Chapter 1801 Breaking into the car

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 Blocking the windows in advance is useful, because the sticky sound is when the foreign species outside hits the metal plate. Players in the car can even hear it as if their mouths or suction cups are turning on the metal plate.

The movement was like a living creature looking for a gap in the car.

The players don't feel very good at this time. There is no doubt that they are surrounded by the current situation. Although they can't see what the thing outside looks like, they expect it to be weirder than the alien species they have seen before. They are all there.

On the top of the train, but the mouths are in the windows on both sides - the less it looks like a species that exists in reality, the more likely it is the product of more severe genetic mutations. These species often have attack power that humans cannot imagine.

At this time, the car windows had been sealed, but they were still looking outside. Not long after, the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground accompanied by broken car windows suddenly came from behind. Everyone immediately realized: some cars were not

Seal the transition carriage together!

Of course, it is also possible that the object sealing the window could not bear the weight of the alien species and collapsed the prop, but no matter what, the alien species outside had already entered the train.

Fortunately, most players have chosen to seal the windows, otherwise the alien species would destroy all the walls of the carriage, and everyone would have to face this situation.

However, the expected fight did not occur. After another heavy rainstorm, the entire train suddenly returned to calm. Everyone could feel that the pressure on the train had been relieved, as if all the alien species had suddenly disappeared.


This strange silence made the players even more vigilant. After a few seconds, the car in front of Xu Huo and the others was suddenly hit hard. The force was so strong that the entire car stopped. Of course, this pause would stop after a second.

It disappeared, replaced by the sound of swallowing, something being torn apart, and pieces of debris falling on the roof of the car.

The sound was moving slowly, gradually moving from the car in front to the car where Xu Huo was. As the alien moved, the metal plate on the roof of the car deformed slightly, and a fishy smell floated down from the gaps and dripped at the same time.

There was also blood or something else that fell wetly on the player's head.

This is certainly not enough to cause harm to the players, but as the chewing and tearing sounds above their heads prolonged, the sound of raindrops gradually gathered again. After a low beast-like roar, the metal plates above everyone's heads seemed to have been hit by a cannonball.

As before, dense pits appeared, and not long after, there was another critical strike from above. This time, a metal plate was completely bent, and a fat alien was pressed into the car. At the same time, there was also a crossing.

long arms.

It was difficult to see what the alien species fighting looked like in the darkness, but from its range of activities and breathing sounds, it could be inferred that its size was more than twice the size of the other alien species, so it was an overwhelming massacre.

As for the fat alien species, I don't know if its vocal organs have degenerated. Even if it was bitten and slaughtered, it did not make any struggling sounds. It was just that the end that entered the carriage was not dead yet. It instinctively raised its eating organs, and

At this moment, the players standing on the back door, including Xu Huo who was standing close to the door, felt a strong suction at the same time!

The two players standing at the front moved their steps, but people had already died last night, and everyone was mentally prepared, so this huge suction force did not make the tragedy happen again, and the alien absorption was not for eating, it was there.

When it was released from its mouth, its body began to expand rapidly, like an inflated balloon, and it easily pushed away the claws holding it.

The large alien creature on the roof of the car was so enraged that it roared and tore off the metal plate to get into the car!

This movement is no less than dismantling a car. Players in the car can only retreat out. The car in front has been destroyed. It is conceivable that those alien species that can release corrosive slime are piled up inside, so they can only go to the back car.


So in an instant, several players pressed against the walls of the carriage on both sides, smashed open the metal plates and aliens blocking the front, and rushed straight into the transition carriage.

"This is not the way to go." Someone said: "If we let that alien creature continue, the carriage at the back may be disconnected from the front!"

Once the car is disconnected, the possibility of them catching up with the train is very slim, and they are left on the track of the B-class train, wondering what they will face next.

"Kill the big one." A player responded immediately.

Everyone else had no objections and quickly formulated a plan. First, they tried to use light, sound or olfactory stimulation to lure or force the alien species away. At the same time, they tried their best to kill or drive the large alien species off the train, and the large alien species was

It is caused by the silent alien species, so the number of silent alien species must be reduced. In addition, the train travels at a fast speed, so it is best to do all this in the carriage.

So ten seconds after the agreement, a flashing prop flew out of the car. After staying in the air for five seconds, it shot out a dazzling light in the distant sky!

The moment the light came on, everyone could clearly see the situation in the car. The windows and all the items were gone. In the middle was a giant creature covered in fish scale-like armor. It was more than four meters tall, and the entire car was covered in armor.

The head is like an over-expanded meat ball. The upper part of the face is covered with pimple-like growths. The eyes cannot be seen. The nose and ears are reduced to two small holes, but the mouth can be opened into a large semicircle.

, two rows of sharp teeth can easily tear apart prey, and it is now using its long and strong limbs to grab two silent alien species and stuff them into its mouth.

This large alien species is insensitive to light and sound, and the same goes for the silent alien species wrapped around it.

Compared with the ferocity of the large alien species, the fat, pig-like appearance of the silent alien species makes them look less aggressive. Their huge ears hang down on both sides of their heads, and the eyelids of their two eyes are long together. They have a strange sense of stupidity, and they even

The nails are degraded, and the skin is pink, so at first glance it doesn't look like a cannibal alien.

However, it may be that they have the ability to expand and contract. Their skins are relatively loose, and may even accumulate and hang on their abdomens. They are as flexible as their mouths - the mouths of silent alien species have evolved into the shape of elephant trunks, which can be stretched exponentially.

, the port can be opened, and the inside is filled with suction cups. In addition to having strong adsorption force, it can also release mucus that dissolves objects.

The silent alien species have limited resistance and can only bite large alien species with their mouths. However, the mucus they release has no effect on large alien species, and they will only become food if they pounce on them.

Even if light and sound cannot lure them away, it does not mean that there are no other types of alien species around. So after a quick glance, the players began to take action. In order to ensure safety, several players opened protective barriers on the train.

, after minimizing the interference of the air flow, other players rushed out of the car one after another and harvested the alien species as quickly as possible.

This chapter has been completed!
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