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Chapter 135: The days in the burrow

 It is wise to be prepared for danger in times of peace. Huang Ling has to consider the consequences of Long Yaojing's arrival. By then, more than 13,000 women in the entire Sea Palace will all fall to Long Yaojing's side. The five of them will never be left behind.

To a good end.

In this matter, Li Li also maintained a certain level of sobriety and said: "Fighting will definitely not work. Even if we kill Long Yaojing, we will not be able to escape the Long Group's revenge. People in such two worlds

They will all consider killing us as their top priority, but we really have no way to go to heaven and no way to earth."

What Cui Yunzhu said today is still in my ears. Her Majesty the Queen is not just the king of the sea palace, but the king of the entire underground world.

Human beings in the cave world also have races, and animals also have various ethnic groups, but no matter what race or ethnic group they are, they all obey the Queen's control and obey the Queen's orders. If Long Yaojing is killed, Long Yaojing will

With just one order from her mother, all the creatures in the cave would turn against her.

At that time, even the dogs in the cave will bite them to death when they see one of their own.

Therefore, the problem faced by the five people in front of them became when Long Yaojing would come to the cave at the earliest.

Let's not talk about when Long Yaojing will be able to break through to the six-star grandmaster. Let's just say that Long Yaojing went to Ceres. All five people knew about this.

According to the normal itinerary, Long Yaojing's task force would need at least two months of surface time to go back and forth. Calculated at six times the speed of time, two months on the surface is one year in the cave.

This means that Huang Ling can still pretend to be Long Yaojing here for one year.

On this issue, Tao Bao did not express an opinion. He was always waiting to see Chu Di's attitude. Chu Di did not say what would happen if the task force encountered a sudden change in the asteroid belt.

Tao Bao always thought that Chu Di was attracted to Long Yaojing, otherwise why would he give the Cosmic Divine Sword to Long Yaojing?

So he felt that Chu Di definitely didn't want anything to happen to Long Yaojing's task force fleet, and if something happened to the task force fleet, then Long Yaojing wouldn't be able to come to the cave for a year and a half, or even whether he would be able to come.


Chu Di actually didn't think as much as Tao Bao thought. He didn't express his opinion for two reasons. On the one hand, the hard drive of the computer he used when he was learning art contained a lot of content about the catacombs. The catacombs were in his

In the computer, it is called Lingyuan Continent.

At this time, he was already considering whether to return to the surface through the way out of his memory. In his memory, the computer said that there was a demonic realm in the north of Lingyuan Continent. There was a deep pool in the demonic realm, which the people here called

It's a bottomless pit.

By jumping into a bottomless pit, it is possible to emerge from a desperate valley in the Helan Mountains on the surface, but it requires a certain amount of opportunity.

The so-called chance is also very imaginary. It means that someone on the surface must jump into the deep pool of the desperate valley in Helan Mountain. People in the two worlds jump into a space-time channel at the same time. People on the surface will not pass through the cave.

People in the cave will be triggered and return to the surface.

Otherwise, people or creatures who jumped in from the Lingyuan Continent would have no choice but to wait in the endless passage of time.

Chu Di was not sure whether he would have this opportunity. If not, it would be a disaster for Tao Bao and his sister.

There is another reason why he does not express his opinion now, and that is to respect his sister. Since her sister pretended to be Long Yaojing and became a princess, regardless of the truth or falsehood, she is the leader of her group. It depends on what she thinks and how.


Everyone unanimously asked Huang Ling to make a decision, and Huang Ling made a decision. She decided to practice in the Sea Palace for a year, and then wait a year before venturing into this world. If she still wasn't strong enough, she would find a place to hide.

, wait ten or eight years before trying to sneak back to the Sea Palace to see if you can return to the surface.

You can't just go back the same way after a year, right? Only two months have passed on the surface. I'm afraid that the orbiting satellites' warning over Zhiyun Military Academy hasn't been lifted yet, so returning would be courting death.

