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Chapter 101: Blatantly Resisting Arrest

Regarding the death of Wei Guo, the most unfavorable accusation against Chu Di is that the audience throughout the solar system heard Qu Liang announcing the end of the game and asking him and Wei Guo to leave the rooftop and return to the ground and exhibition hall, but neither of them paid attention.


Of course, Wei Guo's ignorance also has some responsibility, but the problem is that Wei Guo is dead, but Chu Di is alive and unharmed. Therefore, no matter how the case is judged, Chu Di committed murder intentionally.

Mr. Long Erye didn't say much, just one sentence: "Kill people to pay for their lives, and debts to pay for their money."

Li Ying can take care of the rest.

But what can Li Ying do?

She, who had handled cases vigorously and resolutely in her life, started practicing Tai Chi for the first time and started to get along with each other.

"Detain him first."

Director Li could only say this.

Detention is a necessary judicial procedure. No matter how serious the case is, the police can only detain the suspect as soon as he is arrested and brought to justice.

But Mr. Long was dissatisfied and refused to give Li Ying any face: "I suspect that your Wuhan Comprehensive Bureau is no longer suitable to handle this case, and I ask you to recuse yourself."

In fact, Mr. Long has long known about the various incidents in which Li Ying made special exceptions to Chu Di. The words "asking the Wushu Comprehensive Bureau to recuse themselves" are not a discussion with Li Ying, but a notice.

He had already contacted another system to intervene in the case, so as soon as he finished speaking, Bu Zuotang led a large number of special forces troops to impose martial law in the exhibition hall.

Li Ying saw Bu Zuotang swaggering into the exhibition hall, and her face immediately turned ugly. At the same time, she quickly checked the results of the military court's trial of Bu Zuotang's public revenge case, and found that the result was: insufficient evidence.

Yes, you said he shot Chu Di in the back, but Chu Di was still alive and well. How does this prove that he had the motive and intention to kill Chu Di?

Therefore, not only did the military court not convict and impose a sentence, but he did not even change his official position. Bu Zuotang was still the deputy captain of the Space Force Garrison Special Forces, and he could still lead the special operations team through the streets.

Not only can he swagger through the market, but he can even catch Chu Di.

"Ying'er, I really didn't mean to make things difficult for you today. I was following orders from the garrison headquarters."

Bu Zuotang looked helpless and apologetic, but Li Ying could feel the pride in his heart. He said coldly: "Even if the commander of your garrison comes, don't even think about taking people away from me unless I

My superiors will remove me as director, or you will kill me first!"

With Li Ying's attitude, the military and police, who were originally as close as one family, immediately became at war with each other and started a confrontation.

Qu Liang was sweating profusely. When he saw this, he quickly ran to Long Er, bowed repeatedly and said: "Second Master, do you think we can discuss this matter? Yes, Chu Di killed Wei Guo, so he should pay with his life.

But people cannot be resurrected, and Chu Di’s death will not be of any benefit to you, the Long Group and the Wei family..."

"Then tell me how to negotiate."

Long Er leaned lazily on the seat, without raising his head or opening his eyes, as if he was asleep.

"Do you think this will work? We, the Excellent Divine Soldier, will act as a middleman and ask Chu Di to hand over the Universal Divine Sword and then transfer it to you as compensation..."

Qu Liang knew that what Long Er wanted in the end was nothing more than the Divine Sword of the Universe. He happened to want to deliver the Divine Sword of the Universe to Long, so he took the opportunity to be a good person.

Unexpectedly, Long Er suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Then we will suffer a big loss. The sky is huge and the earth is huge, and human life is the most important thing. You want to buy Chu Di's life with a broken sword. What? We in the Wei Kingdom

Isn’t Chu Di’s life worth less?”

Qu Liang was startled by Long Er's gaze. Knowing that the other party was trying to manipulate him, he asked, "Then what do you think we should do?"

"What did I say? It's not me who wants to discuss it with you, it's you who is discussing it with me."

Mr. Long is not generally difficult to take care of.

Qu Liang said, "How about I ask him to compensate you some more? But this kid is very poor right now, and the compensation can only be paid in installments..."

Long Erye closed his eyes noncommittally and stopped talking.

Not speaking meant acquiescence, and Qu Liang quickly ran to the encirclement of the military and police to find Chu Di.

During the discussion between Qu Liang and Long Er, Bu Zuotang remained on hold. He was working on behalf of the Long family, so naturally he had to follow Long Er's lead. If Long Er said that the solution should be negotiated, he would not intend to overstep his authority and arrest Chu Di by force.


Because that would not only offend Li Ying, but also Long's Pharmaceutical.

Bu Zuotang stood still, but Linda was already anxious. She didn't blame anyone else, but Li Ying: "You see this bad idea you came up with, are you dumbfounded now? If Chu Di has any shortcomings, I will settle the score with you.


The current situation is that Long's Pharmaceutical is at odds with Chu Di, and Linda is helpless.

The power of the Long family is so great that it penetrates into every corner of every planet. Maybe if this happened on Mars, she could barely handle it, but on Earth, it might not be good to go to the capital of the Earth Alliance, let alone the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


So she could only fight Li Ying. It wasn't until she heard the conversation between Qu Liang and Long Er who had reconciled the situation that she saw a glimmer of hope. If this could really save Chu Di's life, it would be considered a blessing from God.

As a result, everyone in the audience followed Qu Liang. Those who wished Chu Di safe most hoped that Qu Liang could successfully reconcile.

I saw Qu Liang standing in front of Chu Di and said: "Chu Di, you have caused a big disaster. Why are you so reckless? I don't know what to say to you. Please return the Divine Sword of the Universe quickly."

