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Chapter seventy-ninth artifact earth shield

 Hill's eyebrows moved, and the earth element lord Cristobal contacted him in the spiritual sea.

He simply said that he was safe and had some things to do. He was in the mountains, so there was no need to worry and there was no need to summon the elemental lords.

He thought that someone asked Liszt, probably Fran. Liszt would not specifically ask the element lord to contact Hill.

Although he is in the artifact and cannot contact the outside world, the elements can still sense that Hill's spiritual sea is stable and know that Hill is in a safe place where he cannot summon elements.

As long as Hill is not injured, the elements don't care where Hill goes.

Hill thought about it and realized that the undead who were in the teleportation array at that time either died unluckily, or fell far away, and were probably killed by the monsters.

Fran was in Kerslot recently and went to the palace every day. He probably overheard them chatting about what happened that day. He remembered that Hill was also in the teleportation array that day, right? Although no one had seen Hill, Fran knew that Hill was

I always wear hairpins to hide my hair.

Hill and the earth elemental lord didn't say much, they just asked them to help him to ensure that he was safe. But he understood what the elemental lord meant.

Unless Hill summons them, the elements cannot locate Hill's location, and they cannot summon him from the elemental world.

It was difficult to contact him a few days ago. Although I can contact him today, I still can't locate him.

Hill knew what was going on.

Natural consciousness keeps telling Hill that no one here can see him using wind magic.

Probably since Hill was sent into the artifact space, World Will's attention has been here.

He is now helping White Wolf block the sight of the gods.

Hill didn't know how long the maintenance of the world's will would be blocked this time, but the White Wolf would not let Hill leave until he found a safe territory.

The white wolf called Hill again and asked him to put some water out for the wolves to drink.

Hill helplessly looked at this demigod monster that didn't want to waste any of its energy.

Maybe he thinks that as long as he uses his power, he will be easily discovered by the gods? Is this really trying to drain Hill's use value to make up for the artifact fragments that he reluctantly gave away?

Hill connected the underground water veins and created a shallow stream on the top of the mountain.

The land at the bottom of the creek was transformed into a thin layer of stone slabs. The water soon became clear, and the wolves began to drink the water.

Seeing some injured wolves, Hill waved his hand and released the water mist and restored water magic.

The wolves quickly became restless, and then regained their composure under the leadership's arrangement. Soon they walked into the fog one by one, and ran out quickly after recovering.

Hill felt that he must be the most cost-effective tool man in the will of the world.

Coincidentally, Hill was in the city of the undead and went directly to William's royal city. Except for the gods of time and space, other gods would not look at him at this time.

He has not appeared in his territory for several days. Even if a god occasionally looks at his territory, he will think that he is still squatting among the undead.

When the gods discover the existence of the white wolf, it will be a matter of the will of the world. Hill can go home and wait for the end.

Hill suddenly remembered something. The wolf probably wanted to give him something else to express his gratitude at first, but later found out that his brother's child could not leave this human being, so he simply gave Hill the fragment of the artifact.

In other words, should White Wolf have other good things suitable for Hill?

Hill looked around and saw the majestic demigod white wolf squatting on the top of the mountain, with his white hair fluttering in the wind. He secretly made up his mind that he would definitely find a way to get these good things from this cunning white wolf!

No matter how good the artifact fragment is, Hill can only fix it in the valley, and he needs a reasonable reward to tell people who know Hill's adventure.

The value of the artifact fragments is too great, far exceeding what Hill has done for White Wolf. It is likely that people will speculate that Hill has taken refuge in the Warcraft demigod.

Or maybe he has something more valuable in his hand, a treasure worthy enough for a demigod to value!

In the end, either the wind magic or the spiral bead will be exposed.

Maybe they were both dug up together.

Hill is unwilling to ask the White Wolf God for help.

This wolf has clearly shown its hostility towards humans.

He made a clear distinction between Hill and humans, so he behaved very gently.

But Hill has understood that now that the elves and dwarves have gradually become harmful things that need to be driven away in the heart of the world's will, he has arranged another enemy for mankind.

In the heart of the world's will, Hill may have the status of a natural spirit, so there is no need to worry at all. Hill plans to do something to save mankind from this trouble.

Hill really had no intention of taking action, but after thinking about it for a long time, he felt that if the will of the world must arrange an enemy for mankind, Warcraft is much stronger than elves and dwarves.

Rather than plotting and plotting, your life is controlled by your opponent, so let’s just fight!

The time and space divine system that communicates with the will of the world probably thought so too, so it simply gave up its territory to Warcraft.

Therefore, William still placed the royal city in Salar further north.

At that time, the Black Rose family killed the legendary magic circle. Wouldn't it be easier to use it to deal with Warcraft?

