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Chapter 12 Leader and Wingman

Hide! How to hide? Should you follow the mothership and win and lose? Or break it into parts, narrow the target, and leave the mothership to protect yourself as a smaller combat unit? This is a question that every warhead commander needs to consider.

After the female commander performed the "delay" mobilization, the system beep announced that the legion battle had officially begun. However, the scene in Chu Di's field of vision did not change much, because his Bluebird generation fighter was still parked in the fighter module of the mothership.


Suddenly, a female voice gave an order: "Fighter module groups are listening to orders. Now I am issuing an order with the authority of the flight commander, ordering you to leave the mothership immediately and fly separately in groups. Each group will find its own place."

"Yes!" There was another neat shout, and then Chu Di heard the woman who just claimed to be his pilot issuing an order: "Three groups take off!"

Chu Di couldn't help but hesitate after hearing this. Am I in the third group? Just such a hesitation immediately led to a scolding: "Chu Di, why are you still standing there? Take off!"

Chu Di quickly pressed the fully automatic pilot button, and the intelligent center of the landline immediately took over the control of the aircraft, interconnected with the intelligent center of the lead aircraft, and ejected into space according to the instructions of the lead aircraft.

Although the overall operation was correct, after all, due to Chu Di's hesitation, it was half a beat slower than the other four aircraft in the same group, and entered space with a slight lag. As a result, the five aircraft in the third group looked a little out of shape.

Chu Di was considering whether to use manual control to adjust the attitude of the aircraft when he heard a male voice in the chat channel joking: "Sister Qing, your CP driving skills haven't been fully developed yet?"

Before the man finished speaking, another male voice teased: "It's not just that I haven't practiced yet, I think the more I practice, the better I get. I wasn't this bad in the last legion battle."

A third male voice immediately echoed: "Sister Qing, I don't think you care much about Chaoman. You haven't taught him any flying skills for so long. Are you still CP?"

As soon as this person finished speaking, the three people burst out into a burst of malicious ridicule at the same time. In the laughter, the voice of the female pilot in charge sounded coldly: "Shut up, all three of you, this person is not my CP!"

"Ah? Sister Qing, have you changed CP? Who have you changed? Or are you planning to change? Do you think I can do it? I have been your wingman for so long, so I have tried my best, right? Why don't you consider me?


"Shut up, it's not your turn if Sister Qing wants to change CP! You haven't even entered the game yet when I served as Sister Qing's wingman!"

"You two, don't talk nonsense here, and Sun Tao, don't show off your seniority here. Whoever Sister Qing chooses to replace depends on Sister Qing's own wishes. Is there any use for you two to talk nonsense?"

When Chu Di heard this, he understood that the three men speaking were all, like him, the wingman pilots of "Sister Qing" or "Sister Qing". The chat channel they were using at the moment should be for the three groups of five interceptor aircraft.

Private channel, so no outsiders can intrude.

You don't need to ask to know that these three guys must be joking about themselves as Ding Junchao, but it doesn't matter. You will know who is higher and who is lower when you encounter the enemy later. There is no need to quarrel with these three guys at this time.

I just wonder if Sister Qing will reveal the truth.

Chu Di doesn't care whether Sister Qing will reveal the truth. When he first enters the battlefield, the first thing he needs to do is to look far into the distance to find the location of the enemy. Others don't do this because they can't do it. He can do it himself.

Why not?

Compared to Chu Di's ultra-long sight range, the three-dimensional map of this air battle was not even a small box. He only glanced at the enemy mothership in a symmetrical position in the center.

At this moment, the enemy's mothership is also sending out troops. Fighters and warships are flying out of the mothership's hull one after another and going their separate ways. Among them, there are 10 groups of 50 bombers flying around on the left side of the map. Look.

In this posture, this group of bombers was actually heading towards the Emei Legion's mothership.

These Haoyu Legion guys are really arrogant! Aren’t they afraid of encountering interceptors? Chu Di was slightly angry because of this. He felt a kind of resentment born from being despised and filled his chest. He wanted to go up to it and beat it up, not to mention his own.

