup.

At this moment, Yi Xia suddenly remembered that there was a newly obtained treasure chest that had not been opened.

Because in this regard, Yi Xia has never had too strong needs.

Therefore, sometimes compared to the obtained cooking materials, he does not pay as much attention to this aspect as many ordinary online players.

In this way, Yi Xia took out the treasure box that exuded a cold and profound atmosphere from a corner of the item backpack.

The next moment, as Yi Xia touched the surface of this profound treasure box, a new message flashed on his retina:

Comprehensive Tips: Do you want to open the remains treasure chest in the Deep Nest of Garretaria?

Yi Xia thought about it. Since this treasure box did not fit his aesthetic style and appearance, he did not intend to open it through physical contact.

In this way, under the fluctuation of Yi Xia's consciousness, the profound treasure chest was opened by the will of the great witch.

The next moment, a glimmer of cold light flowed out from the gap in the treasure chest that slowly opened...

A new prompt message flashed on Yi Xia's retina:

Comprehensive website tip: The remains treasure chest in the Deep Nest of Garretalia has been successfully opened, and you have obtained Garretalia - the cold original egg-laying species (scarlet)!

Garretalia - the cold primordial egg-laying species (scarlet):

Type: Forbidden Life/Legendary Advanced Magic Activation Material

Quality: Scarlet (This individual/item has a certain level of uncontrolled scarlet danger, please use or dispose of it with caution based on your actual situation)


Purpose: war enslavement legion construction/legendary advanced alchemy or related derivative uses

Status: Banned (this status requires the consumption of at least 1 legendary unlocking scroll,

Thirty-seven sacred ritual crystals and related auxiliary materials can be used to perform the unblocking ceremony) Item/individual description:

The original egg-laying species of Garretalia is an extremely dangerous top hunter born in the deep sea space and time.

The bite of the original egg-laying species of Garretaria, each independent tooth hits, will be regarded as a stackable demon-breaking/shield-breaking effect.

A fully mature Garitalia primordial spawn will have a challenge rating of at least 21+, and it can ignore most mental spells and all low-level spells.

The original egg-laying species of Garretalia can converge their life state and enter the reproduction mode to create hundreds of millions of Garretalia servant lives in at most one natural year (the production requires the consumption of sufficient energy and material resources).

The created servant life will be regarded as a naturally born life independent of the creator, and it also has the reproductive ability related to the original egg-laying species of Garitaria to a certain extent.

Scarlet Warning:

The third generation of the original egg-laying species of Garretalia and the offspring after three generations will not be summoned by the original egg-laying species of Garretaria and its superior ruler.

ps: If these daughter bodies can have some general edible value or alchemical uses, do you think they will be an excellent economic product?

—Street Lamp Collector-Radilu

ps: I would like to call it the natural enemy of the angler! A real angler will not accept this kind of thing that can pull up a lot of things even if you throw a rope! - Xuhai Angler - Ta

ps: Another lost ethnic group? Sad Su...wait, how did this thing become extinct? - Member of the Lost Life Protection Organization - Fruel Weiss

Yi Xia glanced at the prompt information refreshed on her retina.

Then, the great witch's eyes filled with endless fire focused on a certain... fish fry that was in a sealed state in the item backpack?

To be honest, this is the first time Yi Xia has found such a creation in a treasure chest.

After all, let a being who has exterminated a race draw its last inherited bloodline from its extermination treasure chest?

To be honest, this is somewhat dramatic...

Yi Xia looked at this taboo life that was in a sealed state with a sufficiently professional eye in the relevant field.

For Yi Xia at this moment, this kind of life is far from dangerous.

But in this regard, Yi Xia has always been cautious enough.

He pays enough attention to ordinary things that he never deals with seemingly trivial things so casually.

Precisely because he has witnessed too many destructions and overthrows, Yi Xia feels that he has always been quite satisfactory in this regard.

To be thrown into some dark world and used as a fish pond?

After roughly understanding all its characteristics, this was the first relevant thought that emerged in the sea of ​​​​consciousness of the great witch.

But soon, it was rejected by Yi Xia.

Just like how he had dealt with such things before, it was always uneasy to leave them in a realm that was out of sight.

What's more, in the infinite time and space of the multiverse, the great witch has no shortage of this food.

Furthermore, even if it can give birth to hundreds of millions of children in a short period of time.

However, the time cost for these offspring to mature also needs to be considered.

In contrast, if you just go hunting in a dark world or chaotic void that is not rich in products, you will be able to come back with a full harvest.

Therefore, it does not have much appeal to Yi Xia.

As for how to deal with it...

Maybe when you make the witch soup later, you can put it into the pot as a meatball?

Yi Xia thought this way.

Then, he suddenly had a new idea:

I don’t know how sacrificing dangerous living creatures in a certain sense can restore the earth...

Yi Xia was suddenly curious about this.

Gods, earthly creatures, etc. are eliminated first.

So from the remaining related concepts, Yi Xia felt that the most likely possibility was some old friends she was familiar with...

Speaking of which, didn’t Wu Kui and the others find a thunder beast before this?

As soon as he thought of this, Yi Xia's heart moved.

In the next moment, there are no more unnecessary steps.

The original egg-laying species of Garitalia, which was sealed in some kind of constant concept, was suddenly enveloped in a ball of fire...

This chapter has been completed!
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