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Chapter 138 Long Yujing is here

Since Huang Ling came to the cave, she has not dared to show her real name to others. Li Li and others are also more careful and usually call her princess, while Chu Di calls her sister.

It makes sense for them to do this, because it is impossible for Cui Yunzhu not to know that the second princess's name is Long Yaojing.

Therefore, in the cave world, except for the four people who came with Huang Ling, it is impossible for anyone to know that her name is Huang Ling.

But now this female voice that suddenly sounded was calling her by her name. Who is this woman?

No matter who this woman is, she is a fatal flaw for Huang Ling and her party.

What is even more frightening is that the woman who spoke is clearly not on the boat that everyone is riding on at this moment. This boat is surrounded by the vast sea. There is no such woman at all. So where is this woman? How is she doing?

Did you hear the conversation that everyone here just had?

According to common sense, this woman is either in the water or invisible in the air. However, no matter which of the two situations it is, it shows that this woman's ability is too powerful and too unnatural.

If such a woman knew her secret of impersonating Long Yaojing, would the five of them still survive?

Huang Ling's face turned pale with fright, and she asked in a trembling voice: "Who are you? Where are you?"

The voice laughed and said: "I am your old classmate. I will be with you soon."

At this time, Cui Yunzhu suddenly bowed in the direction of the Sea Palace: "Are you the eldest princess? My servant Cui Yunzhu pays homage to the eldest princess!"

The female voice replied: "Aunt Cui, you are too polite. You don't need to be so polite."

After hearing Cui Yunzhu's words, Huang Ling and others felt their hearts tremble because it was Long Yujing!

Long Yujing is here.

The eldest lady of the Long Group, Long Yujing, actually came to the cave!

Li Li asked in shock: "Manager Cui, do you mean that the eldest princess is at the Sea Palace at the moment?"

Cui Yunzhu, however, did not seem to have any hostility towards the five people because of the name "Huang Ling", and respectfully replied: "Exactly."

Li Li said: "Oh my God, how did she hear us when she was seventy miles away? And it seemed that she could also see the environment we were in?"

You must know that there is no high-tech equipment in the cave world, that is, there is no monitoring facility. But Long Yujing was not in the water, nor was he invisible in the air. He actually saw and heard this place from seventy miles away.

Everything is really incredible.

Cui Yunzhu did not answer, but looked at Chu Di and said, "Young Master Chu should know."

Chu Di was no longer calm. He looked in the direction of the Sea Palace and said, "It's not unusual to be able to practice sound transmission for thousands of miles. I just didn't expect that you can also practice the legendary clairvoyance and clairvoyance. You are really amazing."

Li Li and others were a little puzzled when they saw Chu Di's expression. Long Yujing was able to see us because of his extraordinary ability. You speak like this, as if you can also see Long Yujing.

Only Tao Bao was different. He vaguely felt that Chu Di might really be able to see Long Yujing. Otherwise, how could he explain that Chu Di could see the planets in the Oort cloud?

However, Tao Bao didn't say anything. At this moment, everyone's life and death were at stake. Whether Chu Di could see Long Yaojing was no longer important. What was important was whether he could defeat Long Yujing. That was obviously impossible.

Everyone was wondering when they suddenly heard Long Yujing reply: "It is a great honor for Yujing to be praised by Mr. Chu. Is Mr. Chu still living happily in this underground world?"

Chu Di said lightly: "It's okay, it's just boring. It's not interesting. Why, you're back from Mars?"

Everyone was even more surprised when they heard this. Why did it sound like these two people were acquaintances? But if Chu Di and Long Yujing were acquaintances, how could they offend the Long Group so much?

What everyone didn't know was that Chu Di and Long Yujing were indeed looking at each other and having a conversation at this time, and they could clearly see each other's eyes.

Chu Di knew Long Yujing. When he was watching the sky at night, he once saw Long Yujing instructing Long Yaojing to practice martial arts on a snow mountain on Mars. Long Yaojing never showed his true face to others, but Long Yujing did not hide it.

A big beauty of bones.

I just heard Long Yujing sigh and say: "There is no way, I think I have to return to the earth to ask for your help, but I didn't expect that you actually came to the cave, so I had to chase you."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was even more shocked. Co-author Long Yujing actually came to find Chu Di, and also "begged" Chu Di for help. In this way, maybe she wouldn't pursue everyone for pretending to be her sister.

This happened.

Even Chu Di couldn't help but be surprised and asked: "You ask me for help? You are so powerful, why do you still need my help? What can I help you with?"

Long Yujing sighed again, "Oh, it's a long story. Let's talk about it when we meet."

Chu Di said: "Okay."

Before they could say "OK", people saw a black spot appear on the sky in the direction of the Sea Palace, and then quickly grew in size. It turned out to be a flying person.

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other in shock, thinking that Cui Yunzhu was right, indeed only Mr. Yu and his daughter could fly in this cave.

From the time when people saw the flying black spots in the sky to when a beautiful woman in a blue dress landed on the bow of the ship, less than 5 seconds passed. Long Yujing was flying really fast.

Tao Bao silently calculated it and found that it was about 10 kilometers per second. This speed was much faster than the speed of Li Li and other six-star masters flying on the surface.

Just as he was marveling, Long Yujing had already stretched out his right hand to hold Chu Di's hand, and said: "I have admired his name for a long time, and today I am able to meet Master Chu. Yujing is very lucky."

These words made everyone a little confused. Aren't you two acquaintances? How could this be the first time you met?

Chu Di stretched out his hand to shake Long Yujing's hand and said, "Don't call me Young Master. I'm just a child who left my mother since childhood. I can't afford such a title. Just call me by my name."

Long Yujing said: "Well, how about I call you brother? Your sister and I are classmates." After saying that, he looked at Huang Ling and smiled: "Isn't that right, Huang Ling."

This statement aroused surprise among Li Li and others. Huang Ling has always been lurking in the military academy restaurant. How could she be a classmate with you?

But Huang Ling said sadly: "You are a rich young lady, how can I be worthy of being your classmate?"

Long Yujing said: "What you said is just out of touch. Yes, you suddenly didn't come to class that day, and your classmates didn't find you. They all thought you dropped out of school. Do you blame us for not caring about you?"

Huang Ling said: "How dare I."

Long Yujing was somewhat embarrassed, so he stopped talking to Huang Ling. He turned back to look at Tao Bao and said, "Are you Junior Tao Bao? I need your help."

Tao Bao wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Long... Princess, what difficulties do you have?"

Chu Di also asked: "We are all cheerful people, so if you have anything to say, just say it."

Long Yujing said: "My sister was abducted in the Huomu asteroid belt. Theoretically, only you and Tao Bao can find her whereabouts. So, I hope you can help. You can make any conditions, as long as I

It can be done.”

This chapter has been completed!
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