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Chapter 249 The sack of Pantos, the inclusion of flaws

Westeros, King's Landing!

Littlefinger woke up in a daze.

He opened his mouth: "Ahhhhhhhh~"

When the maid saw the little finger pointing to her mouth, she immediately shouted: "My lord is awake! He wants to eat!"

There are servants outside to prepare meals for him~

If anyone who cares about Littlefinger sees his appearance, they will be extremely sad.

Because it has been almost a month since the incident that hurt Littlefinger. The Essos mercenary has been executed.

But it seems that the Chancellor's body and his shrewd mind will never recover.

These days, Littlefinger has been living in a haze most of the time.

The body cannot move, and even the language is difficult to organize!

The flexible brain that I was proud of before has been in a daze all day since the injury.

He seemed to be suffering from hysteria that would never recover!

The king sent Maester Pycelle and a group of maesters proficient in medicine to rescue him, but what he received was extremely unbelievable news.

The little finger may be permanently paralyzed and may even lose the ability to speak!

The shrewd Earl of Five Fingers Peninsula became the biggest joke among the people and nobles in the neighborhood of King's Landing because of his jealousy in the women's branch.

No one cares about his life or death.

After King Robert visited Littlefinger, he lost patience with him.

After a meeting, Tyrion Lannister was appointed as the new Chancellor of the Exchequer, asking him to clean up the king's finances, which were already heavily in debt.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer was responsible for supervising a large number of officials, including the treasuries, the royal accountants, the royal measurers, the heads of the three mints, the harbormaster, the tax collectors, the customs officers, the wool agents, the road toll collectors, the shipmasters, and the winery.

Agents, etc. Tyrion has been extremely busy since becoming Lord Chancellor.

He even learned more advanced accounting methods from Zhang Jin. In just half a month, he cleared a large number of bad debts and recovered a lot of debts. He also solved a small number of corrupt officials.

Although Tyrion is hated by others, he does a good job.

King Robert gradually handed over power to the other party.

Since then, almost no one cared about the paralyzed Tippeter.

Except Ed!

That day, outside Littlefinger's bedroom, Ed looked at the maid serving the food and quickly asked about the health of the former finance minister.

"The adults are very bad. Until now, they can only speak a few simple words."

Ed sighed and then entered the bedroom.

Half an hour later, Ed came out.

His face turned gloomy!

The news that the Prime Minister's mood deteriorated after leaving the Chancellor's house soon became known to many interested people in Westeros.

Wallis gave the little bird some food to eat and some funds for activities, and then left the dirty basement with a half-smile.

It's time to give some hints about the books that Lord Prime Minister Jon Arryn read before his death.

The city of Pentos has been a bit chaotic lately.

Because some shameless thieves committed massive thefts for more than ten days in a row. More than ten governors of Pentos, a large number of slave merchants, and merchants involved in gray business lost large amounts of gold and various meats one after another.

After simple statistics, they have lost no less than 800,000 golden dragons and a large amount of meat!

This is an astronomical sum of money.

In addition to this, there are some Pentos who claim to have seen some demons!

These demons are up to 3 meters tall, their bodies are covered with scales, their eyes glow red, and they can easily swallow gold when they see it.

Not just gold, they can also devour live cattle with ease.

They seem to regard gold and livestock as food!

Countless merchants were so frightened that they hid their gold, and the people also lived with their livestock for fear of being devoured by demons.

Fortunately, this demon is rather weird and only attacks big households!

The governors who lost their gold also mobilized thousands of soldiers to search around, trying to kill this gold-devouring demon.

It's a pity that since the martial law was imposed in Pentos City, everyone found that this golden demon disappeared!

In the following days, the Golden Demon never appeared again, and the city of Pentos gradually returned to peace.

It was not until 40,000 Dothraki cavalry arrived with their old, weak, women and children that the place became lively again.

Of course, it’s a flurry of excitement!

To the Nine Free Cities, the Dothraki were just a bunch of bandits.

The Dothraki are people of the steppes. Their tribe is called Karasa, and the tribe is led by the bravest warrior - "Kaa".

Each "Karasa" is divided into several parts, called "Kas". Each is led by a "Kou".

When a Khal dies, a new Khal takes power; or Khas disperses and reorganizes into a khalasar, and the former ko becomes the new Khal. Dothraki are experts in horsemanship and weapons of war.

Each Khal has his own bloodrider. They are not only guards, but also brothers and partners.

The bloodriders have been at Khal's side during his daytime affairs. Ancient tradition dictates that they follow Khal when he dies.

If the khal dies in battle, the bloodriders will spend the rest of their lives seeking revenge and committing suicide in the aftermath.

Some of Khal's bloodriders even have to share with his wife. The only thing Khal and his bloodriders never share is their own mounts.

