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1036 Harvest

"Wow hahahaha! Look, look, look! It's the best wild boar tooth!"

With the efforts of the remaining players of the two teams, the swords and swords flashing next to this road finally stopped with the last screams of the two furbolgs. With the help of the magic puppet summoned by Duan Qing, these demons were destroyed.

The warriors who were killed by the two demonized monsters finally put down their weapons, and then burst into cheers after wiping out all the wild monsters. The huge pillar of fire that soared up slowly disappeared.

In the background, after all these ordeals, they finally entered the pleasant time of cleaning the battlefield. One after another, excited figures kept passing in front of the wild boars that they had defeated, and they collected trophies again and again.

Reflecting on his gains from this battle: "If every fallen wild boar can provide us with a pair of fine teeth, then we will be rich!"

"Think clearly, not all the wild boar herds died in our hands, and many escaped in the middle."

"That's enough! And look at the wild boar meat all over the ground. We can have a feast, okay?"

"If you want to really enjoy this kind of oral administration, you must first learn the skill of cooking... Well, what is this, a magic core?"

He slowly stopped in his tracks, and the exiled war song who had been responsible for complaining about the excited newcomer king suddenly bent down and raised a shining crystal that fell at his feet: "This, a wild boar of this level can actually

Do they have magic cores? Do they already have level 60?"

"It is not necessarily a high-level monster that must have a magic core. Ordinary monsters may also have this thing." Duan Qing, who gradually came from behind, replied with a smile: "There are many reasons for this possibility.

, what we are encountering now should be due to some external force."

"external force?"

"If a large amount of magic elements are injected into the opponent's hand in a short period of time, and then condense successfully due to the physical quality of the individual, it is possible that something like a magic core will appear." Taking the bright stone from the opponent's hand,

Duan Qing held it up under the sun above his head: "Of course, the quality of such a magic core will not be very good. Generally, it can only be used as an ordinary magic energy crystal... Well."

"The magic core mixed with various magic elements seems to have been injected during his lifetime without any careful selection." He put down his raised hand, and then stuffed it into the arms of the Exile Warsong again: "No wonder the ability

It hasn't improved much. If the possibility I just mentioned really comes to pass, the battle we just fought should be more difficult."

"Who injected these magical elements into these wild boars?"

His eyes rested on Murong Qingchun and Alastor, who were also jumping for joy on the monster corpses around them, for a while. Exiled Zhan Song turned his head with doubts on his face: "Is someone going to do something bad to us?"

"It's impossible to say for sure. After all, it may be naturally injected." Duan Qing waved his hand and began to walk forward: "The magic power at night will be much more transparent than during the day. This is why demonized creatures will appear at night.

The more frequent reason is that they will use the time when the sunlight disappears to absorb the magic power from the earth and air to nourish and strengthen their bodies..."

"This is why monsters that become more powerful have more powerful magic cores." He walked to the place where the two furbolgs fell, and at the same time looked at Asahi Dongsheng, who was constantly searching around the two corpses.

Back view: "So these two furbolgs in front of us are our highlight, right?"

"If you beat me so badly, of course I will cramp their tendons and peel off their skins at the same time." Ignoring Duan Qing's intention, Asahi Dongsheng continued to struggle in front of Duan Qing: "As for the magic core...

…After I cut it into pieces, we will naturally know where it is hidden.”

"let me see."

Squatting next to the giant ax warrior, Duan Qing closed his eyes and began to stretch out his hand to feel the fluctuations of magic: "It should be here, at the center point between the chest and abdomen."

"Okay." What answered him was a non-stop response from Chaori Dongsheng, and the same non-stop response of the big ax flying up and down past the afterimage of Duan Qing's instructions: "...Na."

“Excellent quality, pretty good.”

