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Chapter 10 Picking Up Money

There is also a throttle on the airplane, but the throttle is not under your feet. When driving fully manually, because you need both feet to control the left and right rudders to achieve steering and roll, the throttle can only be controlled by your hands, so the setting

When the throttle lever is released, push it forward to accelerate, and pull it backward to decelerate.

The Jade Bird interceptor belongs to the first generation of space fighters, and it still has not broken away from the concept of jet power. Compared with aircraft flying in the atmosphere, space fighters not only fly faster, have a longer radar detection radius, and have a longer range for airborne weapons

, in addition to its more powerful lethality, it basically continues the design concept of previous aircraft.

Since it is still a jet aircraft, its power system is similar to that of aircraft or even cars in the atmosphere. The only difference is that the fuel combustion value is higher and the power output is greater.

At the moment he started manual driving, Chu Di was of course always keeping an eye on the enemy plane 1,000 kilometers away. The distance beyond 1,000 kilometers was estimated from the detection radius of the Bluebird generation radar. If the distance between the two planes is less than 1,000 kilometers

meter, the radar will sound the alarm, but now the radar alarm in the cabin does not make any sound.

The enemy plane in the field of vision was very cunning. It did not fly towards him at first, but flew away to his right rear, giving the impression that it was trying to fly out of the air combat map. But Chu Di knew this guy

He just used the most basic detour tactic - first stay away from your own initial position, and let the enemy who came around escape.

Chu Di couldn't help but secretly laugh. If this tactic is used on others, the success or failure will be mixed. If the enemy can't find you, you will win. But if the enemy happens to guess you, you will fly to the right first and run directly to your right rear.

If you rush past, you will lose. So the winning rate of doing this is only 70% at most.

But if you use such tricks on us, there is no chance of winning at all!

While Chu Di was keeping a close eye on the enemy planes flying farther and farther away, he pulled his plane up to a higher airspace, but then did not immediately launch a dive attack. He planned to observe the movements of the enemy planes from a high position while practicing his manual skills.

Let’s talk about various driving actions.

Although in theory this battle has been won, theory is still theory after all. Manually controlling the aircraft still requires a familiar process, including the angle and attitude of the dive, and the aiming and firing of the airborne laser cannon, which all need to be rehearsed in advance.

to avoid any mistakes at the last moment.

He calmly performed various training movements on the enemy's head, but the enemy was already impatient and began to challenge him: "I say Chaoman, your name is really apt, you are even slower than a turtle.

Where are you hiding? Come here if you have the guts, come here and hit me, hurt each other!"

If there is one difference between this Galaxy War game and real war, it is the interactive function between players at this moment. If it is a real space fighter battle, it is impossible for the two parties to communicate, at least

Communication between ourselves and the enemy cannot be achieved on an interceptor aircraft.

But it can be like this in the game. The reason why the game system is set up like this may be to stimulate the fighting spirit and bloody spirit of both parties, or it may be to promote social interaction between players. In short, the interaction or mutual criticism between players will not affect the outcome of the game.

, when each other cannot find each other, they will not be able to judge the location of the other party just because they heard the other party talking.

When his opponent started shouting, Chu Di didn't expect that he was talking about him because he didn't know that "Chao Man" was Ding Junchao's registered nickname in the game.

In fact, Ding Junchao's nickname is "Super MAN". The opponent was looking for a target to fight and already saw it when he clicked on Ding Junchao's avatar, but Chu Di couldn't see clearly because he was too close, so he didn't know who Chaoman was.

But he understood what his opponent was saying, and couldn't help but sneer. Isn't it easy for you to want to die? He didn't say anything, and he was almost done practicing. He pushed the joystick with his left hand and aimed at the opponent's cockpit. At the same time, he used his right hand to

Push the throttle lever all the way, and the aircraft dives down like an eagle that has locked onto its prey.

As mentioned before, the radar detection radius of the Blue Bird generation is 1,000 kilometers, and the effective range of the airborne laser cannon is 800 kilometers. This means that if Chu Di wants to hit the opponent's cockpit from a high position, he will have at least 200,000 kilometers.

The flying distance of 3 meters is within the radar detection of the other party.

It only takes 2 seconds for Jade Bird 1, which has a top speed of 100 kilometers per second, to fly across this distance.

In this mere 2 seconds, the opponent's airborne radar alarm only has time to sound. Even the intelligent center of the opponent's aircraft has no time to make any response according to the radar alarm, not to mention that the reaction speed lags far behind that of the computer pilot.


The opponent didn't even know that disaster was about to happen, and kept talking rubbish: "You are a coward, how dare you play the Jade Bird Generation? You borrowed money to buy the Jade Bird Generation, right? I guess you owe a lot of debt and can't pay it back, right?"

Otherwise, why don’t you dare to make an extra bet with me?”

In the process of saying this sentence, Chu Di's Blue Bird Generation has entered the effective range of 800 kilometers. He does not need the fire control radar to lock the enemy aircraft. If he wants to wait for the fire control radar to lock the enemy aircraft, it will take another 3 seconds.

, the fire control radar can only lock on the target within a distance of 500 kilometers.

But Chu Di aimed with his naked eyes, just like a sniper holding a sniper rifle. While entering the 800-kilometer range, he pressed the laser cannon button on the joystick with his left hand.

An orange-red beam of light spread across the starry sky, cutting open the cockpit cover of the enemy aircraft like a scalpel, and accurately pierced the head of the enemy aircraft pilot. This is the advantage of laser weapons. It is accurate when aiming, without time delay, and with

Light speed synchronization!

The female voice prompt of the system immediately sounded: "The blue team wins and earns one thousand gold coins." The starry sky screen suddenly disappeared. Chu Di resumed his standing posture in the induction cabin, and the control panel interface in front of him retreated to the main interface of Eagle Strike in the Sky.

Why is there only 1,000 gold coins? Chu Di is a little confused. Could it be that the basic win or loss in an aerial combat is 1,000 gold coins, and in the battle he just watched, a player placed an additional bet of 300 gold coins?

But it doesn't matter. What's the difference between winning 1,000 and winning 1,300? Wouldn't it be better to win a few more games? With the joy of victory in his heart, Chu Di entered the air combat interface again and chose his opponent again. He didn't want to know who was defeated by him.

Whoever the player is, they only know that they will always be invincible in such a duel.

So he played ten more games in a row, and of course he won 11 out of 11 games. He found that a few of the female players were tougher than the other male players, but what could they do if they met someone like him?

No matter how tough their opponents are, they can only lose.

After eleven battles, he tallied up the results. Since he didn't know how to make extra bets, he only won a total of 11,000 gold coins, which was converted into silver dollars to 110 yuan.

This is simply picking up money! Just when he was about to play the twelfth game again, the system broadcast a team battle notice: "The team battle will start in ten minutes. Players participating in the team battle are asked to enter the team battle interface."

This chapter has been completed!
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