Chapter 130: Cai Jiaxing's Affair

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Very handsome, but it's a pity it's fake.

He Nan actually imagined in his mind the scene of him cutting off Cai Ziyan's hand in a dashing way. Unfortunately, firstly, his strength did not allow it, and secondly, he couldn't cut off that hand either.

He is not a vicious thief. He would chop off someone else's hand just because they offended his friend, which goes against the moral principles he has always followed.

So I can only think about it.

The knife flipped over at the critical moment, and the back of the knife hit Cai Ziyan's wrist. The handleless knife was made of unknown materials and was heavier than an ordinary knife. He Nan could only use both hands to wield the knife, and the heavy knife

It also had the advantage of being heavy, because this blow directly broke Cai Ziyan's hand.

"You actually used a knife, how despicable you are!" Cai Ziyan screamed strangely, but he didn't blush - he had sneak punched He Nan just now, but now he blamed others for being despicable.

He Nan didn't mind at all that Cai Ziyan called him despicable. It was none of his business what he wanted to say. His backhand was a left jab followed by a right leg whip followed by a left kick. Cai Ziyan didn't guard against any of it and immediately jumped.

Some people may ask, hasn't Cai Ziyan practiced martial arts? One punch could make He Nan's eyes shine with stars and his nose would bleed. Why is he so fragile?

Because the broken wrist was so painful that he had no strength to resist.

Then someone may ask again, doesn't it hurt if He Nan gets a nosebleed?

It hurts, but everyone's tolerance to pain is different. Although the nose is a very fragile part of the human body, firstly, He Nan's nose bridge bones were not damaged, and secondly, He Nan had taken Ni Tu and others with him in the capital since he was a child.

The wild boy has been involved in a lot of street fights, so he has been trained. On the other hand, Cai Ziyan has practiced martial arts since he was a child, but of course no one dares to take action against him due to his status. On weekdays, he is the only one who fights others.

, when no one else was beating him, someone suddenly broke his wrist bone and he immediately knelt down.

Of course, if He Nan was still the same loser he was before, he would definitely not be able to beat Cai Ziyan. Even if he was beaten from childhood to adulthood, he would still be no match for Cai Ziyan. His progress must be attributed to Dongfang Tuo's training during this time.

Although He Nan is now only able to slowly let the Qi pass through a large and small circle before exhaustion, and cannot use Zhenqi yet, the daily Zhamabu exercised his waist strength and lower body, which is different from before.

That dejected look.

After beating Cai Ziyan so violently, He Nan and the other three were about to leave. Although no one was in the small restaurant, such rich young men usually have followers following them. Who knows if they will be followed by others if they delay for a while.

Blocked at the door?

Things in this world, I can't help thinking about it, and I can't help saying - He Nan had just finished explaining to Dongfang Watcher why he ran away, when the servants of Cai Mansion poured in. They didn't care about these two people, at most they just watched.

Watchman Dongfang has a few eyes on his white hair.

But at this glance, it was obvious that something was wrong. Dongfang Watcher was still holding the cabbage Xishi! They all recognized their young master’s new favorite, and when they looked at the lobby, they saw that the young master was lying on the ground - now all fools

Knowing what happened, a group of seven or eight people surrounded He Nan and Dongfang Watcher.

Cai Ziyan also stood up at this moment, and shouted involuntarily: "Beat me!" He was not in the mood to care about Baicai Xishi now. The three of them were beaten together, and they were beaten to death with their own family's power anyway.

At most, these three items can be purchased with some money.

He Nan was not Wei Kui. He didn't have the ability to defeat eight people by himself, so he shouted: "Wait a minute!"

But it was obvious that the Cai family would not stop just because He Nan shouted, so He Nan could only shout at the top of his lungs at the door: "Someone is killed in the house! Which righteous brother outside can report it to us?"


Cai Ziyan never expected that the other party would actually report to the official - it was not that he felt that He Nan was shameless and took advantage of him before reporting to the official, and in the name of killing someone, but that he thought the other party was stupid - when the official came, he was

Help you bastards? Or help me, a local coward? The answer seems self-evident.

The lackeys in the Cai Mansion have been fighting against people for a long time. They knew that the official officials were coming to help us, so they didn't hesitate at all and pressed on, forcing He Nan into the tavern again.

Then He Nan drew his sword.

He is not Wei Kui, and he does not have the ability to support eight people with a small number of enemies, so he will use a knife. The handleless knife was unsheathed again, and for a while no one dared to move it. After all, no one knows whether this grandson can

He knew how to chop people, and in this case He Nan didn't have to knock down eight people. As long as he chopped one person, the others would scatter. After all, the power belonged to the Cai family, and his life was still his own, so the hall fell into a trap.

