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477 Night Attack

If time could go back again, Duan Qing would never want to leave any strange promises to that Ambassador Bart again, because not long after, he and other members confirmed the identity of the intruder.

Those are indeed a group of people who don't look like good people.

"Cheer up! This is a great opportunity for us to prove ourselves!"

Looking at the merchants who were running away in front of them and trying their best to evacuate, as well as the other players gearing up and eyeing the road south of the pass, Black Corn, who was also standing in the temporary defense team, shouted to his teammates: "Just a few

Rogue bandits, actually dare to break into Kalong Pass? They are either out of their minds, or they are tired of thinking!"

"But regiment...Captain, are the number of these enemies too many? Especially the guards, even if we add players, we may not be able to..."

"Momentum, momentum! How many times have I stressed to you that even if we are inferior to the enemy in terms of numbers, we cannot be inferior in terms of momentum! There are not as many people as there are? There are not as many enemies as there are. You can imagine that we have more people!"


"Ah, what the hell, please get your weapons ready! If they can touch even a single hair of the city wall, we will lose this battle! Did you go to the hotel just now to record it? If you did, I'll give it to you.

Come on! Don’t be afraid of death, nothing will be lost on you, not even any experience..."

"...Your vision seems to be very unique."

At the gate at the rear, Xu Yuliu, who was leaning next to him, looked at Duan Qing's frowning face with a smile: "I actually gave these guys a chance..."

"I was just casual. Who would have thought that someone would really call me?" Duan Qing pinched his eyebrows helplessly: "And these people..."

"Are they the people you were talking about?"

"…it looks similar."

Looking at the black-clad legions who quickly lined up in the night and advanced and retreated in a well-established manner, the blue-haired woman curled her lips and replied: "Although I haven't seen the entity, but since it was an organization that fought against us in Tania,

So this look... is really normal."

"I actually raised such a large group of armed forces..."

Duan Qing murmured to himself: "It seems that the so-called revival of the empire... is really not just a matter of forgetfulness."

"This attack should be just a test." Xu Yu Liushang put away his smile: "But even so..."

"They are one step ahead in terms of strength and equipment. I'm afraid they are really difficult opponents for current players to deal with."

The battle quickly started after the warning and temporary confrontation by the defeated soldiers who had fled back. The players who blew the horn of attack were also the expected players - with their unafraid of death and courage to go all out, they have been in the field all year round.

The players, who were mainly composed of the snakeheads here and the adventure group passing here, took the lead to rush out to the south of the intersection, and then jumped up amidst the sound of sword clashes and the firelight of magic explosions, shouting and blood

The light swayed onto the stone floors on the left and right sides of the road. It seemed that they were shocked by this brave attacking frenzy. The people in black whose identities and origins were unknown seemed to be temporarily overwhelmed by the momentum of this wave of players, and they retreated towards the south.

In the meantime, there were also loud shouts suddenly sounded by heroes from all walks of life during the temporary command: "Warriors move forward, mages cover! Treatment... Are there any who can increase blood? Everyone who can increase blood will increase blood!"

"Fireball! Bomb the left side!"

"Get them all! Whoever steps back is the grandson!"

"Hold on, give it to me... I can rely on you, okay? If you can't resist it, come back!"

Amidst the chaos of commands, the voices from Black Corn and others naturally became less clear and audible, but for Duan Qinglai, who had been paying attention to them, such obstacles were naturally not a problem - the same attack

Under the tide, a few guys who didn't seem to be very good at group combat were instantly pushed to the back by the enthusiastic adventurers. While raising their own swords, they involuntarily leaned towards the left side of the unfolding battle line, and several sparse lines were drawn.

The attack soon appeared in front of them, and then Black Corn suddenly pulled out a long-handled broadsword and suddenly held it. He gritted his teeth bitterly, swept the front of the team with the knife, and then slammed the handle of the knife to the ground.

Suddenly, a large cone-shaped ripple was shaken: "Labour and management are also high-end players who have singled out wild bulls..."

"How could I be afraid of you guys who hide your heads and show your tail?"

