Chapter 219 Humans and ghosts are showing off, only the Night Watch is calling for help

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Weimar Royce said incoherently: "Dead, he is dead, Falk... He was beheaded by the White Walkers... Falk~"

Seeing Weimar so disrespectful of aristocratic etiquette and swearing, and even talking about White Walkers plausibly.

Alliser Thorne and the night watchman looked at each other.

Allisa looked at the embarrassed Weimar, frowned and asked: "Weimar, are you frightened?"

Alliser Thorne is the recruit trainer of the Night's Watch. He hates the Vale of Arryn and Weimar.

He is the recruit instructor of the Night Watch Legion and a die-hard supporter of the Long Family!

Unfortunately, in the Battle of the Usurpers more than ten years ago, the Dragon family was defeated by the coalition forces of Baratheon from the Stormlands, Stark from the North, and Jon Arryn from the Arryn Valley in the Riverlands.

Alisa also became a criminal.

In order to avoid death, he had no choice but to put on black clothes and become a member of the Night Watch.

Weimar is a noble from the Vale of Erin. Apart from being on good terms with the Dornish people, he doesn't have a good relationship with anyone else in the Seven Kingdoms!

It should be said that except for a few friends, Alisa's reputation among the Night's Watch is not good.

Young Weimar grabbed Alyssa's collar: "This is not a joke, Fuck, let me say it again! This is not a joke, the White Walkers are resurrected, and old Gary was beheaded by the White Walkers."

Alyssa pushed away young Weimar's hand and said with a smile: "I think you are scared. The White Walkers have disappeared for more than three thousand years. I even feel that there have never been White Walkers in this world!"

During the dispute between the two, an old voice sounded from behind: "What's going on?"

It turned out to be Jeor Mormont, the current commander of the Night's Watch.

Jeor Mormont is the 997th Commander-in-Chief of the Night's Watch, known as the Bear. He is the 997th Commander-in-Chief of the Night's Watch, the Commander-in-Chief and Supreme Commander of Castle Black Castle. He was formerly a member of the Mormont family.

The patriarch and ruler of Bear Island, he chose to join the Night's Watch in order to give way to his son, Lord Jorah Mormont.

This is a stubborn old man with good moral character and excellent noble character!

Seeing the Commander coming, Weimar Royce hurried over: "Commander, the White Walkers are resurrected. I saw the White Walkers resurrected with my own eyes. I fought with them. My stainless steel sword broke with a touch.

It cannot withstand the ice sword of the White Walkers..."

Elder Xiong patted Weimar on the shoulder: "Take a deep breath and adjust your mentality. You are the son of Bronze John!"

After being comforted by the commander, Weimar's panicked heart finally calmed down.

Alisa scoffed: "I think he needs a glass of hot water now!"

Weimar ignored Alyssa's sarcasm and followed the commander to the living room.

After drinking a glass of hot water, he regained some of his energy.

Weimar began to tell the night watchers what happened to him in the past few days.

Everyone then asked Ranger Will who was waiting outside.

He also recounted his experiences in the past few days in unison.

"The White Walkers could have killed you, but for unknown reasons, the White Walkers and all the zombies fell to the ground at the same time?"

"Yes, I was able to escape death at that time. I felt that my life was really lucky! We took the opportunity to chop off the head of the White Walker, but our sword broke into pieces when it touched the White Walker's body!"

Before they escaped back to Castle Black, Will threw away his sword in order to run faster.

Therefore, Weimar, who was very concerned about his face, discussed directly with Will and made a series of oral confessions.

Talk about how they resisted tenaciously, but fled in embarrassment because their weapons were not sharp enough.

Well, they had no choice but to evacuate because their weapons were weak.

Not out of fear, not running away.

After listening to what the two said, Mr. Xiong looked at everyone.

If only Will among the three rangers escaped, their trust in these words would be much lower.

But Ser Waymar Royce, who voluntarily joined the Night's Watch, has a noble status, and he will not do anything that violates his honor.

Everyone looked at Maester Aemon who had just woken up.

Maester Aemon is nearly a hundred years old and is an old blind man.

He was originally a prince of the Targaryen family. In order to alleviate the internal strife in the family, his father arranged for him to study in the city and become a bachelor.