[The magic core of the furbolg (excellent)]

[The magic crystals in the condensed and furbolg bodies are taken out directly and are subject to some energy interference, so the purity has to be somewhat compromised. 】

[Purity: 88%]

[Use: Magic materials, forging materials, alchemy materials, inlay materials. 】

"Hey, hey, can you please stop being so violent?"

Looking at the words that appeared in front of his eyes, the exiled Zhan Song stepped forward and hurriedly whispered: "Look, look, the purity has been reduced."

"Hey, you are really a newbie." The movement of his hand paused slightly, and Chaohi Dongsheng, who looked at Duan Qing, turned around and grinned: "I told you to remember, players can take it out.

Almost all magic cores are like this. Even if you have master-level knife skills, it will be difficult for the magic core you take out to maintain a purity of more than 90%."

"It is not so much that this result is caused by our lack of professional means, but rather that the system deliberately prevents us from using it directly." Duan Qing on the side also smiled and added in a low voice: "After all, we

It’s not Warcraft, and our method of casting spells is also very different from that of Warcraft.”

"Yes, is that so?" Exiled Zhange scratched his hair: "Wouldn't this affect the value of this magic core?"

"Of course not, and magicians usually do this." Duan Qing wiped the surface of the magic core that was still stained with blood with his hand: "With just a little magic processing, these magic cores can become usable.

It is in a state of being made of materials, or it is alchemy, or it can be simply used as a source of magical energy, and it can even be used to release powerful magic directly... Hmm."

His words paused for a moment, accompanied by the gray-robed magician's eyes that gradually became hazy: "Release... energy... gather... yes, if you can design something that can be directly used to stimulate

As for the magic core method..."

"You, what's wrong with you?"

"You guys continue."

Waving his hands to answer the questions that came from the Exile War Song, Duan Qing stood up and grabbed the magic core with a thoughtful look on his face and gradually walked towards the direction of the carriage. Then he looked at Xue Ling Huan Bing who was waiting beside the carriage with a look on his face.

With a puzzled expression, he handed the bright stone to Violet, who was sitting in the corner of the carriage: "Do you still recognize this thing?"


Raising her head slightly, the purple-haired Violet looked at Duan Qing with confused eyes for a while, and then quietly looked at the stone in front of her under the expectant gaze of the gray-robed man: "


"If you still can't speak, you can at least respond by nodding or shaking your head." Duan Qing lowered his request slightly helplessly: "For example, this is the magic core of a furbolg, you

Do you remember its use?"


"...Can you give me a little face?"

While Xue Ling Huan Bing behind him had a weird smile on his face, the indomitable Duan Qing twisted his eyebrows and continued to ask: "Aren't you always studying how to let ordinary people use magic? Have you ever thought about magic?"

Nuclear method?”


"Do you have a way to activate the magic core? Not with the help of a magician, but with some more common methods?" Duan Qing looked at Violet's unresponsive face quietly: "Is there such a spell?

Or should I say it’s a prop?”


A faint sigh then appeared in the carriage carriage that was still filled with silence, accompanied by the unresponsive face of the purple-haired great magician. Duan Qing, who sighed, then covered his forehead,

The movement he just wanted to get up was blocked by an outstretched finger: "...Huh?"

"What do you want to say?" He looked at the fingertips that Violet gradually raised to his chest, and the surprise that instantly rose in his eyes was immediately replaced by more intense doubts: "You want... to

What? My magic robe? My magic wand? A potion bottle? Some kind of alchemical material?"

As Xue Ling Huan Bing's eyes gradually became surprised, Duan Qing took out a large number of items from his gray magic robe that seemed to have endless space, all the while staring at the jade-onion-like finger.

Their eyesight finally changed at a certain moment. Following the other party's reaction, they slowly placed the ancient disc between their eyes: "Is it the Oknoss disc? Indeed, this disc has

It can be used to bring out the power of the gems embedded in it, but you know that’s not what I want.”

