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Chapter 626 Two Hearts, A Hornet's Nest!

Humanity does not know how the Covenant dealt with the destruction of the Prophet of Truth and millions of troops.

After humans conquered Shield World 0459, they only lured the Covenant fleets a few times and fought several small-scale wars with them to attract the attention of the Covenant in the distance.

Their strategy was very successful, and the Covenant fleet, which suffered heavy losses one after another, spent a lot of resources searching for human colonies.

It's a pity that their luck is so bad every time. The cunning blasphemers (human race) use guerrilla tactics to destroy a large amount of their military power and also deal a heavy blow to the Covenant's forces.

During the two years of the 0459 Shield World War, humans also tried to establish communication with the Covenant many times, explaining that the war between the two sides was inexplicable, hoping that everyone could stop and have a good communication, but they were all rejected by the San'Shyuum (Prophet) people in various names.


The Prophets even ordered the Covenant fleet to destroy it upon discovery, and that communicating with humans would be blasphemous.

All in all, the Covenant is determined to exterminate humanity.

War, war, in the following years, when humans and the Covenant met, there was war.

The Star Alliance discovered the strength of mankind through many battles.

The strength of these inheritors designated by the Forerunners is not as strong as they appear, and the enemy's fleet cannot match the size and number of the Covenant. During the war, humans have always used guerrilla tactics and did not fight against the large forces of the Covenant.

Although their battle loss ratio with humans has always maintained a significant battle loss ratio of two to one, there are fewer and fewer more advanced fleets on the human side.

The Covenant speculates that it will be very short for humans to obtain the Forerunner relics, and the strength of the army is insufficient.

It's a pity that these guys don't know some fatal things!

When the Star Alliance was deceived into the distance by humans, the human base camp ushered in greater development.

The 12 Forerunner super battleships obtained from the 0459 Shield World have been transformed, and the Forerunner intelligence, energy cores, defense robots, etc. inside have all been replaced with human weapons.

Although these things reduce the power of the battleship, humans feel more at ease when using them.

In addition to twelve giant battleships measuring tens of kilometers, humanity has exhausted its industrial capacity to produce more than 300 battleships in the past two years, and even thousands of battleships have been refitted.

All individual weapons and defenses in the human world have also been upgraded.

After the advanced production lines brought over from several Halo worlds and the 0459 Shield world were absorbed by humans, they accelerated the completion of various types of military production capacity.

These things have helped mankind a lot!

With a battleship of this size, humans already have the ability to conduct local wars with the Covenant.

If the development strategy formulated by Chen Mu is followed, it only needs to be delayed for another three to five years. After human military power has accumulated to a certain level, it will have the power to equal the Star Alliance, and then it can carry out a full-scale war.

It's a pity that the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop!

On April 1, the portal from the Earth to the Ark suddenly released strong energy fluctuations.

These energy fluctuations disrupted Chen Mu's layout.

They were like blood spilled in the ocean, attracting the attention of the Covenant Alliance hundreds of light years away.

The Covenant's troops used to detect cosmic signals discovered a strong miraculous signal from the direction of the Earth, and immediately sent a large number of exploration fleets to scout the area.

The Earth, the home planet of mankind, was exposed to the Covenant in such a dramatic way.

When humans saw the Covenant fleet leaping over, they were stunned!

Although they eliminated the Covenant's exploration ship, news of the Forerunner miracles in the area spread back to the Covenant headquarters.

The location of humanity's home planet has been exposed.

"What is going on? We have installed so many isolation devices on the earth, why did the Ark portal open in advance?"

Chen Mu directly questioned the person in charge of the earth.

"It's a Forerunner battleship. When our modified Forerunner battleship is mooring and canvassing for votes on Earth to win voters' support, the battleship establishes a certain connection with the Ark portal and activates the coordinate information of the Ark portal!"

Upon hearing the news, Chen Mu and others immediately frowned.