Several teammates rushed forward along the attack route he had cleared, and used their skills to attack the enemies who were staggered by the ground-shaking blow. He let out a satisfied laugh, then fit in and passed.

In the gap between two of the team members, a knife was cut on the head of one of the men in black: "Kill me!"

The next moment, his attack deflected strangely, and then slid along the opponent's shoulder and onto the ground on the side.


"Holy shit, you actually blocked it?"

"Hey, don't chop it, don't chop it, we are one of our own... Damn it, you are also an illusion?"

"Is there a setting in this game that doesn't break defense? I've already slashed him three times..."


A huge crash that interrupted everyone's doubts sounded on one side of the team. At the same time, the figure of one of the players was hit by a sledgehammer. The screams were accompanied by the rise of white light.

In the scene that gradually disappeared, one of the men in black holding a sledgehammer glanced in the direction of the black corn, and then knocked the hammer handle on the ground: "Poor guy..."

"It seems that you still don't understand... what kind of enemy you are facing."


What answered him was not the sword warrior's question, but the sound of his sword coming down. The unfaithful Black Corn's next attack was rewarded with the same strange sense of sluggishness as before: "...What did you use?



The man in black, who had previously used unknown power to deflect his attack, put down the black crystal ball in his hand, grinned and let out another laugh: "This is not some strange power, this..."

"But the power of magic."

He suddenly opened his arms and dispersed some mysterious power surrounding himself into the surrounding air. Amidst the heavy feeling gradually arising on several people, another man in black holding a big sword silently broke through

He reached the opposite front and suddenly jumped between his own battle formations: "Sword blade——"


The roar of the sword suddenly sounded in Black Corn's ears, and at the same time there were the screams of several players when they were unfortunately hit, and the broad attack range of the big sword without any lag and suddenness

The mysterious deceleration that followed also left the other players with no time to react or dodge. After a moment, this whirlwind attack that seemed to have no stopping power spread deeper and slowly approached the center of the battle line where the players were located.

After passing by, the combatants in those places gradually began to notice the strangeness and power of the other party: "They... they seem to have many special skills..."

"It may also be the special effects of the equipment..."

"No way, the attacks of those swordsmen are too high!"

"Quickly kill that shield warrior, just one sword...just one sword! Oh, what did you do? Why can't you hit him!"

"Oops, oops!"

In the increasingly chaotic battle situation, a sudden shout suddenly rang out: "Behind..."

"There are their magicians behind them! The opponent's magic attack is coming!"

"What? They still have magicians? Quick! Go and interfere with the spells with two people..."

"It's impossible, Captain, there's no way you can rush through!"

"Kill them quickly! Kill them... holy shit, are they all dead?"

"Retreat! Retreat!"

As the death toll accumulated and the combat power tilted, the army formed by the players finally showed signs of defeat. However, aware of the opponent's strength, they did not immediately collapse or choose to fight to the death. Instead, they headed towards the location of Kalon Pass.

The direction slowly retreated. Several powerful adventure group leaders here were still trying their best to maintain the stability of the front, and at the same time yelled at the reinforcements of the resurrected players in the pass to rush back as soon as possible. However, just a few seconds later,

This request for help also turned out to be in vain, because the first round of magic bombing belonging to the mysterious force had already landed overwhelmingly towards the front of Kalon Pass.


The rising black flames made the black night even darker, and at the same time reduced the number of surviving players to an extremely low number. Behind the battle line that was torn apart by the explosion, several guards from Kalon Pass were already under the captain's control.

Under the command, the emergency retreat action began: "Quick! Close the door... Do you guys still want to come in?"

"It seems it is indeed them, this familiar color..."

"But these magics should take preparation time, otherwise they would have come over long ago."

"So...this should be an opportunity."

"...What, do you want to take action?"

"Of course, after all..."

As the guards at the rear continued to urge, Duan Qing, who was looking at the chaotic scene, slowly lowered his body: "We promised them that we would ensure their safety."

A stream of light suddenly appeared in the opposite direction from the scattered black shadows running towards the city gate in the night, rushing towards the smoke and fire, and then several sudden cold arrows were about to shoot through the backs of several people.

