2058 Carrying the Line

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"How dare these XX people resist?"

The blazing fireball kept passing over his head, and from time to time there was also the impact of various meteorites wrapped in flames, frost and other magical elements exploding nearby. He tried his best to resist these impacts and the fierce look on the face of the hot pot steamed bun.

It also became heavier and heavier, but the move that I was about to make violently was suddenly restrained by the teammates around me: "Stop showing off! I beg you! Two families have already started to fight back against us!

There will be a third and fourth one soon!”

"It's all the fault of the instigator at the beginning!" So Hotpot Paomo pointed the magic wand wrapped in flames and high temperature in the direction of the huge tower: "Who is that guy?"

"Immortal Star Soul? That's the second most powerful magician in the world." Amidst the whistling sound of another meteorite crashing across his head, Fufeng's teammate shrank his head and pointed at the towering stone pillar where they were standing and shouted.

: "Forget it about others, the second best person in the world is the most honorable person! This is especially true for that lunatic of the Immortal Star Soul! This title has been proven countless times in the City of Freedom!"

"So what? Are you trying to say that I am weaker than Nifeng Youran?" He pushed his companion's hand aside angrily, and suddenly stood up and turned towards the fat man's figure at the far end below.

He started to curse loudly: "Damn pig! What I represent is Fufeng! There is no way I can back down!"

"Hey, what's that called...uh, hot pot banana? Hot pot pineapple or something."

Stopping his spell-casting movements that had been continuously bombarding the upper stone pillar, Immortal Star Soul's smile at this time also contained countless contempt: "No matter what your name is, you still seem to be a little dissatisfied."


"If you don't agree, let's have a fight. You can go up together as a team, or you can just huddle on that rock." The fat magician's face wrinkled, and his teeth grinded twice: "Today

I need to educate you well, and don’t just rely on the advantage of geographical location to offend anyone.”

"What a shame!" Hotpot Paomo, whose body was burning with flames, waved his hand downwards: "Hit me! Hit me hard!"

"After teaching such a lesson, the rest should not dare to touch the second best person in the world again."

In the scene of a large fire rain falling from the sky, the immortal star soul showed a confident smile in the direction behind him. The intertwined magical brilliance also brewed and gathered in the staff he raised, and finally turned into a huge

A green ring appeared above his head: "Leave this to me——"

"Don't hold me back in other places."

The overwhelming sea of ​​​​fire collided head-on with the arc-shaped barrier drawn by the green ring, and the rewinding fire cloud instantly occupied half of the sky on the battlefield on the west side of the tower. Xue Linghuan, who had been looking in that direction with a frown,

Bing then stretched out one of his hands and pulled Qianzhihe back for the third time, saying, "No."


"We must protect Duan Qing."

Rejecting the other party's unspoken defense, the white-haired woman glanced at the gray-robed magician sitting on the ground behind her with her eyes closed: "Still, you don't want to listen to me, the leader and captain of the group.


"Hey, don't you dare." The red-haired girl lost her intention to move forward and stayed where she was holding the staff, but she still looked like she refused to admit defeat: "I just look down on them.

What a big talk, saying 'I can kill an entire team by myself' or something like that..."

"I have to say that this second guild in the world does have some potential as the first guild in the alliance."

The screams of gold and iron could be heard endlessly in front of the other side of the team. The spear points and rusty claws of the spears were also dotted at the feet outside the tower amid the metallic screams of several mechanical beasts. Phoenix Tianwang, holding the spear in both hands,

With nimble movements and a body as light as a swallow, he relied on his own strength to block the vanguard of ancient mechanical beasts that had crowded in front of the rain of bullets. On the other side of the increasingly crowded survival circle, some people also escaped.

The players who arrived here did not give up the backstab method of seizing the opportunity to cause trouble. The long-range attack that accidentally flowed nearby and was blocked by the expressionless angry madman waving his swords at will also flew left and right in the snow spirit fantasy ice.

