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Chapter 20 Everything is ready, only for guests

 Hill was sitting on a bench, with the rumbling sound of earth elements building buildings behind him, and in front of him was a huge screen showing all kinds of strange news. Suddenly, he felt like he was back in a commercial street, sitting on the street watching a giant screen.

However, Hill's heart no longer had the same sad feeling in the past. After so many years, the nostalgia for the past has become weaker and weaker. The weight of Frank in his heart has deepened again and again, and finally overwhelmed those illusory thoughts.


Hill understands very well that the reason why Frank must put the research on demons in Hill's territory. One is the undead, and they have publicly said that they will send these things to Hill. Most people should know this news by now.


It is impossible for Hill to keep things related to the devil in his own hands, otherwise it will cause public outrage.

On the other hand, if the research is carried out in Hill's territory, Hill, as the lord, only needs to provide the place and necessary materials and equipment, and everyone's research results must be shared with Hill.

Frank had no intention of inviting Legend, so in the Hill Territory with the backing of three magicians, few people would really dare to take the risk of violating the contract signed by themselves.

Frank really didn’t want Hill to deal with demonic writing. After all, Hill was a natural warlock and would most likely be in more danger than others. But he didn’t want to let Hill have to deal with so many things.

After the danger, there is not much gain yet.

So Frank simply put the research center in Hill's territory.

As for the experimental equipment, for the flange, it is really the least worth mentioning.

Even Adrian wouldn't feel anything about this. After all, the undead only recognized Hill, not Fran and him.

What's more, Adrian is not someone who cares so much in the first place.

Before the first ray of sunshine in the morning shone down, the lord's mansion behind Hill was renovated.

Hill watched as he happily went to Liszt to receive the earth element with no attribute crystal, and couldn't help but laugh.

Before he went to carve the purification circle, he asked Liszt to ask if there was anything else the tree people wanted to come out with.

He looked up at the square and saw that big trees could be planted around the square.

Hill planned to engrave natural purification circles on the ground of the square. Then he would summon forest circles on both sides of the road leading to the villagers and players' residences.

As long as the forest array is summoned, even Hill's magic tower in the valley only requires one-tenth of his mana to maintain the existence of this spell.

If the center of the formation is a wise tree like a beech, then Hill needs to spend less mana.

But once it becomes the core of the forest formation, the tree man can no longer move until Hill cancels the spell.

Therefore, Hill asked Liszt to make it clear to the tree people. Only those who are willing to stand here for a long time can become the core of the forest formation.

Hill carved the purification array in the lord's mansion, and when he came out, he was surprised to find that more than 20 tree people had come out.

He raised his head, looked at the small ball of wood elemental light hiding on the tree man, and sighed helplessly.

"Hill, it's rare for us tree people to be able to see so many mages without any danger." The leader, the big oak tree, said slowly, "You see, usually we have to walk a long way when we want to come out.

All day long.

Now, in order to seize the opportunity, everyone has sped up."

Hill scratched his hair and thought for a while, and decided to build a forest array in every corner of the square, so that he would not be afraid that any brave mage would dare to attack the tree people.

After all, when Hill looked at the pleading faces of the little light balls, he knew that he could no longer stop their curiosity.

Hill simply didn't want to look at the happy face of the wood elemental clan leader hiding at the top of the big oak tree.

"But once this forest formation is summoned, it cannot be canceled casually." Hill Zai carefully told the tree people and wood elements, "With the wood elements here, I don't need too much magic power to maintain the formation.

, but summoning requires a lot of mana, and I can only summon it 4 times a day even though I drink magic potion."

The tree people have no objection at all, it's not that they won't go back, it's just this period of time, and for them, it's not enough time to sleep.

Hill placed the big oak tree in the direction leading to the residence. He was the strongest, and the chief of the wood element never left him.

The girls in Hill's territory are not pretty, and the strongest ones are just knights.

However, there are many mages who have no hope of promotion, who are even crazier than the most decadent nobles, and because they are mages, they are very hidden.

Hill does not intend to use the residents of his territory to test the alignment tendencies of the mages.

If he still takes action despite Hill's obvious precautions, it would be a provocation to Hill, and Hill could kill him directly.

After Hill killed the demon, he felt that he could kill people with his eyes closed.