Beyond visual range strikes are unique in the entire game. Just saying that interceptors can defeat bombers is enough to win this encounter.

But at the same time, he had to admit that if he hadn't seen the movements of these bombers, once all his fighters and frigates were scattered in all directions, it would have been possible for the enemy's bombers Yuhui to come over and succeed.

Without enough frigates and interceptors to protect the space carrier, the space carrier will also be destroyed by the bombers. Although the defense intensity of the mothership's energy shield is much higher than that of the frigate, it cannot withstand the endless bombing of the bombers, and the ants will bite.

This is what the dead elephant is all about.

As a wingman, you should report your observations to the lead aircraft. This is the job of every wingman pilot. When Chu Di was about to report to Sister Qing, Sister Qing issued an order: "You four, listen to me.

Order, let’s move away to the right and rear first, and when we fly to the edge of the map, fly to the right side of the map to the opposite corner. The enemy’s mothership will definitely not be around there by then. This is called the most dangerous place and the safest.”

Sister Qing did not clarify the matter of Chu Di's substitute Ding Junchao. Perhaps she felt that there was no need to explain this matter to the other three wingmen, so she directly announced her plan.

Flying close to the right side of the map? How is that possible? Chu Di became anxious when he heard this, because while he saw the enemy bombers coming from the left, he also saw 10 groups of enemy interceptors coming from the right.

Not to mention that there are 10 groups and only one group, which is the disadvantage of being outnumbered. Let's just say that the enemy's interceptors are all Bluebird II, and their performance is better than our own Jadebird I. If you fly over, don't you die? Even if you have vision.

The superpower on the distance can't protect Sister Qing's lead aircraft from being blown up!

Even if you want to survive, you can only try to hide behind the opponent's interceptor aircraft at a distance of 1,200 kilometers. The radar detection radius of the second generation Bluebird is 1,200 kilometers, which is 200 kilometers more than the first generation Bluebird.

So he immediately said: "No, Sister Qing, there is an enemy interceptor group on the right side of the map!" He didn't know what the word "love" in this woman's name was, but he only knew that it would not be wrong to follow the other three wingmen to call her.

"What? What did you say?" Sister Qing didn't believe Chu Di's words at all and thought she heard wrongly, so she asked.

The distance between any two symmetrical end points with the center point of the three-dimensional map as the symmetry center is 300,000 kilometers, or the length of any side of the three-dimensional cube is 300,000 kilometers. How far can the enemy's fighter jet fly at the moment the battle begins?

?Can you fly to the middle of the map? It's impossible! If it's impossible, how can you, Chu Di, know that the enemy's interceptor group is coming close to the right side of the map?

Sister Qing is Ding Junchao's girlfriend. For Ding Junchao's sake, she doesn't want to embarrass Chu Di, so she just wants Chu Di to confirm again. The other three wingmen were not so polite. The one named Sun Tao laughed and said: "

Ding Junchao, did you fall asleep while driving fully autonomous driving? Are you talking in your sleep?"

The other two wingmen also lost no time in mocking him. One said: "I guess Chaoman must have not slept last night and went to the team battle to catch up on his sleep."

Another said: "I heard that this kid is about to start school, and then he and Sister Qing will be able to sleep and fly together. It's true that stupid people are lucky. Alas, I don't know if Sister Qing wants to change CP."

Chu Di was not in the mood to pay attention to these three licking dogs, but he didn't know how to answer Sister Qing for a moment. If he said "I saw it", no one would believe it. The limit sight distance of normal people is only 10 kilometers.

The radar detection radius is 1,000 kilometers. If you say you saw an enemy plane 150,000 kilometers away, no one would believe it.

However, when people are in a hurry, Chu Di made up a lie and said: "Last night I saw a post on the forum. That post was dedicated to studying the air combat routines of the Haoyu Legion. It said that as long as they meet the weak, they will

Arrange your troops like this."

This chapter has been completed!
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