There are no settlements in Karasa. They live nomadically, and their economy is largely supported by raiding surrounding countries. In order to survive, they will also attack each other.

Dothraki has a large area, with grasslands reaching tens of millions of square kilometers. They have only one fixed city, Vaes Dothraki, which is also their capital.

These people fight endlessly on the grasslands, but in Vaes Dothraki, every Dothraki must treat the other as a biological brother. No one can shed a drop of blood, and no one can draw a sword against each other.

After the death of the khals, their wives the Khaleesi gathered here. They were called the "Doshkarim" and ruled the city above all the khals.

They live nomadic and rely on plundering for a living. As long as they don't like anyone, they will attack or even annihilate these forces.

So every time the Dothraki arrived in the nine free city-states, the people in the city-states would bleed hard to appease these warlike guys.

What's more, Governor Illyrio lured the wolf into the house today and took the initiative to bring them here!

On this day, outside the city of Pentos, the horse king arrived with his tribal cavalry outside the city of Pentos.

Looking at the petite and frail Daenerys, King Ma was very satisfied with this marriage.

Then came the Dothraki wedding ceremony.

The Dothraki tribe camped outside the city and brought Daenerys to their camp.

Several Dothraki soldiers stopped Chen Mu.

"They are my brothers and bodyguards."

Viserys glanced at Chen Ziang and others in fear, and his timid look made the Dothraki guards laugh.

They chose to let it go.

Leading them to the camp, where the bonfire party was already held, Drogo said in Dothraki: "Future Khaleesi, come to me!"

Daenerys walked over, looked at Drogo's braid, and thinking about the tradition of the grassland people, she mustered up the courage to say: "Dear Horse King Drogo, I heard that the Dothraki worship the strong throughout their lives?"

Drogo laughed and nodded when he heard the interpreter speak.

He was even more interested in this wonderful woman who dared to offend his authority!

"Then do I have the right to challenge you?"

As soon as he said this, the cheering campfire scene suddenly fell silent!

A Pentos man whispered: "This woman is absolutely crazy!"

Several Dothraki bloodriders laughed and said, "She is looking for death?"

Some Cass drank the looted wine and said with a smile: "Whatever, no matter how strong the horse is, it can be tamed by our Kaa. We can watch the show this time."

"Ha ha……"

The Dothraki are extremely savage and often fight during weddings.

They even have a barbaric custom that the more casualties there are, the more successful the wedding will be.

So when everyone heard Khaleesi from the future of Khal Drogo talking like this, their first impression of her was very good.

"You are Khaleesi of Khal Drogo. We will not fight you, so let your guards come out."

A Khal bloodrider came out.

This bloodrider is called Kata, and he is Khal Drogo's confidant and most trusted brother!

Lin Ruyi, who was not wearing armor, walked out: "One person is not enough, please send a few more people."

Lin Ruyi and three team members will be responsible for the integration of Essos forces, so Chen Mu cannot just steal the limelight.

At this moment, Chen Mu was watching the show with others.

Looking at Lin Ruyi dressed in Westeros attire, the Dothraki shouted: "Kata... Come on! Cut off this foreigner's head!"

"kill him!"

"I really want to see him kneeling on the ground begging for mercy!"

"Haha...please forgive me!"

Countless Dothraki shouted in joy.

Kata also laughed ferociously.

Seeing the calm look of the guy in front of him, he smiled and held the knife in his arm: "Outlander, how do you want to die? Cut your intestines and pull them out, or cut your throat?"

Lin Ruyi casually made a universal gesture!

Chen Muzi, who was watching from a distance, opened his mouth and expressed disdain for this guy's actions.

Daenerys, on the other hand, couldn't bear to turn her head away.

Over the past few days, Viserys, who had been severely punished by Lin Ruyi, could not help but tremble.

When Drogo saw Daenerys like this, he suppressed the evil fire in his heart and smiled: "Khaleesi, after my bloodriders kill your guards, I will witness it in front of everyone's eyes.

I will conquer you personally! You need to carefully consider the price of provoking me!"

The translator faithfully spoke Drogo's words, and Daenerys was confused.

She looked around timidly and found that there were at least several thousand people around her. She suddenly felt sick: "I'm afraid your bloodriders will die miserably!"

Khal Drogo laughed when he heard Khaleesi's words told by the translator.

"Katar, what are you doing with the ink? Kill him!" Drogo shouted, he couldn't help but want to ride this delicate Khaleesi.

He likes this little girl.

From the first moment he met her, he felt that this little girl was very nice!

Countless Dothraki shouted: "Kill him!"

"kill him!"

Hearing the leader talking to his companions like this, Kata twisted his neck, smiled and rushed towards Lin Ruyi with his knife!

