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Chapter 429 Animal Army!

 It’s a white war!

Tiger Knight!

The giant whale warrior never expected that there was a person on the back of this tiger. Looking at the dark muzzle in front of him, he was immediately frightened and wanted to break away!


The tiger roared, and its powerful and sharp tiger claws penetrated the flesh and blood of the giant whale warrior. Although it could not cause fatal damage to the behemoth, it penetrated into it like nails and it was impossible to break free in a short time!


It’s too late!!

As he finished speaking, Bai Zhan pulled the trigger expressionlessly!

One push to the end!

"Da da da da!"

The dark gun muzzle in front of the giant whale warrior burst out with flames, and only a dazzling light remained in the giant whale warrior's field of vision!


The bullet rotated, shredded the air, and hit the giant whale warrior's eyes directly.

"Puff puff!"

A series of blood splashed everywhere, like a balloon filled with water bursting!

Rough skin and thick flesh?

It’s just rough skin and thick flesh!

Even Godzilla, who had almost indestructible scales, died at the gate of Daxia, let alone these giant whale warriors who don't have those hard scales!

At this distance, the bullet fired from the eyeball went straight through and crushed the brain of the giant whale warrior!


The giant whale warrior let out a feeble roar, and the thick arm holding the tiger gradually became cold and stiff. Finally, he was unable to let go and fell to the ground.


The tiger, known as the king of beasts, roared and stood up from the giant whale warrior. His fur was dripping with blood, his fangs were sharp, and he looked around with a pair of fierce tiger eyes!

And the human being sitting astride it, although the size seems insignificant, the cold light in the tiger's eyes is as penetrating as that of a tiger!

At their feet, like a hill, were the corpses of dead giant whale warriors.

As if swearing who is the real beast king!

"Although humans are weak, but... don't ignore the power of humans." Bai Zhan snorted coldly, pulled the bolt and loaded the gun with a clatter, and rubbed the tiger's head: "Prosperous wealth, good work."

When the tiger heard this name, its majestic eyes showed some complexity, and it roared lowly as if in protest.

"But now is not the time to rest!"



Bai Zhan pointed his gun at an octopus-footed warrior who was about to pounce again. The tiger roared loudly and pounced!

On the entire Great Steel Wall, beasts roared!

Countless animals were moving around, fighting with the sea beasts that rushed up under fire.


A horse leaped high and trampled with iron hooves, trampling the extremely fast swordfish warrior who came through the waves like a sharp arrow directly from the air to the ground!


There was a male lion with sharp fangs, biting hard on the tentacles of the octopus warrior.


There are wild boars like heavily equipped tanks, colliding with giant whale warriors, both of them wrestling!


Hundreds of wild wolves roared together, the wolf pack surged, and they all killed a giant whale warrior.

The scarlet wolf moo is full of madness, and its fangs can tear out a big mouthful of flesh every time!

The giant whale warrior wanted to get away, but his bulky body was unable to shock these agile and powerful wolves, and he was torn into pieces in an instant!



The heavy steps of the giant elephants were like the beat of drums. Several giant elephants took heavy steps, crushing them like bulldozers, and knocked a giant whale warrior off the Great Steel Wall again!!


The white foxes and sables were running wildly, like a purple and white tide.

Although these rodents do not have the sharp claws and agility of cats, nor the sharp fangs of wolves, and are extremely small in size, their terrifying numbers together are like an endless tide.

Relying on his flexible body, he jumped on the bodies of sea beasts and bit them with big mouthfuls.

All sea beasts submerged by the tide fell down in painful wails. When the tide surged again, only white bones were left.

"Ho ho ho!"

A group of agile monkeys interspersed across the battlefield.


A giant whale warrior finally rushed up from the gap in the fire net, and let out a greedy roar while looking at the humans with guns in the air.

As a result, as soon as he opened his mouth, he saw a monkey swinging a tightrope over his head with excitement on his face. He quickly took a grenade from his waist and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

The huge giant whale warrior was stunned for a moment, still not understanding what this meant.



Half of the head was blown to pieces!

The huge body staggered and collapsed.


The monkey with a string of grenades hanging from his waist screamed excitedly, swinging on the tightrope to find the next unlucky sea creature.

Even the wall outside the Great Steel Wall is inlaid with a row of iron chains. A group of monkeys are swinging on the sea, constantly throwing grenades down. Some smart monkeys even shoot with guns!

this moment.

On the Great Steel Wall, tens of millions of soldiers fired with guns, and countless animals roared and roared, fighting against the sea beasts that rushed up!

There are also burly, strong and agile orangutans carrying heavy ammunition boxes, swinging on steel ropes to quickly shuttle across the battlefield, climb the Great Wall, replenish ammunition for the soldiers on the wall, and carry cannon eggs!

When the ocean invades the land.

Not only humans do not agree, but animals living on land also do not agree!

At this moment, the animals took over the close-range battlefield, holding back those sea beasts that dared to rush up, preventing them from interfering with the soldiers who were still killing the sea beasts below!

The division of labor is different.

Animals do not have flexible hands, nor are they as intelligent as humans, nor can they use guns, but they are born with bodies that are more powerful than humans!

Of course, if this is the only way, these land animals still cannot fight hand-to-hand with those sea beasts.

After all, animals living in the ocean are more dominant in terms of size and strength.

Even the largest giant elephant on land was completely insignificant in front of the giant whale warrior who was twenty meters tall and weighed more than ten tons.


On the backs of those strong animals, well-trained soldiers were riding!

That is the beast knight carefully selected by Bai Zhan!


A wild wolf pounced towards an octopus warrior, but was caught by a tentacle in the air.

But before the octopus warrior could react, the warrior on the back of the wild wolf directly picked up his rifle and fired it, breaking off the tentacles.


The octopus warrior howled and used more tentacles to wrap up the wolf.

But the wild wolf bounced back very quickly, and its densely packed tentacles only caught the grenade thrown by the soldier.


Relying on the terrifying power of the giant elephant, the soldiers sitting on the giant elephant even carried P/RG, and even set up mortars and fired directly into the mouth of the sea beast that the giant elephant was holding up!

"Haha, it's so enjoyable!" the soldier grinned excitedly.

"Roar~" The giant elephant also raised its thick front legs and roared.


At this moment, the cooperation between humans and animals is perfect!

The animals are agile and can barely stand up to the sea beasts for a moment.

And human guns can take the opportunity to attack the weak points of those sea beasts!

Neither of these two races, taken alone, can fight those strong and huge sea beasts at close range.

But when combined, they are like high-speed moving fortresses!

"Da da da!"

While the tigers were slaying, Bai Zhan once again killed an octopus warrior with a gun. After observing the battlefield, he said: "The fast and small Wild Wolf Knights, the Horse Knights, the White Fox Legion, and the Sable Legion are here to specialize."

Targeting those Swordfish warriors who are fast, weak and small in size!"

"Tiger Knights, Lion Knights and other medium-sized beast knights, go target those octopus warriors!"

"The Knights of the Giant Elephant, the Knights of the Buffalo, and the Knights of the Boar, targeting the giant whale warriors!"

"Monkey Army, flexible support! Don't let them affect the firepower output! Don't let them have a chance to kill a soldier!"


Thousands of beasts roared.

This chapter has been completed!
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