Shen Zhiyoushen waited above the field of vision: "Including the angry madman, the second team in the world that came here this time can be regarded as the elite among them. The level of cooperation between them remains to be seen, but

Their ability to stand alone has long been obvious to all.”

"Demon Resurrection, Yun Jingbu, Immortal Star Soul, Phoenix Skywatch... Heh, the 'one person guarding one side' approach to combat may seem stupid, but it is indeed possible for them." Xue said here.

Ling Huan Bing turned his attention back to the periphery, where the red-haired man was waving his fists and legs, and his back was disappearing and appearing in the dust of the fierce battle: "That whisperer has trained such a group of people, and now she is

He must be laughing secretly too."

"If there wasn't that angry maniac that pestered her every day, she might indeed be happier." Duan Qing, who had been sitting cross-legged like an old monk, also opened his eyes at this time: "And now...

...Well, I suddenly understand why this person, who is the second best coach in the world, insists on participating in this competition even if he does not hesitate to seize a spot in the official team. There are various reasons, all of which are trapped by love."

"Humph, are you awake?" He waved his hand to block a sharp arrow flying from an unknown place in the distance from his sword blade.


"Although it is very difficult to detect, there is indeed a powerful unknown energy gathering in the tower." Duan Qing shook his head, put away his spell-casting movements, patted his magic robe and stood up from the ground: "There are four directions.

There is a connecting area, but the originally designed connecting paths have collapsed. It must be because they are too old, and the stone gates and passages have exceeded their shelf life."

"So we can't get in?" Asahi Dongsheng, who was also paying attention to what was going on ahead, exclaimed when he heard the sound: "This ancient ruins of the Sky City has the ability to vent its destructive energy, but it can't let us in?"

"Don't worry, the normal roads are impassable. We still have abnormal roads." Pointing to the stone pillars that were also slightly smaller than the towers rising high around him, Duan Qing grinned and said with a low smile:

"The energy-generating device of this tower is very complicated. It is likely to involve space rules and the main structure of the Sky City. However, although I have not analyzed its principle, at least one thing I am sure of-"

"We still have a chance before that countdown ends."

Duan Qing nodded to every teammate beside him. Looking around, Duan Qing finally focused on the location of one of the stone pillars. The demon resurrected that flew back from the outside of the field of vision in that direction also showed his bruised figure.

Taking up most of the screen, the way he stood up again was somewhat embarrassing: "Cough cough, cough cough cough - ha, ha, ha ha ha ha."

"These people seem to be a little - a little strong." He pointed at the player team that he had blocked for a long time emerging from the outside of the tower and gradually approaching. He gritted his teeth and turned back to Duan Qing and others.

The human monster shouted: "The key is that I don't know any of the XX people - who are these guys?"

"They are probably some people who want to cause trouble for me." Pointing to his innocent face, Duan Qing walked to the other person's side without realizing it: "Just like you, I want to stand in this dangerous place.

In the competition arena, your boxing and kicking skills must at least pass the test, don't you think?"

"Of course." Understanding what the other party meant, the demon resurrected and vomited out the blood in his mouth, stood up with a smile: "If you are also a challenger, if you can't pass my level, you can go home immediately.


"Unlike you people who want to challenge me openly, the way these guys act may be too... well, a bit 'underworld'." Duan Qing sighed as he watched the emerging figures approaching.

He raised his own eyebrows: "But this shouldn't be the key reason why you don't know each other. The key reason is: you are from the Freedom City faction."

"The war between the principality and the empire, as well as between these two countries and the resurgent Magic Empire, has not yet reached you."

Under the gradually clearer dust, the reflections of the neatly equipped five-person team's swords, guns and armor also penetrated the dim battlefield light one by one. One of the players also moved his eyes away from the resurrected demon that had been hindering his team's team before.

, fell on Duan Qing who was still speaking: "If you often participate in the confrontation with the Magic Empire, or if you have a little understanding of the forces of the Void Party, you may know a few of them.


