Chapter 1392 What does Alexei want?

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Prince Alexei quickly agreed to Lusimar's invitation.

Originally, he was also thinking of ways to move to the city.

He really didn't want to continue to be neighbors with Scarlet, that prince who stood on the mast with a telescope every day and watched the excitement.

That kind of guy who is afraid of the world being in chaos, no one knows what he will do... If someone really attacks him, Alexei has no doubt that that person might help his enemy to kill him.

Besides, given the opportunity to kill an enemy prince without causing a war, Alexei felt that he might not be able to bear it.

It's a pity that Count Sterle didn't take up the matter at all.

Alexei didn't have any plans for Ellie at first... When life safety has not been guaranteed, there is no need to consider the bright future.

But the girl who dared to walk alone in the city at such a dangerous time was too conspicuous... so conspicuous that it dazzled the eyes.

Probably no level 5 mage would be in such a calm and fearless mood.

However, Ellie, who has the ability to fly instantly as a creature with the element of wind, and can rush into the sage's house for help at any time, really has nothing to be afraid of.

Then Alexei had an idea: As long as Ellie has half the character of Countess Steer, the man who can marry her will make a lot of money!

Prince Danboro still has his pride and would not choose his wife based on some external conditions, but Ellie’s internal conditions are also very good!

Apart from being a little silly...that kind of performance that is a little silly because of innocence and pampering, there is still hope.

If Ellie had a temper like Lind, he would definitely not have this idea.

Fortunately, Linde is a mutant.

But, the trouble is that he is so good that he will not be shaken by his identity at all.

Alexei didn't think much about it at first. A man of marriage age will always show his attentiveness when he sees a perfect marriage partner.

What if he takes this mouthful of meat away?

But he didn't expect that the wind element creature didn't seem to be just an ordinary elemental fairy.

He is completely different from the little man with little IQ next to the great sage Ismail.

Alexei stood on the rooftop of his new home, clenching his fists quietly... He didn't know if this was his chance, but he did need to grab everything he could hold in his hands.

But first, he had to make sure that the wind was not blowing from the sea.

He looked at the great sage's residence next door, which was always difficult to see, and then turned to look at the port.

After hesitating for a while, he still turned his attention to the Moon Clan who had finished the fight and sent away some of their companions.

Hill found out that he had a strange neighbor on the third day after Prince Danboro moved in.

He originally didn't pay much attention to the house on the left, which was across the road from his house, but since he was the only person in Basia who had the courage to deal with the Moon Clan, he couldn't help but want to observe it.

Then I discovered that Lucimar and Alexei lived there.

Of course, Alexei was accompanied by several guards, an elderly housekeeper, and two young servants.

No wonder he didn't care about Lusimar's reputation as a maid hunter.

Hill was lying on the clouds looking at Prince Alexei. It only took three days for him to go from standing aside and watching the battle of the Moon Clan to being able to chat with the Moon Clan standing in the king's camp.

friends, and then take them to apologize and compensate Ellie who has to patrol the Hall of Wealth every day.

Everything seemed so logical.

Although Ellie did not receive compensation from the Moon Clan, her relationship with the Moon Clan became much friendly because of this, and she was even able to convince them to move the battlefield outside the city... Although the Moon Clan's resurrection altar has been divided into different

cities, but the distances are not far.

Moreover, both sides arrived at the city of Brasilia at about the same time, so the neutral city of Brasilia had to become a battlefield.

But compared to those altar cities where the lords and officials were constantly being assassinated...the Moon Clan sometimes simply killed them openly, but everyone in Basia City was already very satisfied.

After all, as long as they don't go out, the wizards and guards of the Ster family can still save everyone's lives.

Maybe it's because there are a lot of fun things to do in the original city, but it takes more than three days to travel to Brasilia, only to look back and start all over again, so there are relatively few people from the Moon Clan.

Even if the two sides who are truly enemies call themselves friends and fight back and forth in the end, it is still the hundreds of people who are persevering.

The Brazilians listened to the bad news coming from the city next door, and then looked at the small battles on their own side. What else could they complain about?

Especially Miss Ellie moved the battlefield outside the city!

Although it was Prince Alexei who pulled the strings, it was Miss Ellie who did it!

For the first time, Earl Steer felt that he would still have such a high reputation... The Basians each had their own masters, but they still had to pay taxes to the Earl, and most of the time they scolded him.

Hill quietly watched the people coming and going in the city of Basia. The count seemed to sense that something was wrong. The housekeeper, Countess Steer, had been following Ellie since that day... hiding in the shadows.