Aemon was secretly granted the throne, but he voluntarily gave up the throne and chose to go to the Wall to become a maester serving the Night's Watch.

He is the most knowledgeable being in the Night Watch Legion, and he is also a noble man respected by all Night Watchmen!

"The White Walkers are tall and gaunt, with skin as pale as milk, and eyes as cold and burning as ice. Their color is bluer and deeper than any human eyes. They can walk quickly on the snow, and there is wind and snow every time they go out. The color of their armor

It changes with the action, and can also control corpses. The weapon of the White Walkers, the Ice Sword, is exactly the same as the ancient legend!"

"Maester Aemon, is it possible that White Walkers really exist?"

"Do you remember our most ancient oath of the Night's Watch?"

The old bear looked at each other with Benjen Stark and Ser Allissa who had just arrived.

Their faces were solemn, and there was a hint of disbelief in their eyes.

Whether they join the Night's Watch voluntarily or passively, they all remember the oath they swore before joining the Night's Watch.

"The long night is coming, and I will keep watch from now on until I die. I will not marry, fiefdom, or have children. I will not wear a crown or compete for honors. I will fulfill my duties faithfully and live and die here. I am the darkness.

The sword in the sky, the guard on the wall, the fire that wards off the cold, the light at dawn, the horn that awakens the sleeping, the shield that protects the kingdom. I dedicate my life and honor to the Night's Watch, tonight and every night.


The core of this inhumane oath of protection is to fight against the White Walkers coming from the land of eternal winter beyond the Great Wall.

After every member of the Night's Watch comes to the Night's Watch, they will learn the traditional oath and remember their mission: to deal with the terrifying White Walkers beyond the wall.

Although its military use has now become to resist savage attacks.

"After I came to the Night's Watch, I compiled a lot of books, one of which was about the thirteenth Commander of the Night's Watch. According to legend, he turned the Night's Watch into his private army and devoted himself to opposing the King of the North.

During the war with the King Beyond the Wall, Joman. It is said that he is a member of the Stark family, and the Night's Watch Legion records the reasons why he is like this. Do you want to know?"

Everyone looked at Maester Aemon.

Mr. Xiong said anxiously: "Maester Aemon, please don't pique our curiosity."

Aemon smiled softly and said: "It is said that the commander of the Thirteenth Night's Watch Legion is a Stark. He was bewitched by a female White Walker and fell in love with the female White Walker. So he launched a rebellion! This is the Night Watch.

The records of the Human Legion. I thought it was just an error at the time. But today I heard Weimar say that the White Walkers have appeared!"

"The documents of the Night's Watch?" Mr. Xiong rubbed his temples painfully.

The literature of the Night's Watch Legion records the historical events of the Legion and records the names of most of the Night's Watch brothers.

Of course, what's more important is that many of the major events recorded here are true.

"Now that Weimar has confirmed the White Walkers, and there are records in the Night's Watch Legion's documents, plus our oaths, we can be sure of one thing...the White Walkers have reappeared!"

Benjen Stark said seriously: "We need reinforcements."

The Night's Watch previously had 20,000 soldiers stationed there.

The ancestors of the past were proud to join the Night's Watch.

It's a pity that there are only more than 1,000 people in the night watch now, and most of the night watchmen are criminals captured from the Seven Kingdoms!

If it weren't for some ignorant fools who were fooled into joining the Night's Watch, this military force stationed on the Great Wall might have perished long ago.

Elder Xiong sighed: "We are on the Great Wall in a desperate situation and trust our brothers. But the White Walkers have disappeared for thousands of years and suddenly appear, and their claims are unfounded."

Bowen Marsh, the chief of staff of the Night Watch, sighed: "People have prejudices in their hearts. We have asked His Majesty the King many times to increase military expenditures. Although His Majesty the King is fighting well, when it comes to analyzing some intelligence... Everyone, we need to find someone.

Definite evidence that the White Walkers are coming!”

Weimar suddenly felt something bad.

Maester Aemon then said: "People don't believe in invisible blades, they only believe what they see with their own eyes. We need evidence!"