He wanted to deal with this guy quickly and neatly.


A brilliant sword light shone, and Kata was killed with a sword!

Rather than talking about the owl's head, it is better to say that he bumped into Lin Ruyi's blade.

The noisy Dothraki immediately fell silent.

"How can this be?"

Everyone looked at Kata, whose eyes were still blinking after the bodies were separated, and Lin Ruyi, who was almost standing still, and felt chills in their hearts.

Drogo, who was always paying attention to the battlefield, and Big Bear, who was carrying a few books as gifts in the distance, could vaguely see the battle situation clearly.

All they saw was that the guy raised his weapon easily, and then Kata's body hit the blade.

He died so tragically!

He died so grievously!

Kaa, Big Bear and others were thinking.

"You kill him, you deserve to die!"

As the leader of the Dothraki, Drogo knew what he had to do to maintain his authority as a leader.

He walked out with his beloved weapon, wanting to fight Lin Ruyi.

"Wait a minute, Drogo Khal!" Lin Ruyi tried to stop him: "I heard that the Dothraki admire the strong. If I can defeat you, can I get the leader?"

Listening to Lin Ruyi's story conveyed by the translator, Drogo sneered: "Beat me, and you can become a khao."

The Dothraki worship the strong.

"Then I'll beat you!"

Seeing the horse king coming with a sword, Lin Ruyi chose to stop.


As soon as Drogo swung his sword, he was easily blocked by Lin Ruyi with his weapon.

The sharp blade rested directly on Drogo's shoulder: "You lose!"

Drogo's face was filled with disbelief. He looked at the sharp weapon on his shoulder, then looked at the knocked-off scimitar, and felt the trembling hand in his hand. He felt like he was dreaming!

No one can defeat him in close combat!

"This is impossible!"

He shouted, then drew out his dagger and attacked Lin Ruyi.


Many Dothraki saw that their invincible leader was directly regarded as a monkey at this moment.

Drogo attacked fiercely, but Lin Ruyi always avoided these injuries at critical moments.

After attacking more than ten times in a row, Drogo's breathing became a little unsteady.

Everyone watching this fighting match knows: Drogo loses!

Seeing that the fire was almost done, Lin Ruyi knocked Drogo's dagger away again: "Are you willing to let me be your Kaa?"

Drogo's face was ferocious: "You can only become Khal if you kill me."


Drogo is dead. His head was chopped off.

His long dreadlocks were also cut off.

Crisp and sharp, one kill kills!

The Dothraki and the people attending the bonfire feast were completely shocked when they saw Khal's death!

The invincible Khal Drogo died like this?

Several Khal leaders who were defeated by Drogo now became Kou's chiefs with happy expressions on their faces.

Drogo's confidants were heartbroken.

The bloodriders are organizing their henchmen to seek revenge against their Khal.

But the Pentos people are a bit numb.

The groom was killed before the wedding even started. Is the marriage still over?

Also, do they run away or stay here and watch the show?

The Dothraki made a quick decision.

The little Khals, who were overawed by Drogo's force, turned their horses and asked people to pack up their supplies and leave.

These guys are breaking up.

Some of Drogo's henchmen rushed over with swords drawn.

Chen Mu directly took out the super high-power speaker: "No one is allowed to leave! Our bodyguard defeated your Khal, and he should become the new Khal of Dothraki."

It was okay not to say this, but it directly made some of Drogo's confidants become angry.

"Kill him and avenge Drogo!"


"Humph, I don't know whether to live or die!"

Several team members snorted, and then rushed into the enemy who dared to attack them.

The warriors who have developed super internal strength are simply killing gods.

They rushed forward towards more than 400 Dothraki cavalry.

The knife fell from the hand, and the corpses were separated!

When the Dothraki cavalry, which made countless Essos people fear like tigers, faced Chen Mu and the others, they faced a one-sided battle.

In just a few dozen breaths, they were cut through the formation.

The Chen Mu class was like a steamroller, easily cutting in half any Dothraki enemy who dared to ride a horse and wield a sword.

However, after a quick charge, enemy number 100 was wiped out.

If they weren't afraid of the gods of this world, they would have taken out their rifles and shot them.

Seeing the sacrifice of a large number of warriors, loyal Drogo's cavalry howled and organized their horses to fight.

When more Dothraki saw how brave these people were, they immediately chose to escape.

This is Pentos, and there are at least six to seven thousand enemies.

They are in disarray at the moment. This is the time to run for the new Khal, and they cannot die here.

Seeing the Dothraki in chaos gave Chen Mu a headache!

How reckless!

An hour and a half later~

There were about 2,000 Dothraki cavalry and about 5,000 old and weak men.

They looked at these ferocious enemies in fear.

They are Chen Mu's prisoners...

This chapter has been completed!
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