Coupled with the fact that Lucimar, who has never been away from Alexei, and an old man who floated out of Scarlet's big boat on the seaside, these two young people are fortunately still in the friendship stage, and they are very polite in everything they say and do. Otherwise, it would be really...

An embarrassment.

Although Scarlet's great sage didn't know that Hill had been watching the excitement from the cloud, he honestly sent a message to Hill's villa after he came out.

The sea will not deceive his loyal followers, and the old man does not think he can hide it from Belfran's eyes.

Hill certainly had no interest in meddling.

He was now very interested in what Oasis was doing.

In fact, he has been trying to figure out one thing these days... If crystal energy technology is like the steam or even the electrical age in their world, then the resource war caused by the Age of Discovery, which has rapidly changed the entire world, is absolutely impossible to happen in Austria.


Because of Scarlet's common enemy and the fact that most of its resources are self-sufficient, plus the fact that the Damboro Kingdom with Ismail who is always one step ahead of others has always been strong, this world can actually be considered peaceful.

We can't even fight an economic war.

As long as Scarlet doesn't cause trouble, the whole world will enter a superficially peaceful mode, and everyone can only live their lives in intrigues.

It doesn't matter to Oasis at first. When the consumption of crystals increases and there are more and more deserts, these countries will always have to find a new way out for themselves, so just be patient.

But now, he saw a highway where he could accelerate directly, and it seemed that the loss was not too much for him to bear.

After discovering that the Moon Clan could be used by them, the traditional nobles no longer accused the Moon Clan of their misbehavior.

As long as they stand on their own side, Erha can also be called a wolf, not to mention, these Erha are quite capable of fighting!

The people who carefully observed the movements of the Great Sage Ismail at first soon discovered that this man had no intention of showing up as long as the Moon Clan's main mission of investigating the mutated silk spiders was not affected.

It's not like the nobles couldn't understand the great sage's silence... Even if he was lucky and powerful like Ismail, he couldn't lead a fool like the king.

As long as the nobles do not activate the assassination mode first, the lives of the royal family members can still be saved. I believe that the silence of the Great Sage Ismail will persist.

King Danboro also understood this, so he immediately strengthened the defense of the underground secret room where he was hiding, and only randomly summoned a few of his own people to give orders every day.

Anyway, he has a crystal ball that can contact the Moon Clan. If there is any emergency, he can just pay the Moon Clan to notify him.

Then the battle between the two sides will mainly focus on the battle between the Moon Clan... assassinations will still be carried out, but no one will give explicit orders, they are all hints.

But the Moon Clan who received the money and experience knew what was going on.

Even though Brassia City seems to be playing LAN battle, other places are already in dire straits.

If Count Ster had not declared from the beginning that he would never accept any outsider entering Brassia, some people would have taken their families and defected to him long ago.

Of course, this is also because there are some places that are more suitable than Brasilia, at least there are no Moon Clan fighting at the city gate.

The wealthy people in Damboro are now moving to small towns in the corners of the country.

In the past, silk was unaffordable and small towns based on mining were the most popular.

Hill figured out the cause and effect, but he really didn't expect that Oasis would dare to play such a big role under such a huge threat from the mutant silk spider.

How should I put it... Although they are both earth-based worlds, Oaises is much colder than Trasil.

It is impossible for him to imagine the consequences of failure... The Silk Spider Rebellion broke out in Danboro. Could it be that other countries that also have relations with the Elf Forest would not?

And the female shopkeeper of the window shop that Finch took away proved that these silk spiders have controlled many people.

In such a complicated situation, the possibility of failure is by no means zero.

Hill felt that Oasis must have a back-up man who could flip the table.

However, how many humans will die at that time?

Even after being trained by Toriel, Hill had become much less concerned about life and death, but he was still a little shocked when he thought of this result.

Is it because of Oasis's cruel decision that the power of fate sent Wendy and Ioska to Oaises?

Hill lowered his head and glanced at Prince Alexei, who was smiling softly... His eyes, his smile, the focus was no longer on the silly Ellie.

Miss Stell was very satisfied with her completely non-ambiguous friendship with Prince Alexei! She didn't realize that the other party was trying hard to poach her.

Prince Alexei did it very carefully, and most people would not think that there would be any problems with the elemental creature that could only call Ellie, so the observers were a little confused.

No one thought he really just wanted to be friends with Ellie.

But what exactly does he want?

This chapter has been completed!
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