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Chapter 18 Everyone, please give me a helping hand!

 As soon as these words came out.

The ambassadors of other countries present were all confused.

The domestic and foreign netizens who watched the live broadcast, as well as the leaders of various countries, were all stunned.


This term is familiar to everyone.

The story of religion is the story of gods.

What are gods?

In those stories, they possess divine power, perform miracles, and are almost omnipotent!


It is precisely because we know the meaning of gods that everyone feels absurd!

How can gods really exist?

Moreover, Daxia actually wants to go to war with those legendary fictional beings?

"Are you kidding me?"

The ambassador of Kameda Kingdom, Matsu Inu, looked unbelieving, "Although we in Kameda Kingdom are also protected by Izanami, we all know that in the real world, these gods do not exist at all... How about the arrival of gods after March?

It’s too ridiculous!”

Jin Lao sighed.

"I am sorry to tell you that."

"Gods really exist."

"I'm not using any exaggeration or metaphor. The gods I'm talking about are the gods you know."

"And the gods are about to invade Blue Star."

"When the gods come in three months, it will be a massacre."

"The reason why I say it here is, on the one hand, to let the people of Daxia know about the situation in Daxia, and on the other hand, I want to inform you of this matter out of a good attitude towards others."

"After all, although there are some conflicts between us, we are both human beings. Facing the invasion of gods, we need to put aside our past grudges and unite together."

Jin Lao's eyes were sincere.

Although most of the ambassadors from other countries in front of them and the countries they represented behind them had humiliated Daxia and had a bloody feud with Daxia.

But Daxia people have always been tolerant.

Now that the gods are coming, mankind must abandon all internal contradictions and unite together!

Of course, those insults must be taken back, but as a part of humanity, Daxia must also remind them.

Only in this way can mankind go further amid the invasion of gods.

This is the ideological realm of Daxia people.


"Haha, are you all so humorous in Daxia? You always talk about gods. Do you have any evidence?" Song Quan sneered.

Mr. Jin glanced at him, was too lazy to say anything, and walked down the stage expressionlessly.

Chen Yan, the chief scientist of the Supreme Command Center, walked up quickly and said in a deep voice: "Of course there is evidence. In this way, I will show you a video first, and then I will show you something."

The projection behind him started playing a video.

deep sea.


Giant white bones!

In the dark deep sea, those empty eyes stared at everyone, making everyone feel a sense of insignificance.

This is a bird’s eye view of life!

For a moment, everyone present felt their scalps were numb.

Even the viewers watching the live broadcast were so shocked by this scene that they couldn't control themselves.

"omg, what is this? A mythical giant?"

"It's unbelievable... There is such a thing under the ocean? I'm actually a little afraid of the ocean now."

"Just standing there makes me want to surrender. Is this a god?"

"Skeleton... In other words, this kind of creature really existed?"

"If this kind of thing were alive, I'm afraid we wouldn't even have the courage to look directly at it. Just seeing his bones makes us feel insignificant as a human being."

"This is the corpse of the god we found." Chen Yan whispered, "They have already arrived in this world, and we can now be sure that in three months, more gods will appear one after another!"

"and this,"

Chen Yan held up a white bone fragment with a serious look on his face: "This is a bone sample we obtained in the deep sea. After analysis..."

"Hahahaha!" Ambassador Song Quan suddenly laughed: "You Daxia people are really humorous. You hold a special effects clip and a broken bone that you got from nowhere, and just say that the gods have come!"

"I watched a movie yesterday. Is Thanos coming too?"

"And your so-called god's skeleton, hahaha, the washing powder in the Free Country has used this trick a long time ago!"

"A farce! This is all a farce!"

Ambassador Song Quan stood up again and sneered: "Everyone, we can go."

"It seems that Daxia is just a group of crazy people. Do we still want to listen to their nonsense about gods?"

After saying that, Ambassador Song Quan turned around and left the press conference proudly.

Ambassadors from other countries also left one after another.

Chen Yan saw this scene.

No words were spoken.

He just sighed and said with some regret: "Rotten wood cannot be carved!"

Mr. Jin on the side snorted coldly: "We kindly remind people that they are rushing to die, and we can't stop them."

Mr. Jin turned around to see Lin Fan's reaction.

However, they discovered that Lin Fan had left without knowing when.

at this time.

Lin Fan was sitting in the conference room of the Supreme Command Center, looking at the dozen or so people sitting in front of him.

The dozen or so people were all of different ages, the oldest was in his fifties and the youngest was in his teens. The men and women had completely different temperaments.

Guo Zuo on the side said slowly: "You want these people. To be honest, I don't even want to give them to you."

"They are all Daxia's treasures."

"Treat them well. Let them play their greatest role in the God-killing Army!"

After saying that, Guozhao patted his shoulder and walked out of the door escorted by two middle-aged men.

Lin Fan looked at these guys in front of him and remained silent.

These people are regarded as treasures by the Daxia military and are protecting hidden ancient martial arts masters!

Behind everyone, there is a real ancient martial arts family.

This is not some ancient martial arts that deceives people like five lightning whips, but is a real ancient martial arts that is born for fighting!

Lin Fan knew clearly that with the arrival of the gods and the aura of the divine realm being introduced into Blue Star, the strength of these guys would also increase by leaps and bounds.

In the subsequent war between gods and demons, these people are all famous and powerful among humans!

Some are even God-Slayers who have completed the killing of gods!

The strong man sitting in front has a rough look on his face, his fists are thick and his body is muscular. He looks like a foreigner at first glance.

"Xingyimen, Wang Hu."

The twenty-seven-year-old man wearing a Confucian shirt has a gentle appearance, a slight smile on his lips, and a bookish air all over his body.

"Everyone who is a great Confucian scholar knows this."

Behind him, an old man in Taoist robes was holding a fly whisk, sitting with his eyes closed, and the aura around him was slightly distorted.

"Headmaster of Tao Sect, there are thousands of Tao."

The middle-aged monk was neither happy nor sad. He sat aside, holding a rosary and chanting sutras in a low voice. There was a faint golden light on the rosary.

"Release the Buddha, the Compassionate Master."

But what attracted Lin Fan's attention even more was.

Two people sitting in the corner.

There was a small bird made of wood flying around it. The bird was extremely nimble, sometimes landing on the shoulder, sometimes emitting a green cry, lifelike.

Momen, Gongshu Ming.

The descendants of Gongshu Ban are also the descendants of a single lineage of Lu Ban!

The other is a girl in a close-fitting night-walking dress. Her delicate face is covered by a piece of black cloth, making her look particularly mysterious. However, it can be seen from her graceful figure and smart eyes that she is a beauty.

The girl leaned lazily on the chair, holding a slender Tang knife in her hands, and her dark ponytail swayed slightly.

She looks a bit like the ninjas of Kameda Kingdom, but in fact, her sect is the ancestor of those ninjas.

"The hidden stars fall behind the door, starry night."

"Everyone," Lin Fan glanced at them one by one and said with a smile, "I believe that the State Council has informed you of my identity and why I have called you here."

"Next, the gods are coming."

"We not only need to build the Great Wall of Steel to protect the people, but also need to recruit a large number of soldiers to protect the country."

"What we need more is a sharp knife to pierce the hearts of those gods!"

"And as strangers hidden in the world, you have stronger power than ordinary people, so..."

"Please give me a helping hand, join the God-killing Army, fight against the gods, and save Daxia!"

Lin Fan stood up with a roar and bowed at 90 degrees to the dozen or so people in front of him!

This chapter has been completed!
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