"Hey, hey!" A loud surprise voice then appeared on the opposite side of the road outside the car, and then quickly approached as the footsteps approached: "What are you doing here? Look, look!"

"We're really going to get rich!"

[Fist of the Furbolg (Epic)]

[Attack power: strong]

[Equipment requirements: Strength 30, Agility 5]

[Strength +4, Spirit -1]

[Equipment special effect: Strengthen heavy attack, increase the damage of your heavy attack skill by 50%, and reduce physical consumption by 25%]

[Equipment skill: Fury of the Wild, stimulates the wild power contained in it, increasing the attack speed of your next five attacks by 100%, and the cooldown time is 30 minutes.]

[Weapons made from the giant palms of furbolgs that live in the dense forest area in the southern part of the Frey Empire are no less hard and tough than real metal products. The user can even inspire the wild power hidden in it and absorb it.

Part of his frantic instinct is used by him.]

[The dense forest area in the southern part of the Fleur Empire is full of dangers and mysteries that are unimaginable by ordinary people. The wild monsters that live in it are often beyond the imagination of ordinary people. This well-preserved giant palm of the furbolg is also enough for the monsters that live in it.

One of the powerful proofs.]

"Look, look at this attribute! This skill!"

Before Duan Qing could regain his consciousness from the giant chopped off palm in front of him, Chao Ri Dongsheng, who ran over, laughed and slapped the opponent on the shoulder: "Even if you really go to the southern part of the empire, the hunters there will

You can’t even get trophies of this level, hahahahaha!”

"Fist of the Furbolg...?" Duan Qing blinked and then turned the heavy palm back and forth in his hand: "What kind of weapon is this? A glove or a hammer?"

"You don't care what type it is, it's just that it's really useful!" Asahi Dongsheng still maintained his proud laugh: "Even if it's not suitable for the people in our team, you can still make a lot of money by selling it.


"Yes, yes, I think so too." Duan Qing put away his gaze, sighed and put the bear's paw back into the opponent's hand: "But the premise is that we have a way to sell the stolen goods normally."

"It's very difficult to sell things under the current situation." He clasped his hands and looked at the figure of the blue-haired swordswoman gradually walking back from the road in the distance with a sigh.

: "Are you right, Miss Liushang?"

"It's them." After giving a seemingly nonsensical answer, Xuyu Liushang shook his head and replied: "They have been following me since the time when they were on the Koruk Plateau, and now they finally can't hold back the idea of ​​taking action."

"In other words, these things in front of us were also driven here by them?"

"Anyway, it was not done by people from the Nanshan sect."

An affirmative answer sounded from behind Duan Qing, accompanied by a heavy body belonging to Gedman gradually walking back from the distance of the battlefield: "I intercepted them behind the hillside, but

Their strength is indeed not that great, and they don’t have magicians.”

"...That's what they did." Nodding his head, Duan Qing turned his gaze back to the whispering head again: "Will they come again? What is their purpose?"

"Probably just want to cause me some trouble. I haven't discovered your identity yet." Xuyu Liushang replied in a low voice: "But Luotu and Hongshan Lao Dao did appear in Tanzania. Once they will fight each other,

If information is exchanged and combined with each other."

"Hey, what are you talking about?" The swordsman player named Soul Hunter walked back to the team with a lot of wild boar tusks in his arms and asked with a disdainful expression: "Can you get rid of these troublemakers?

Report their name? Our Revenant Team members will definitely come to them to recover the debt!"

"Come on, it's better for you to just be passers-by." Waving his hand, Duan Qing then took the lead and returned to the carriage: "Have you packed everything? Let's set off as soon as you have packed it.


"We are still far from our destination."

The sounds of greetings and shouts of stop appeared one after another from the left and right of this area, and then slowly disappeared as several players around them quickly gathered. The carriages occupied by a group of players also gradually moved westward.

Under the slanting sunlight, we continued to set off along the road to the west unsteadily.

This chapter has been completed!
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