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Chapter 114 Be prepared

 A week later, the gods came.

The disaster in my memory has finally arrived.

The countdown has begun.

Lin Fan exhaled, this moment finally came.

But this time, Daxia is ready!

Without any delay, Lin Fan hurriedly said to Situ Hong: "You are here to finish the work and call the local department to take the bodies of these snowmen back."

"Then immediately return to the Great Steel Wall project and prepare to go into battle."

Situ Hong nodded: "What about you?"

"I'll go back right away." After saying that, Lin Fan said loudly: "All members of the God-Slaying Army, line up!"

After one hour.

At the Xiyu Airport, an in-service transport plane took off suddenly and shot straight into the sky!

Four p.m.

The transport plane landed directly at the temporarily opened military airport along the east coast of Shandong, and Lin Fan quickly stepped out of the cabin.

The members of the God-killing Army followed closely behind. Lin Fan glanced at Xingye, whose foundation had been restored, and said to Wanqian and other members of the first team of the God-killing Army, and then said: "After eating the meat of the Yeti leader, you already have Tianshan in your body.

Ingredients of snow lotus.”

"Go and practice immediately. In the remaining seven days, I want you to get into your best condition!"

"The first team of the God-killing Army, whose foundation has been repaired, I want you all to enter the demigod realm in seven days!"

The first team of the God-killing Army was originally the elite selected by Lin Fan.

Different from other God-killing Army squads that are dominated by superpowers, Xingye, Tao Thousands, Mo knows, Compassion Master, they are all descendants of sects or families, they have practiced martial arts since childhood, and have already developed their human body to the limit.


In the past, perhaps due to talent or age, even if I practiced the God-killing and Demon-Slaying Technique, I was still unable to reach the realm of demigods.

At this time, due to the appearance of Tianshan Snow Lotus, their damaged foundation has been repaired, and their bodies have been washed and transformed by the power of Tianshan Snow Lotus, almost perfect!

It is absolutely possible to become a demigod within seven days!


"Guaranteed to become a demigod!"

Dao Wanqian and others did not hesitate at all, and directly agreed categorically.

Everyone knows that this is the last chance!

Only demigods can truly... face gods!

"Also, I want you to notify all your disciples immediately, gather here, and guard the Great Steel Wall with all the soldiers! Block all the sea beast believers who descended upon the gods!"


"It's over, go back and practice!" Lin Fan waved his hand.

The members of the God-Slaying Army left in an orderly manner, their faces looking solemn and depressed as never before.


This word that has always been weighing on their hearts is finally coming.

This is huge pressure!

After arranging these, Lin Fan walked towards Mr. Chen.

"I'm back." Mr. Chen greeted with a smile, but Lin Fan could see at a glance that this forced smile was filled with extreme tension and depression.

after all.

This is the last week.

"Back." Lin Fan exhaled and handed three test tubes of blood to Mr. Chen's hand.

Mr. Chen was stunned: "This is..."

"This is the blood of the leader of the Tianshan Snowman." Lin Fan's face was solemn, "This guy ate the Tianshan Snow Lotus before he died, and the Tianshan Snow Lotus is now in his blood."

"I want you to analyze the ingredients inside and mass-produce it within the last week!"

"Inject all 50 million soldiers with this ingredient. Only in this way will they not be torn apart in an instant when facing those believers who are protected by gods and given strength by gods."

"These potions can open up their meridians, allowing them to practice the God-killing and Demon-Slaying Technique. Although time is tight... but at least there will be no problem with the first and second grades."

Mr. Chen's eyes were complicated: "Ordinary people, don't they even have the qualifications to face those believers?"

"No." Lin Fan nodded, with no trace of luck in his eyes.

"Okay!" Mr. Chen looked at the three test tubes of blood and nodded: "I will analyze it right away. You and Mr. Jin will be responsible for the next thing. I will do my best to do it."

Mr. Chen knew that there was not much time left for him.

Injecting Tianshan Snow Lotus into 50 million soldiers is such a arduous task.

Even with Daxia's terrifying cohesion, it would still take at least four or five days.

In the remaining two days, he must lead the scientific research team to analyze it and achieve mass production!

This is almost impossible to do.

But, it must be done!

This will be a silent battle!

A battle that affects Daxia’s life and death!

They can't lose!

Mr. Chen wore a pure white scientific research uniform and quickly disappeared from Lin Fan's sight.

"Lin Fan." Mr. Jin walked over quickly, "The construction of the Great Steel Wall has almost been completed. You and I will go up and see where there is still room for improvement so that we can make temporary changes."

"after all,"

"Here, you are the one who knows the enemies best."

Lin Fan nodded.

Although he had produced a rough drawing of the Great Steel Wall at the beginning, he still asked Mr. Chen to lead the scientific research team to perfect the details.

Furthermore, even if the Great Steel Wall in the previous life was built perfectly, some shortcomings were still exposed when facing the gods.

Lin Fan and Mr. Jin got into the jeep and rushed to the Great Steel Wall.

When they arrived around the Great Steel Wall, Lin Fan was in the car and saw a huge wall from a distance that connected the sky and the earth, stretched across the coastline, and blocked the ocean.

Like a giant beast, it stretches between heaven and earth.

Endless as far as the eye can see.

This is a huge wall 100 meters high!

It is two thousand kilometers across the entire Jiaodong coast!

This is the greatest miracle in the history of human engineering, even surpassing the Great Wall and the Pyramids!

Even if he just looked at it from a distance, even if he had seen the Great Wall of Steel with his own eyes in his previous life, Lin Fan could not help but be shocked by it. At this moment, he felt the insignificance of human beings and also felt the greatness of human beings.

This is the power of humanity!

This is the power of Daxia!

Human beings are so insignificant, but when countless Daxia people gather together and roar, it is enough to change the world and block the ocean!

The jeep drove quickly towards the Great Steel Wall, and all the soldiers and workers who saw Lin Fan in the car paid attention and saluted.

"Hello, Commander-in-Chief!"


At this time, Lin Fan's prestige in Daxia can be said to be second only to the National Throne!

Everyone knows that this former high school boy is the most important and only commander-in-chief of Daxia when facing the invasion of gods!

He is the commander-in-chief who knows the enemy best!

Even though the arrival of the gods a week later was like a big stone weighing on their hearts, making them unable to breathe, it seemed that as long as this young man was here, everything was possible!

Looking at the faces that were different but carrying the same hope, Lin Fan smiled back.

His eyes gradually turned red.

In his mind, he recalled the 100-meter wave crashing down and the roar of the sea beast.

He recalled scenes of countless people running away in panic, being swept away by the sea in despair, and being torn apart by sea beasts.

At that time, he was still a teenager who had not joined the military and was hiding behind his parents.

"This time, I won't hide behind others."

"I'm ready."

"Daxia is also ready."

"I hope you are also prepared to die!"

Lin Fan looked at the sky and murmured softly.

This chapter has been completed!
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