Before turning his back, he raised his hand and raised a wall of earth: "Just stay here, those guys..."

"I should be enough on my own!"

The flow of light suddenly accelerated with the end of these words, bypassing several of the players, and then with the momentum of thunder, came to the far left of the still scattered battle line. A few of them were still resisting there.

The scattered players turned around after hearing the sound, but they only saw an indistinguishable shadow. The shadow stopped beside one of the men in black, and knocked him away with a hammer, and then the man next to him

The soldier was stunned for a moment and pulled out the dagger from his waist: "I forgot to tell you..."

"I'm also a dual-wielder."

Leaving behind Black Corn's bewildered look, Duan Qing stabbed the black dagger backhand into the chest of another man in black, and then disappeared between the two men before the other man's sword tip stabbed him at the same time.

In the air, the stunned warrior slowly lowered his arm, as if he could no longer lift the sword after struggling for a long time, but his eyes that shook for a long time gradually upwards, following the figure that was slashing across the battle line.

Towards the distance - the third man in black was hit by a kick and staggered backwards. The fifth man in black was separated by the earth wall that followed.

At the same time as the buzzing sound of swords resounded, the black sledgehammer of the fourth man in black collided hard with the stone hammer in his hand, making a dull impact sound that was enough to cover the battlefield: "Bang


"It seems to be a simple gravity control..."

The voice belonging to Duan Qing then sounded in that place, and at the same time, the man in black and his sledgehammer suddenly flew out in two directions: "But..."

"As long as the power is sufficient, such restrictions seem to have no effect."

He said to the man in black holding a black crystal ball behind the gradually crumbling earth wall, then stretched his hand back and pierced the chest of the third man in black who fell to the ground with a stone thorn rising from the ground.

The stone hammer in his hand suddenly lit up, and the shock in the eyes of the person in front of him reflected in the air at the same time, and then they came together with Duan Qing's sudden movement of raising his hand. In the scene of blood splattering,

He reached out and pushed towards the corpse whose head was smashed like a watermelon, then raised his dagger to block a new round of attacks from the side and the front: "It's too weak..."

"Next team."

As the black sword shadow devoured life like a poisonous snake, the man who looked like a god of murder steadily advanced along the opponent's front, and then took advantage of the chaos to clean up from left to right without their seeming knowledge.

.The front line belonging to the mysterious force finally discovered the anomaly here after more than a dozen people died, and stopped its plan to move forward. However, the first counterattack from the opponent came from the black screen behind.

The black fire ball arrived. The man who was slashing left and right as if strolling around stopped his movements, and instead took out a round shield from behind, and then with a loud knocking sound,

An arc-shaped barrier was erected that could cover seven or eight people: "The black magic should also have the effect of swallowing, but..."

"This Solar's Guard shouldn't have a magical effect... right?"

The explosion, which was enough to blow up a house, turned into a black stream of light in front of the arc, and flew into the air along the edge of the barrier. In the scene where the burnt smell gradually spread, a beam of light flew out in an instant.

However, the sword energy cut through the black fireworks that had not dispersed, knocking the two men in black who were about to rush forward to the ground.

"How are you?"

"It's okay, and... the hammer is really effective."

The voice of whispers sounded from behind the smoke screen, and then as the arc light gradually dissipated, the figure of the blue-haired woman was revealed in front of Duan Qing. He turned back and looked at the other person's face, and then looked further away at the woman.

The gathered players finally turned their heads and looked at the people in black who seemed to have no intention of attacking again: "It seems they are planning to proceed with caution."

"With a variable like you, no matter how courageous a commander is, he will make this choice." The woman's voice responded slowly: "On the other hand, your shield... seems to be very useful."

"Now do you think of other people's good things?"

Looking at each other helplessly, Duan Qing put away all his weapons, then waved his hands and walked towards Kalon Pass: "I'll leave this place to you, plus Ninglan... you two should be able to

Can you handle it?"

"What, where are you going?"

"Don't worry, I won't slip away."

The man's figure moved further and further away in the smoke screen.

"I just want to go to the toilet...when I get off the line."

This chapter has been completed!
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