Of course, if one of the five people is strong enough to fight against the army of the surface world in a year, they can naturally return to the surface with a high profile, but this is unlikely. If that is the case, the cave creatures have already occupied the surface. How is it possible?

Armistice to date?

Huang Ling made up her mind, and no one had any objections. The matter was settled. From that day on, the four of them, Li, Huang, Shen and Tao, began a crazy and comfortable life of cultivation.

The most indifferent among the five people is naturally Chu Di. He is completely indifferent to the spiritual energy in the cave. At the same time, the light in the cave is not suitable for him to continue to practice the magic of wedding clothes.

His technique was originally practiced at night, relying on the light of stars and moonlight, but the light in the cave is different from the light of stars and moonlight on the surface at night, whether it is the light released by the light-storage coral, or the unknown light during the day.

The light that pours down from anywhere cannot be used for cultivation.

Although the light here does not hinder the photosynthesis of grass and trees, plants can grow as usual.

He practiced for three consecutive nights without any effect, and even less during the day, so he had no choice but to give up practicing and wander around leisurely every day, or go swimming in the sea.

Where did the light in the cave come from? It was not written on the previous computer, and Cui Yunzhu didn't know. He asked Tao Bao, and Tao Bao said it might be some kind of natural light source. There was no spectroscopic instrument to detect it, so he could only guess.

Time flies, and more than half a year has passed in the blink of an eye. Counting surface time, it should have been more than a month.

On this day, Huang Ling and Li Li discussed it and decided to go to sea to try their martial arts.

I have been practicing for more than half a year, and I feel that my martial arts is improving by leaps and bounds every day. How far has it progressed? I have to give it a try.

Of course, the more important thing is to try Cui Yunzhu's martial arts at the same time. This is the chief internal manager of the Sea Palace. It is said that her martial arts is unfathomable. Today, she must show her skills at least, so as not to know her opponent when they turn against each other in the future.


The "Second Princess" was ordered to do so. How dare Manager Cui disobey him? He immediately called a small boat and took four maids with him to accompany Huang Ling and her party out to sea.

Just like the surface, there are many islands scattered on the sea in the caves. Some of the islands are inhabited by cave humans or marine animals, but more islands only have plants, and there are even some reef islands where no plants grow.

A rocky island seventy miles away from the Royal Palace on the Sea was their target for this voyage.

Use the reef island to test your martial arts. Even if it is broken, it will not damage the ecological environment.

The boat in the cave is very unique and very fast, but I don't know what it is driven by. Tao Bao couldn't help but ask, and Cui Yunzhu gave the answer, and people knew that this boat was actually powered by spiritual stones.

Cui Yunzhu proudly said that the Lingshi engine was a power device invented by Her Majesty the Queen.

There is no need to burn, just put the spirit stone directly into the engine, and the engine can operate like a human Dantian, extracting the spiritual power from the spirit stone to do work and drive the ship forward.

Tao Bao was very interested in the power of spirit stones and asked Cui Yunzhu: "Why is such a powerful power not used to drive aircraft?"

As soon as they asked this question, Li Li and Huang Ling couldn't help but glance at Tao Bao. Are you afraid that the five of us won't be able to escape by then or what, and you want to remind the cavemen to develop aircraft?

Cui Yunzhu said with a smile: "The queen has set up a no-fly ban in the airspace of the cave world. Even mosquitoes in this world cannot fly three feet high. Apart from her and the eldest princess, I'm afraid you are the only one who can fly."

One can fly alone."

After hearing this, Huang Ling couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, she didn't try flying in the Sea Palace, otherwise the secret would have been exposed long ago.

Li Li didn't believe it, so she secretly slowed down her luck and pumped out from under her feet, trying to fly. Strangely enough, the internal force she pumped out seemed to be absorbed by the deck, and there was no upward buoyancy at all.

This chapter has been completed!
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