"This is impossible! We have modified all the Forerunner fleets. There will never be any equipment that can activate the Ark portal on Earth."

"You are lying!"

"The Forerunner battleship was sent out to participate in condolence activities without being fully modified by humans?"

Questioned by Chen Mu, the person in charge hesitated and said: "I...we, there are radicals who want to explore the Ark World, but they don't know that opening the Ark portal will involve such a big battle."

Seeing the person in charge of Earth hesitating, Chen Mu's temples jumped!

The heart is separated from the belly, the ancients are honest and do not deceive!

Chen Mu and the others just relaxed for a while, and the humans in the Halo Universe hid their little tricks.

At that time, the information inside the Arkworld should not have been informed to the humans in the Halo Universe.

When Chen Mu had a headache, some bad news also reached the control room.

"Report...we discovered two thousand Covenant warships of various sizes in the Centaur constellation."

Hearing the news, Chen Mu sighed quietly: "Have your people gone to the Ark World?"

Several people in charge quickly lowered their heads.

"Fuck!" Chen Aiguo said with a cold face: "Let your troops prepare, the state of total war has arrived early."

After saying this, Chen Aiguo, Chen Mu and others left directly.

"Uh, you guys... where are you going?"

"Go and solve the problems in the Craftworld!"

The Arkworld is full of dangers. Although it is not overrun by Zerg, there are various types of Templars who have been transformed by missionaries and are particularly disgusting with humans, as well as endless Forerunner war weapons.

These war weapons were originally the Forerunners, transformed into semi-immortal mechanical puppets that hate all living things. Once they are released, humanity will most likely be attacked from both sides.

Information collected from the Librarian and the Forerunner Halo World shows that Requiem, the Forerunner's holy land, has also been moved to the vicinity of the Ark World.

The super boss of that place, the leader of the forerunners, the missionary, is an even more difficult guy.

The greedy Halo humans tried to explore the treasure ark world without telling Chen Mu and his party, but they didn’t know that the place they went to was hell!

When Chen Mu led the Dongfeng Brigade through the regional portal and successfully arrived at the Ark World, they saw a scene that stunned them.

One after another, the Forerunner warships that had been set on fire were dispatched towards the outside. Several human treasure-hunting warships had been cut off in half. A large number of Forerunner altar defenders and Prometheus warriors were looking for those who were still alive under the leadership of the Forerunner Warriors.

Humans are trying to hunt these humans down.

In the vast space, humans were destroyed by the Forerunners' defense system before even getting close to the outer reaches of the small craft world!

Humanity's technologically upgraded and modified warships are completely unable to withstand the attacks of countless Forerunners' dense defense arrays at this moment.

After Chen Mu and his party arrived in the Ark World, the Forerunner defense system that originally strangled the human treasure-hunting fleet quickly rushed towards them...

The fierce battle begins immediately!

Chen Mu's side opened the wormhole without hesitation and released powerful fission bombs, antimatter shells, gravitational wave and magnetic wave bombs before the Forerunners were ready to attack.

The big gift was given at the beginning, naturally because the Forerunners had too many defense fleets!

According to the monitoring equipment, there are at least 100 billion Forerunner defense weapons of different sizes and combat effectiveness within more than ten astronomical units.

If these things are not destroyed in advance, Chen Mu's fleet will be completely unable to withstand this boundless locust offensive.

Blazing light, deadly bombs flying in the void, gravitational distortion fields and high-energy rays destroyed the Forerunner weapons in pieces.

This attack was extremely ferocious, and the Forerunner battleships that rushed over suffered losses in the hundreds of millions.

But this loss was quickly made up for by the small world of Ark behind...

"It has been detected that the jump function has been activated in the Forerunner Ark world, and at least 2 billion Forerunner unmanned combat weapons have joined the battle."

"Release the annihilation black hole directly towards the Arkworld."


"We can't control that much anymore. We must destroy the Arkworld as soon as possible. We cannot fight a war of attrition with them."

This chapter has been completed!
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