This game will probably continue for a long time, unless the people on this land can become a legend for all.

Moreover, Hill feels that those countries that are currently resisting the undead will have to compromise sooner or later.

I just don’t know how long the elves and dwarves can hold on.

When they completely fail, it will be the moment when the Wolf God returns to the stage of history, right?

Hill raised his finger and looked at the sun in the sky. At that moment, could the Moon God almost wake up?

What about the sun god?

Also, where is the Earth Goddess?

Hill couldn't feel any movement from this goddess at all.

But now that the dependents of the Moon God have reappeared, Hill feels that maybe in some corner of this world, the other two dependents have also started their own actions.

After having a feast at Hill, the white wolf began to arrange things for the legendary demon wolf.

They began to take their men in groups to hunt in distant places.

Soon, the smell of blood in this place became stronger and stronger, and Hill couldn't help but release an alchemy hut, which was gently stuck in the branches of the big tree.

No one has the right to stop the wolves from hunting, and Hill can only stay out of sight and out of mind to isolate this smell.

The White Wolf God soon discovered Hill's cabin. He looked around Hill's big tree with interest for a while, and then knocked on Hill's door.

"What's the matter?" Hill asked helplessly, "I want to take a rest!"

"Is there a bigger one? You can let the wolf cubs in to rest!" Bai Lang said with a smile in his eyes and his head in front of Hill's door, "I have a very good earth treasure, I can exchange it with you!"

"It can only be used if it is enlarged." Hill replied, "I do have a few rooms that have not been decorated internally, and they are quite empty."

"It just gives the wolf cubs a place where they can play freely." White Wolf said with satisfaction. "When the time comes, just let the high-level wolves guard the door. You can bring out a few more. Some of their wolf pack branches have enmity with each other."

, cannot be put together.”

Hill took out several prepared alchemy hut embryos.

Only the outer appearance is done, and there is no separation inside.

The White Wolf God took it away with satisfaction and threw a small round shield and a leather bag to Hill.

The small shield is probably an artifact made by some earth-type demigod.

The reason why it becomes an artifact is that it can only be made by being rewarded by the rules of the world when the demigod advances.

A demigod can only do this one thing in his life. If he wants to become a demigod, he can only steal it from others or become a true god.

Hill lowered his head and looked at the shield in his hand, a very pure shield of the earth.

And it only has a pure earthy scent.

It feels like it has never been used.

What kind of unlucky demigod is this? He just advanced and the artifact was probably killed by White Wolf's brother as soon as it was formed, right?

Hill sighed, if it is true as the artifact fragment in the spiritual sea said, the Earth Goddess and the Moon God have a good relationship, and the Earth Bear and the Moon Howling Silver Wolf also have a good relationship.

So the killed earth demigod was probably an elf or a dwarf.

Therefore, the reason why the elves and dwarves tried to kill the wolf god was probably because of this.

Judging from the fact that the white wolf didn't care about this artifact at all, they must have killed more than one demigod.

Hill studied the shield carefully. It probably belonged to a dwarf.

The craftsmanship is very exquisite. It is impossible for Warcraft to have the patience to add decorations to its own artifacts.

If it is an elf, it will definitely use plant-like decorative patterns.

Only dwarves like to carve images of brave animals on their shields.

Hill looked at the mighty giant bear on the shield and understood why the white wolf gave him this shield.

Probably the wolf god's subordinates asked the dwarves to kill the dwarves and take their blood to make a shield, so that they can have a powerful artifact when they advance.

Then the dwarf who killed the bear did make an artifact, but he was killed by the Wolf God before he even had a chance to use it.

Hill could even imagine the scene, the giant bear being slaughtered by innocent people, the dwarf who used the fiery blood and soul of the giant bear to forge a shield, and the white giant wolf that made a sneak attack when the dwarf got carried away and advanced on the spot.

As long as the dwarves live, they will be enemies with the monsters!

Hill looked at the shield and sighed helplessly.

He worked hard to communicate with the shield, hoping to awaken the sleeping spirit of the giant bear.

Until this spirit awakens, he cannot use this artifact.

But it can be used to deal with things. This ordinary artifact is enough to repay Hill for bringing this white wolf out of the hermitage.

Hill fumbled for the shield. As far as Warcraft was concerned, the bear was dead anyway, so there was no problem in using it.

But Hill still couldn't do it, using this bloody shield.

No wonder, among William's life skills, weapon defense manufacturing is very common, and they all use alchemy circles to increase their power.

The way dwarves make things is not suitable for this world.

The human gods did not let the special casting techniques of the dwarves spread to the entire world at all. They were probably on guard against the god taught by the dwarves from the beginning, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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