Chapter 953 A Stone

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The First Emperor became more and more angry. This Poseidon was simply too deceptive!

As the first emperor of the ages, the First Emperor knew deeply that as an emperor, he would kill immediately only when faced with something he felt he could not control, or even something he was afraid of.

And now.

This Poseidon used the ocean to restrain himself without killing him. He even thought about asking himself, the emperor of all ages, to serve as the deputy master of the Ocean Temple and help him conquer the plane.

As a result, when facing this monkey, he didn't even have the intention to win over him, he just wanted to kill him immediately!

In the eyes of the gods, I am worse than this monkey that suddenly jumped out!

That's too much!

And the other side.


On the vast ocean, countless water droplets floated up, then crashed towards the monkeys!

"Crack, crackle, crackle."

Every drop was so weak that it shattered when it hit the monkey's armor.

"Hey, hey, this" The monkey couldn't even feel the pain. He looked at Poseidon with confusion and contempt in his eyes, and said with a playful smile: "Are you giving me a spa treatment?"

"Your craftsmanship is quite good. In my opinion, your Ocean Temple shouldn't be called that. Why don't you just call it an Ocean Bathing Center instead?"

"Ah, yes, my old grandson hasn't taken a bath for how many years. I feel stronger... Hey, it's right there, it's so comfortable..."

Relying on his indestructible body, the monkey started washing himself with a look of enjoyment.

Not to mention, the continuous washing of countless water drops controlled by Poseidon is very comfortable for the monkey. The force is just right and the water pressure is sufficient. The most important thing is that it cleans in all directions at 360 degrees, without any blind spots.

The residue and the thousand-year-old dust all over my body have been washed away.

Bath, massage and spa services performed by Poseidon, the Lord of the Sea!

"Do you want me to be a bather?" Poseidon's face darkened, but then he sneered: "Haha, your suggestion is good. I hope you can still feel comfortable under my ocean's hydrotherapy."

The monkey didn't take it seriously.

But just a few breaths.


The armor that had been undamaged even though he had accompanied him to the heavenly palace, actually began to dent under the erosion of the weak drops of water!

The monkey was stunned.




More dents!

There are even cracks starting to spread!

The delicate water drops were soft and weak, but the washing of countless water drops gathered together like an endless stream!

At this moment, the entire ocean is washing away this extremely hard and indestructible body!

The soft sea water seems to have no lethality at all.

The tiny water droplets seemed to break silently.

But countless washes are enough to penetrate the hard rock!

At this time, what washes away this indestructible body is the entire ocean!


Under the monkey's disbelieving gaze, the indestructible armor suddenly shattered!


The monkey looked at the shattered armor in shock.


Without the barrier of the armor, countless water droplets crashed onto the monkey's strong body from all directions.

The monkey didn't take it seriously at first. He was even wondering why his armor was shattered by such a gentle collision and such weak water drops.

But the next moment.


As countless water drops washed away, the monkey suddenly felt something was wrong!

The soft water drops broke countless times, and each time seemed to be unfeeling.

But after just a few breaths, the monkey felt pain under the wash of these small water drops!

It's like those water drops are no longer water drops, and the entire ocean is crushing itself!


Countless water droplets struck one after another. Under the continuous gentle impact, the indestructible body began to tremble violently, and the rigid and hard body began to break!

The golden monkey hair gradually disappeared after being washed away, and the skin, which could not be broken by thunder, was like melting ice and snow, or like a stone that was gradually corroded, but was actually broken by the drops of water, causing slight scratches.



Not just a scratch.

The wound was rapidly expanding, and with just two breaths, the skin all over the monkey's body began to melt, and the flesh and blood were blurred!


The monkey's eyes widened in disbelief, and the heartbreaking pain spread throughout his body!

And this is actually caused by those soft seawater and those almost negligible water droplets!

"How can it be!"

The monkey still can't believe that he is indestructible!

Back then, not even the hard magic weapons in the hands of the gods, which were countless times stronger than water drops, could hurt me even half an inch!

Even the Great Buddha of Heaven and Earth, who sits high in the clouds with dazzling golden light, cannot kill him!

And these are just soft seawater, just drops of water...

How could he break his own extremely hard and indestructible body!

"So I said you were too reckless." Poseidon smiled, "I have to admit that you are very powerful."

"Your strength, your body... If I were to fight you head-on, not to mention me, there would be few gods in the entire God Realm who could be your opponent."

"Infinitely powerful, extremely rigid and strong."

"You are the hardest stone in this world, the hard stick that can pierce the sky."

"But, for elemental gods, power is never that simple...the characteristics of elements, the blending and restraint of multiple elements..."

"Toughest and hardest?"

"In front of Wang Yang, what does it matter if you are tough and tough?"

"The soft sea water can be restrained to the point of being as hard as it is! In front of the vast ocean, everything can be controlled from nothing to being as hard as possible!"

Having said this, Poseidon smiled: "You are unlucky, you just woke up and you met me."

"If it were the God of Power, or another god, and he faced you, he might be killed by you immediately."

"But you met me, Poseidon, the Lord of the Sea."

"I still met me on the sea."

"When you were chasing me with a stick, did you really think I was in a panic?" Poseidon, who had a waterman body, looked at the monkeys being washed away by the sea water and said with a smile: "This is just the softness of the ocean. Every time

When someone sees the ocean for the first time, they think it is so soft."

"But when they step into the depths of the ocean, they will feel the great power under the softness. When they become the sand on the seabed, they will feel the soft but power that can crush everything."

"They will find that when they are tired, the ocean is still the same ocean."

"No matter how powerful the stick is, it can break rocks and huge waves, but it cannot break a soft ocean."

"No matter how hard the stone is, it will only turn into sand on the seabed in the ocean."

"What do you have a saying...Oh, by the way, it is called softness overcoming strength. This is the best evaluation of the ocean."

"And I, Poseidon, the lord of the sea, am just like the ocean." Poseidon looked at the monkey who was chasing him with a stick before but was washed away by the ocean. He chuckled and said, "See softness for the first time.

But it cannot be defeated."

And in this battle, this Poseidon is indeed like the ocean!

At the beginning, Poseidon was chased by the resurrected monkey with a stick, just like a wave of waves that was stepped on by a person who was walking across the ocean for the first time and didn't care.

But when the monkey is tired, Poseidon is still the Lord God of the sea, and the power of the ocean is still so invincible!

Conquer strength with softness!

It is extremely simple for every ship to resist a wave, but what stands tall at the end is always the endless waves!

All the strong ships that once broke through the waves are destined to become the trophies of the ocean under the beating of the soft water.


Just by the time Poseidon spoke, all the skin of the monkey's body had been washed away by the sea water, and the hard flesh and blood even disappeared under the drops of sea water!

He no longer felt that these drops of water were powerless. Under the countless continuous water drops, he could not even raise his hand!

It was actually completely suppressed by the power of countless water drops.

The power of this soft ocean is far stronger than the hard and heavy Wuzhi Mountain!


The monkey looked up to the sky and roared. At this moment, he felt like a stone on the shore being beaten by the waves, or in other words, a stone being knocked by the dripping water from the eaves.

Although hard.

But dripping water can penetrate stone!

Even though King Kong is indestructible, under the erosion of endless water drops, it is just a harder ordinary stone!

This chapter has been completed!
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