He arranged all the oak tree people here. Anyway, with the big oak tree here, he could control them to some extent.

After walking into a forest, most of Hill's blue strips fell off. He drank juice and felt a familiar feeling of helplessness.

Walking outside the long street leading to the player's residence, Hill arranged thorn tree people here, and the summoned woods were also full of sharp thorns.

If there are still mages who accidentally enter, even if they are killed by the players, Hill doesn't have to worry about it.

After drinking a bottle of tonic potion, Hill walked to the open space between the Lord's Mansion and the church, and set the ginkgo and cedar trees as the core here. As expected, the summoned forest formation, with one ring inside the other, was tall and beautiful.

It is five stories high, blocking the view of the Lord's Mansion.

Hill pinched his waist and looked at the last few. He couldn't even set up such terrible protection on the roads leading to shops and hotels, right?

Hill looked at the puppets patrolling the road. These were the lowest level puppets of the Great Knight, which could serve as a warning.

He scratched his head and finally decided to arrange these relatively short flower-type trees on the left and right sides of the giant screen.

Treants can make themselves shorter, just a little thicker. The summoned ones of the same kind are indeed shorter and do not block the screen at all.

Hill watched with satisfaction. Under the reflection of the trees and flowers, the giant screen looked even more beautiful.

Hill began to carve a purification circle along the square. Near the forest array, the effect of this purification circle was even greater.

Fran and Adrian flew over when Hill was in the middle of carving. They were not in a hurry to set up the alchemy equipment. They stood aside and looked at Hill with interest.

"People from the natural system are too strong in this area!" Adrian sighed, "I see that the purification arrays in many temples are not as effective as Hill's."

"His water magic is stronger than that of the spring." Fran said, "That means the earth type doesn't have magic, otherwise he would definitely know it."

"Of course I really love Hill very much." Adrian said with a smile, "So Hill's luck has always been very good."

Fran said seriously: "You can't always rely on luck! If you develop dependence, he will be useless."

Adrian shut up quickly, he didn't want to talk nonsense and cause Hill to be scolded.

Fortunately, Hill was concentrating on the purification circle and heard nothing.

Hill finally completed all the tasks and breathed a sigh of relief.

He raised his head and saw Fran and Adrian standing next to him, and waved happily.

The two of them nodded and smiled at him, and Fran was respectfully invited by Liszt to go upstairs to check the results of the decoration.

Adrian took out a box: "I plan to place this in the lobby on the first floor so that I can directly contact His Majesty the King."

Hill looked at it doubtfully.

Adrian smiled and said: "That's right, it's the kind of mobile communicator you made.

His Majesty the King ordered 500 from the teacher.

Now all the alchemists in the territory are busy making this thing."

Hill nodded with satisfaction: Any alchemist who learns how to make this contact device must buy the manufacturing blueprints from Hill.

Of course he can learn from others, but then he can't sell it openly.

In the world of alchemists, Fran is now king.

This can be seen from the fact that Frank easily arranged for people to come to Hill to do research. Otherwise, he would have to go to Obastian's Great Magic Tower anyway.

Hill smiled and said to Adrian: "I haven't installed a tower spirit in the lord's mansion yet. Although Liszt can handle it, would it be better to put a more advanced one?"

"I brought you one." Adrian said with a wry smile, "Although the tower spirit I made recently can be considered high-level, it is too far behind the one made by the teacher and cannot be advanced."

"Then it's just right to leave it here." Hill nodded with satisfaction, "Why don't you add some money and sell it to the undead?"

"The price of high-end tower spirits must not be lowered." Adrian told Hill, "If you make it in the future and the quality is not good, you would rather store it in the warehouse than sell it at a lower price."

Hill blinked and tilted his head to look cute.

Adrian laughed: "You have successfully become a mage. I don't understand that those archmage-level alchemists rely solely on being a high-level tower spirit to earn resources for advancement!

There are so many things we can make money from, so the only way is not to hurt them."

Hill nodded silently.

"Actually, things are much better now, for alchemists." Adrian touched Hill's head, "Your Majesty, the demand for alchemical items is endless, and ordinary alchemists are living very well now.

However, it is only within the three countries of Salar.

So, we must not start this, understand? Hill."