"For example, this - ahem, Mr. Mountain Pao." Pointing towards the player who was looking directly at him, Duan Qingruo solemnly began to introduce the player: "Or is it San Pao? Old Pao'er?

Sorry it’s so long ago, I can’t remember clearly, but he is an active member of the Magic Empire, and he often shows up on the battlefield in the south of the principality.”

"You don't need to introduce me. We, the members of the Knights Templar, have no connection with the word 'famous'." The heavy armor made a slight clanging sound in the clang of collision, and the player known as the Mountain Cannon was covered by the helmet.

There was a disdainful sneer on his face: "We have only one goal, and that is to give you the doomsday you deserve, the Sky-Breaking Blade."

"The so-called black fan leader is nothing more than that." He curled his lips and showed a helpless expression at the resurrected demon on the side. Duan Qing shrugged his shoulders and shook his head and replied: "Of course, with the trolls who used to criticize and criticize online every day,

The difference is that these guys are at least starting to put it into practice, and this payment lasts for three years, which is really hard work for them - ah."

"Isn't it possible that your bald head is due to the exhaustion of your body and mind after working hard for the past three years?" The magician in gray robe pretended to be exaggerated about discovering a big secret: "Oh my, that's really true.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but you hate me so much that your hair falls out, and you still blame me, isn't it a little too unreasonable - "

The whistling wind of the sword passed above Duan Qing's head as he ducked suddenly, put away the mountain cannon in a horizontal slashing posture, and then shouted angrily: "I designed the shape of my head myself! I'll follow you.

It doesn’t matter what he did!”

"It doesn't matter. Why are you angry?" Duan Qing, holding his head, jumped up and down like a monkey who found a joke: "No way? Did I really get it right? Look at how anxious you are now.

This look, tsk tsk tsk... Young people should have a peaceful mind and at least be worthy of their current appearance."


A cold arrow that was much faster than the previous sword light flew from the distance of the confrontation. Just before it was about to be nailed to the gray-robed magician's head, it was struck by the sword edge of Xue Ling Huanbing, who arrived behind him and flew to the distance. From the mountain cannon,

The figure of another archer in black walking behind gradually stepped out of the yellow sand of the battlefield, and his low voice was like the cold wind bursting in the ice and snow: "Stop making trouble."

"Hurry up and complete the task."

It seemed that his anger was suppressed by the opponent's words. The rough feeling that was originally shrouded under the helmet of Shan Pao also gradually disappeared. He winked at his teammates on the left and right, and then looked at Duan Qing and others.

The people around the location spread out: "——Okay."

"I'm afraid the real battle will come next."

The gray-robed magician restrained his funny look, and turned to whisper to the resurrected demon beside him: "The situation is special, you'd better treat all of them as peerless masters."

"You don't need to tell me." Pointing to the numerous scars all over his body, the demon resurrected and gritted his teeth: "Unfortunately, I also hold grudges very much. The losses I suffered at their hands before, I

I want to get it back right away."

"Calm down." A scolding voice appeared behind him. Yun Jingbu, who was walking over, also put away his busy expression and gestured to where he was just now: "All the hooks and locks have been removed."

We are all prepared. It is not a good idea to continue to struggle with these opponents of unknown origin here. We'd better get rid of them as quickly as possible."

"Okay, I don't object to this proposal, but... shall we go all the way?" The demon resurrected and turned to look at Duan Qing: "Can you climb the tower?"

"No, we plan to go to another satellite pillar." As the others gradually gathered, Duan Qing, who was directly in front of the Qingling Adventure Group, replied with a meaningless look: "It's not a problem to part ways with us, at least I can

I guarantee that the next siege by the Templar Knights will not affect you."

"I don't want to be involved in an inexplicable battle, but we are here to fight you this time." Demon Resurrection replied matter-of-factly: "If the troops are divided into two groups, you will end up being killed by this group of people."

What should I do if I kill the Yin soldiers halfway and can't join forces in the finals?"

"Do you think we, the second best people in the world, will accept this result?"

This chapter has been completed!
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