Bunyan was the first to stand up: "Commander, I can write a letter to inform Winter City and ask my brother to send reinforcements. My brother will believe that the White Walkers are coming!"

Elder Xiong touched the hilt of the sword and stared at Weimar: "I also believe in Duke Stark's character, but White Walkers are infested, and there are a large number of savages gathering outside the Great Wall. They have threatened the safety of the Seven Kingdoms. So... let's do both.

Be prepared, not only to send soldiers, but also to capture a... um... ghoul! Weimar, are you willing to lead the troops to capture the ghoul? "

Weimar: "..."

Will muttered in a low voice: "Commander, our steel weapons can't deal with the White Walkers at all! You also know old Gary's swordsmanship. His steel long sword only blocked one attack from the White Walkers before it fell into pieces. That's a lot of magic."

Steel sword!"

Only then did Weimar react: "Yes, Commander, my steel sword was also broken during the parry. We don't have good weapons to deal with the White Walkers."

"It is said that the White Walkers are afraid of fire!"

Boss Bear was delighted: "Maester Aemon, are the White Walkers afraid of anything?"

Aemon shook his head: "I need to ask the bachelor's assistant to collect more information on dealing with the White Walkers. Commander, please give me some time."

After he finished speaking, he said worriedly: "I'm afraid it's too late. Weimar, you lead the team and we go to capture a few corpses outside the Great Wall. We don't have to capture the White Walkers."

He also ordered Benyan Stark: "Benyan, go to Winterfell as soon as possible and ask the Duke to send reinforcements to support the Great Wall."

Just when Benyan was about to apply to take the initiative, he saw Old Xiong: "I know you are the highest commander of the rangers, but only you can summon reinforcements from Winter City the fastest!"

Bunyan happily took over the task, took four attendants with him, prepared food and supplies, and quickly rushed towards Winter City with one man and two horses!

Weimar and Will, who were almost frightened to death, were forcefully dragged into the expedition team by Mr. Xiong.

"If we say that the one who knows the most about the Great Wall is definitely the fortress built by Custer, I led 200 elite rangers to Fort Custer to look for possible corpses. Bowen Marcy, you are in charge of the Great Wall of Despair.

Defense work!”

"Okay, Commander!" Bowen Marsh stood up and nodded.

Mr. Xiong thought for a moment and then said: "Send a raven to inform Sir Dennis Mallister of the East Bay and Carter Pike, the commander of Eastwatch, to be careful of savage attacks. He also asked the two forts to deploy 50 elite rangers.

Rendezvous, at the Chang... Assemble at Castle Black! Let the troops hurry up to collect kerosene, rockets, and flammable military supplies. Also let Donner Noy hurry up to produce enough flame weapons."

"Okay, Commander!"

Elder Xiong arranged one mission after another, then let Weimar and others rest, and then communicated with Maester Aemon and others to discuss the battle meeting.

There are no good tactics for 200 soldiers.

Just branch out, catch a ghoul and bring it back to the Southern Great Wall.

Looking at Castle Black starting to get busy, Geo suppressed his uneasiness and said, "I hope Benyan can send reinforcements soon!"

While the Night Watch Legion was busy preparing supplies to deal with the White Walkers, Chen Mu and others also arrived at a huge mountain range!

They ran all the way on sleds, covering more than 800 kilometers, and finally saw the woods buried in ice and snow.

Looking at the lush woods, Chen Mu excitedly took off his sunglasses.

He looked down at the thermometer again——

-25 degree

The compass also began to rotate slowly.

During the past few days of marching, some of their electronic equipment has been able to be used stably, and the drone can also be used for reconnaissance.

While the team of soldiers was resting, the drone rose into the sky and began to scout the nearby mountains.

"The jagged peaks are covered with snow all year round, and there are thin ice waterfalls. Hey, I discovered a natural stone bridge that has experienced wind erosion. Looking at the appearance of this mountain range, it is most likely the Frost and Snow Tooth Mountains outside the Great Wall. After marching forward for some time,

We should be able to reach the Shadow Tower at the far west of the Great Wall."

Chen Mu smiled and said: "Let's go, occupy the Great Wall of Despair first!"

This chapter has been completed!
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