Hill nodded vigorously.

Adrian patted him again, summoned Liszt, and asked him to activate this high-level tower spirit.

By doing this, when the tower spirit wakes up, it will obey Liszt's command honestly.

"Set a female one!" Adrian complained, "I don't expect it, Hill. You see a lot of undead, so make it look more beautiful. After all, you will be receiving guests in the future."

Hill thought for a while and nodded in agreement: women seem less threatening.

Adrian waved his hand: "It seems that the teacher has no objection, then I will install the tools."

Hill nodded: "Although we have arranged accommodation for my grandfather and you here, I still hope that you can come back to live in my tower."

Adrian shook his head: "The teacher won't go. He will definitely watch closely."

Hill could only watch Adrian go upstairs helplessly.

"Mr. Hill." The old cat called him from afar.

Hill looked back at his player, the deputy mayor.

"Why are there so many thorn trees on both sides of the road?" The old cat walked over cautiously from the path surrounded by trees, "I always feel like these trees want to hit me."

You must be in debt. Hill complained.

"This is my forest formation, and there are tree people in it." Hill said with a headache, "Don't touch the trees!"

"Okay. I just think this branch looks good and I want to break one." The old cat defended, "I won't do it anymore, and I will inform them."

He glanced around the small square: "Do you have to be so defensive?"

"Send the things from the devil from Xueyun Summit." Hill explained, "I have to take some precautions."

"What about me?"

"You stay in the church when you are free recently, and I asked Liszt to arrange an office for you." Hill instructed, "After the undead come, if anything happens, you and Liszt can discuss it and handle it.

There are many things that Liszt cannot understand about the thinking of the undead, and I need your help to explain them."

"You don't need to understand what a fool thinks! Why bother with him?" the old cat said intuitively.

Then he reacted and said: "Okay, I understand. If it's really unreasonable, can I kick him out?"

"You can make suggestions to Liszt and he will agree.

As long as you are reasonable, he will not disagree."

"The thinking mode of a smart brain?" Old Cat murmured, "That's great."

Hill feels that this cat seems to be in trouble?

But he couldn't say anything more. Compared to other people in the territory who preferred life skills, Old Cat was his only choice.

Hill actually wanted to know what the requirements for the deputy mayor position Lao Mao received from him in their game were.

He asked Liszt to pay attention, believing that if there were more players, someone would always ask the old cat.

The old cat may have told his companions in his own home, but Hill could not spy on other people's homes and could only wait for the opportunity.

Liszt suddenly appeared: "Sir, Mr. Xueyunfeng has teleported here with many people."

Hill turned and walked towards the church, and the old cat immediately followed Hill energetically.

"Mr. Hill! Long time no see! How are you lately?" Xueyunfeng was already standing at the door of the church, greeting Hill from a distance.

"Mr. Xueyunfeng, hello." Hill smiled. Can this hypocritical and terrible way of greeting NPCs be changed?

He also nodded to the row of people cheering behind Xueyunfeng.

"I'm sorry there are so many people here!" Xue Yunfeng said embarrassedly, "Although Liszt has set up our alliance and the alliance's alliance gangs, they are all friendly gangs.

But there are always people who worry that they have been forgotten and have to come again.”

Hill was speechless: You might as well say that they are all worried about what they will do if they can't buy the alchemy medicine in Fran's territory.

He smiled at Xueyunfeng and said: "You can come anywhere you want in my territory. As long as you can enter my place, you can go to my grandfather's place.

Grandpa has already arrived, I will take you there, and just give your things to Uncle Adrian."

Xueyunfeng smiled and pointed back at a few people, and said to the others: "It's okay, go shopping by yourself. Don't cause trouble. If you get thrown out, don't look for me, I'm afraid of embarrassment!"

The old cat quickly stood up: "I am the deputy mayor of this town. I specialize in dealing with undead affairs. If you have any questions, you can ask me."

He looked at the surprised players triumphantly and was about to start bragging about his great achievements.

Hill turned a deaf ear and led Xueyunfeng and others directly into the Lord's Mansion and up to the second floor.

As expected, Fran and Adrian are already waiting here, and even the isolation space box has been opened.

I almost forgot to ask for votes~~~

Nasilia decided to hold on every day

This chapter has been completed!
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