In a strange confrontation - He Nan, as the person who reported to the official, took the initiative to show the knife, but the Cai family servant who was not afraid of the official was afraid of the knife in the opponent's hand. At this time, Cai Ziyan, who had already blended into the crowd of his own family, wanted to provoke him

The servants took action, but it was the fool who rushed forward.

After a while of this, the official finally arrived, and there was an acquaintance.

He Nan shouted that the purpose of reporting to the official was to recruit Li Shitong. He knew that Li Shitong was currently working as an errand in the county and had a high official position. Even if Li Shitong did not come in person, he could still ask the official to report for him.

Li Shitong has been very proud of his recent spring breeze, which can be said to be a second spring. Therefore, his enthusiasm for work is unprecedentedly high. His official position in the county is not small. He is the thief in charge of the security of the whole county. Be careful not to think of him as a thief. A thief in the county.

Cao's official position is extraordinary. He is not only responsible for the security of one city, but also for the entire county, including the subordinate counties.

Some of the people who heard He Nan yelling at the top of his lungs outside were kind enough to report it to the officials. After the local government officials heard about the "homicide case", they immediately notified the two people in charge of this area in the county city, the thief Cao Li Shitong and the arrester.

Toulu Ding. The two of them brought many people and surrounded the small restaurant.

The head catchers in the border counties are different from those in the mainland. Because the sky is high and the emperor is far away, thieves often cause trouble here. The head catchers in the border areas are mostly people with strong martial arts skills. Many of them have been in the military or

He is a small and well-known person in the world, and Lu Ding is no exception. He was also born in the world and was one of the four sword-wielding commanders of the "Yi Dao Sect". He was tall and strong, with a very curly beard.

It is eye-catching, forming a sharp contrast with Li Shitong next to him. The thief Cao Bizhi is considered a half-civilian, and with his age, Li Shitong is naturally not as intimidating as Lu Ding, but with his official position here, it is not

Angry and self-defeating.

Li Shitong knew what was going on after just one glance. He winked at He Nan while no one was paying attention and then smiled at Cai Ziyan: "Master Cai, please come back. We will take these guys away."


Of course Cai Ziyan couldn't be happy, so he stretched out his swollen wrist like a steamed bun in front of Li Shitong: "Li Shitong, my hands were beaten like this by this kid, why don't you let me vent my anger?"

Li Shitong sneered again and said: "I know what Mr. Cai means, but after all, we are here to deal with official matters. This guy lied about the murder and beat you like this. We will definitely give you an explanation."

Cai Ziyan originally wanted to say a few more words, but this stretched out his hand and touched the fracture again, so he had to glare at He Nan bitterly, and then said to Li Shitong: "You have to handle this for me properly." Then he said.

He was helped and left in a hurry.

Lu Ding watched Li Shitong and Cai Ziyan talking without saying a word. When Cai Ziyan was sent away, he snorted deliberately, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Oh, brother He Nan." Li Shitong walked up to He Nan with his hands stretched out. Different from the conceited smile in front of Cai Ziyan, this time it was sincere.

He Nan also laughed: "Farewell, Mr. Li, you are shortening my life. Just call me Ananda."

The two chatted for a while. Lu Ding and Dongfang Watcher, who were standing closest to each other, were both surprised by the scene. However, Dongfang Watcher knew that He Nan's senior brother was the Shuihan County Sheriff, and it was not important for him that He Nan knew other officials.

Not surprisingly, Lu Ding was curious about how Li Shitong could become brothers with this young boy who looked to be only twenty years old.

Li Shitong extended his hand to his side and introduced him: "This is our head catcher Lu Ding Lu from Fuyang County."

"This is Dongfang Watcher, Taoist Master Dongfang, who is also a good friend of mine." Li and Lu were surprised by Dongfang Watcher's appearance and slightly bowed their hands.

Without waiting for Li Shitong to ask, He Nan explained everything that had just happened, and finally asked Li Shitong: "Who is this Mr. Cai?"

It had been a few months since Li Shitong was promoted, and he had dealt with the Cai family several times. He first dismissed the police officers he had brought with him, and when they were all gone, he told He Nan everything he knew.

Cai family, after the eunuchs.

Can eunuchs also have descendants? Let me explain in detail.

The Cai family was originally just a powerful landowner, not one of the best in Fuyang County. It could only be said to be one of the better ones among countless local snakes, until something happened that permanently changed the fate of the Cai family.