Give me."

However, Chu Di had no intention of exchanging the divine sword, and only said calmly: "Uncle Qu, why should I return this sword to you?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Even those who don't care about Chu Di's life and death can't help but wonder: Is this kid crazy? If you don't hand over the sword, aren't you afraid that the Long Group will kill you in minutes?

Chu Di didn't care what others thought and continued to speak his own truth: "This sword is the prize I won. You promised me that the first place in the spokesperson selection will get this sword. I didn't get it by cheating."

Of course, Qu Liang had to "fight with reason" and patiently said: "It is your prize, but you lost when you competed with the mecha. At that time, I already announced that you would be disqualified from being the spokesperson."

Chu Di laughed twice and said, "I lost? Does it mean that only the dead one wins?"

As soon as he said these words, he could no longer explain the truth.

Of course, the vast majority of the audience on the field were on Qu Liang's side, because if the result of the battle just now was judged to be Chu Di's victory, then everyone would have lost a lot of money.

Who is willing to lose money? So almost everyone agrees with Qu Liang's statement. You have already been sentenced to lose, but you still continue to fight and end up killing Wei Guo. Your behavior has constituted murder, not


But is it possible for Chu Di to agree with this truth?

Of course Qu Liang would not fight Chu Di to death. Seeing that he had gone so far as to say what he said and Chu Di was still so stubborn, then he could not be a good person.

In today's matter, Chu Di will definitely suffer a loss. The difference is whether he only surrenders the divine sword to save his life, or loses his life and sword together.

As for himself, it is only about whether he can be a mediator who pleases both sides. No matter whether he successfully mediates or not, Chu Di will inevitably suffer a loss.

So this matter can be settled. Since Chu Di wants to die on his own, let him continue to do it.

So he turned around and looked back at Long Er and everyone else, shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands, and walked out of the circle while laughing at himself: "Hey, if people don't show me this face, I don't care about this, I have done my best to be benevolent!"

Unexpectedly, Chu Di said something later: "This matter is not your business in the first place. The person who killed is not your person, and the person who was killed is not your person. Are you full enough?"

When Qu Liang heard this, he was immediately furious. He knew that fighting with Chu Di would be of no benefit to him, so he couldn't help but reply: "You kid is really uneducated. I'm helping you with good intentions..."

"Stop it! For Qu Xiaoqing's sake, I'm already polite enough to you by calling you Uncle Qu. How about you help me?"

Chu Di looked at Qu Liang with a cold face, and decided not to save face for this profiteer: "You asked me to give the sword that should belong to me to the Long family, and also asked me to pay another sum of money, you can ask your conscience

Should I pay compensation to you?"

When Bu Zuotang heard this, he could no longer hold back and shouted, "Look at how crazy you are! Brothers, start arresting people!"

Upon hearing the sound, the surrounding special operations team members immediately narrowed the encirclement and danced face-to-face with the Wushu Comprehensive Bureau police officers who were protecting Chu Di.

When Bu Zuotang saw this, he risked his life and said: "Brothers, you are executing the battle order now. If you encounter any obstruction, you will be regarded as the enemy and will be killed without mercy!"

When he gets aggressive here, Li Ying can't hold on anymore. Compared with the regular army, the police are always the weaker side in terms of aura. If there is a conflict, they can't be the opponent of the regular army.

No matter in terms of the power of hot weapons or cold weapons, or in terms of martial arts level, combat literacy, etc., the police are far behind the regular army, not to mention that Bu Zuotang leads the elite special forces of the regular army!

At this time, Li Ying already had the urge to cry. This child Chu Di is good at everything, but his temper is so bad that he would rather break than bend. Why doesn't he know how to use the slope to get off the donkey?

You can't let your subordinates actually use handguns with the army, right? It's not a question of whether you can fight or not. If the superiors investigate afterwards, it will definitely be the police station that takes the blame. It's not like there is no precedent in the past.

It's not just a case of a scholar meeting a soldier, but he can't explain why. The police are also useless.

She sighed and stepped forward slowly, intending to step aside and stand in front of Chu Di alone to protect him for the last time.

Unexpectedly, Chu Di danced the Universe Divine Sword in his hand into a ball of sword flowers, frightening the surrounding military police to avoid him. Then he glanced around and said: "Police uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters, I thank you for your fairness in this matter, but

Now I ask you to stay away."

Needless to say, the policemen no longer dared to surround him. His tone suddenly became very cold: "As for the others, please listen to me. As long as you come within three meters of my body, I promise

Let you not be as scumbag as Wei! Those who are not afraid of death will come forward!"

Blatantly resisting arrest!

How dare he openly resist arrest!

No one thought that things would reach this point. Chu Di openly resisted arrest, which meant that he would become a wanted criminal in the entire solar system, and no planet could blatantly grant him asylum for any reason.

This is an express provision of the Galactic Alliance Convention.

In this case, there will be no place for you in the solar system. Where can you run to?

In this era of highly advanced technology, locking down cities and airspace is just a matter of words. Without anyone to provide transportation, you can't even escape from the earth. Sooner or later, you will fall into the French Open, and your life will be ruined.

But then again, Chu Di really has the ability to resist arrest.

At this moment, his head and face were smeared with the highest-grade bulletproof paint, and he was wearing the most advanced bulletproof vest. The most important thing was that he still held the cosmic sword in his hand.

As long as he turns on the defense mode of the Cosmic Divine Sword, even the mechas can't do anything. Even if these special forces members are armed with live ammunition and have superb martial arts, what's the use of them?

This chapter has been completed!
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