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Chapter 88 God: This is also a test

 Still haven’t found the source of that gaze? "

The highest peak - Germilneda stood outside the cathedral in full armor. In front of the Judgment Legion that was already ready to go, Germilneda, whose entire face was shrouded in a majestic helmet, was frowning at the moment.

He asked the old priest next to him somewhat dullly.

However, I only got a word from the gods but no response...

This made Jamilneda feel somewhat uneasy.

Unlike the pure faith corresponding to the priests, Germilneda represents the path of judgment and redemption.

And faith, in a sense, is just a tool.

What's more, among the many taboo records that have been learned before, there are also records about gods losing their voices.

That often corresponds to irresistible destruction or disaster.

Therefore, although the priests did not receive more help from the gods.

But obviously, it made Germilneda's vigilance suddenly rise to the highest level.

Before, what on earth was that...

Deep in his heart, Germilneda, who was standing solemnly, murmured this.

As a legendary knight, Germilneda fulfills his sacred oath of justice and glory.

And in the realm expected by goodness, they also brought him extremely powerful protection and sensitivity.

Therefore, Germilneda was able to sense the indescribable blazing gaze before.

Just like when he was still an apprentice, he once recklessly tried to look directly at the most blazing star with his naked eyes.

That nearly destroyed the legendary knight's later career.

Therefore, to this day, he still admires the supremely glorious sun.

On its solid armor with no other luxurious decorations, a pattern symbolizing stars was the only complicated thing that Germilneda could accept."

This also allowed him to achieve smoother communication with the believers of these gods later on.

They believed that Germilneda also respected gods, but he had creeds and doctrines unique to knights.

The threat of the void has not been dealt with yet, and another unknown powerful existence has arrived...

A little worry appeared in Germilneda's mind.

He is not afraid of even charging towards the evil god.

But the turning of the world into scorched earth was more painful and heart-wrenching for Germilneda than death.

He swore to protect the kingdom and its subjects, like the radiance of a star, forever dispelling darkness and shadow.


At this moment, Jemilneda felt the approaching figure under the helmet and frowned. He knew who was coming.

But it seems that the other party should not appear here at this time.

Not long after, under the luxurious red carpet laid out by the servants, a figure in a gorgeous robe slowly walked over.

She took off her hood with some loss of aristocratic etiquette, and then saluted Germilneda...

Sir Germilneda, you seem troubled?

She said softly.

Her voice inherited the tenderness and gentleness of her mother, the queen who had been regent for many years when she was young.

However, Germilneda knew that the princess in front of her was not a law-abiding being.

A princess who truly follows order and self-discipline will not recklessly try to conduct barbaric alchemy in the palace...

Your Royal Highness, the Fourth Princess, this is not the place you should stay now.

Evil is coveting in the shadows, and unknown threats are peeping in the secret..." Overturning destruction may be just around the corner.

In response to the princess' greetings, Germilneda only gave a very cold reply.

Then the other party didn't seem to notice the warning in Germilneda's words, and instead smiled after hearing the words.

I heard that the gods have not yet given us the sacrifice revelation?

compared to

Regarding Germilneda's attitude, the old priest next to him seemed milder:

We cannot guess God’s will. Perhaps this is a test He imposes on his believers.

Please return to the palace first...

After hearing this, the other party continued:

Of course, how can a mortal measure the thoughts of God?"

She paused, then her lips, which were as bright as flames, slowly curved...

Like, maybe at this point, God is just having fun?"

Burn to embers!


The power of destruction, accompanied by strong light, is violently vented in this chaotic realm!

Countless filthy and twisted objects instantly turned into particles of destruction under this light and power!

And the twisted existence named Patrilee, the Lord of Great Corruption, has completely fallen into a state of rage!

It summons countless twisted tentacles from the endless decaying and twisted corpses.

They tried to restrain the sky-holding figure, but before they even got close, they were swallowed up by the raging outer flames of the human-shaped star.

In the long and dark years that have been lost, it is not that Patrilli has never engaged in such fierce fighting.

However, everything was so sudden and unexpected.

When it suddenly noticed that one of its projections in a certain material world was fluctuating.

Before it could even decide whether to take a closer look, it was violently smashed into one by a blazing figure coming across endless time and space!

Patrilli was not angry because of the opponent's unprovoked sneak attack. The real reason for its anger was:

Patrilli felt that the other party's chaos was actually higher than it!

You must know that even it will not suddenly have the idea of ​​​​going to the kingdom of a certain good god to catch and fight with him.

What's more, the other party may not even have any thoughts in this regard, but after finding it, he directly travels through infinite time and space to fight!

It wasn't a test or a demonstration - Patrilli could feel the other party's terrifying murderous intention without any suppression.

What chaos and madness this is!

The jealousy of Patrili, the Lord of Great Corruption, allowed it to draw even more powerful strength and rage from the injuries of decline and destruction...

It will completely crush and devour this sky-holding giant to prove its uniqueness and eternity in this realm of chaos!

In this way, the two behemoths began the most brutal and cruel fight in this chaotic realm!

The entire time and space of the Chaos Realm began to turmoil violently, like sea water swept by a storm!

Countless twisted beings rush madly from more distant realms.

One after another, they plunged into the fiery destruction.

Such a violent and violent reaction even attracted the attention of some entities related to the material world.

After a startling glance, he quickly looked away as if he had witnessed something taboo.

Of course, there are also some fascinating beings.

In a certain kingdom of God:

Your priests, God, are still praying - they are desperate to know what is going on.

The saints brought news about mortal things, but God only heard the words and said with a solemn expression:

The will of mortals is always changeable and fragile.

This is also a test...

Then, I started watching it again with great interest...


This chapter has been completed!
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