Qi Changgeng passed by Xiyang during his northern tour. Many people came to see the dragon's face to seek the grace of the Holy One. Among them was the Cai family. Unfortunately, the Cai family had no way to see the Holy Spirit. The Cai family was never summoned and could only watch.

Seeing that others were jealous, he came up with other ideas. At that time, there was a favored eunuch among the entourage around Qi Changgeng who happened to be named Cai Minghuan, the same surname as the Cai family in Fuyang. The sixty-year-old Cai family master came up with the idea.

After making a mistake, he just got up from the bed and called the eunuch of his son's generation daddy with a shy face. He also gave him a lot of money. Cai Huan was also coaxed to be happy and recognized his old son.

Later, Qi Changgeng was assassinated, and the Cai family also died of illness due to old age.

Although Cai Huan did not have time to introduce his godson to the Holy Father, his godson, Cai Meng, the current head of the Cai family, was still there. He worked harder than his father and actually removed all the tablets in his ancestral temple.

It was Cai Huan's ancestor who offered it to him! It seemed that he was determined to embrace Cai Huan's thigh. In addition, Cai Meng sent people to Beijing to deliver gifts during every festive season in recent years, especially on New Year's Eve.

I went to pay homage to my godfather in person. Cai Huan worked as a eunuch in the palace since he was a child. At that time, he was the only one who could call others grandpa.

But there are really no people like the Cai family who can even lick the mud between their fingernails clean, so they regard the Cai family as their descendants.

Today, Cai Huan occupies a high position, serving as the Chief Supervisor of the Internal Affairs Bureau and the eunuch in charge of etiquette among the seven prisons.

Supervisor, the six supervisors were combined into one as the Fengtian Supervisor, which was specifically responsible for food, clothing, housing, transportation, food, drink and entertainment. The Li Supervisor was jointly controlled by the other six supervisors). Even among the eunuchs, he was ranked among the top three in power. He had been sitting in this position for a long time.

, how could he not know that the Cai family was so flattering because they were greedy for his power?

He has no shortage of money, and during festivals there are many people who cross the threshold to give him gifts; he has no shortage of face, and many officials in the court have to bow their hands respectfully when they see him; he has no shortage of power, after all, they are eunuchs.

The emperor's second cabinet... As for women, it is useless if they are missing.

What Cai Huan lacks in his life until now seems to be family affection. Even though he knows in his heart that this false affection will diminish as his power weakens, he has at least worked hard for nearly ten years, right?

It doesn't matter if it's true or not. Since Cai Meng now recognizes me as my godfather, then I will treat Cai Meng as my grandson.

In this way, the power of the Cai family increased, and they became the undisputed number one powerful man in Fuyang County.

At first, some people felt shameless about the fact that Mr. Cai recognized the eunuch as his father and Cai Meng changed the ancestral tablet. But as the Cai family became more and more powerful, some people gradually did not dare to say it, some people could not say it, and some

After taking pictures of the gourd and painting the gourd, he also went to Beijing to find his father.

After listening to Li Shitong's description of the Cai family, He Nan couldn't help but frown.

"The Cai family is really not easy to mess with. I know Brother He Nan... Ananda, you have seen the world and are capable people, but after all, a strong dragon cannot overwhelm a local snake, right?" Li Shitong comforted him in a good voice. "This Cai Ziyan is a

You dandy young master, it doesn't matter if you beat him, but his father Cai Meng is not an easy person to deal with. If he dares to destroy the ancestral tablets, ordinary people can't do it... Otherwise, I will save a game and make peace for you.

Make peace? Cai Meng should still give me some thin noodles for such a trivial matter."

Lu Ding had not been working as an official in Fuyang County for a long time. He was a man of martial arts and a fast horse, a machete and a arrogant spirit. Naturally, he looked down on the Cai family's dog-slave behavior, so he snorted coldly: "It's just a eunuch's bastard. Why?"

Are you so scared?"

Li Shitong and Lu Ding were arguing quietly here, while He Nan was sitting on the bench with his hands on his chin and said nothing.

Only Dongfang Watch was free. He didn't know anything about officialdom, eunuchs, and power, so he sat beside Bu Hongqiang, who was dizzy.

A big man who looked like a majestic iron tower walked into the small tavern and sat beside He Nan, minding his own business. When he sat down, the mountain shook. He chuckled: "Afraid of chicken feathers, isn't it true that eunuchs have one head and two legs?

There is only one bird less than us, just kill him."

This chapter has been completed!
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