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Chapter 163 The Ice Palace at the Bottom of the Lake

Listening to the tone of the speaker, Long Yujing concluded that this person must be the Cheka.

According to the confession of the Gendaya woman, there are only two people underground and on the surface of Ceres. One is Long Yaojing who is under house arrest, and the other is the Cheka who imprisoned Long Yaojing. They are the so-called Japanese alliance members founded by Qu Liang.

The three-eyed god.

When Cheka said this, Long Yaojing immediately calmed down because she saw a glimmer of hope.

She felt that Cheka was obviously talking to her, which meant that Cheka also had vanity and needed someone to witness his power and his clever methods.

And it seems that just having Long Yaojing witness this is not enough to satisfy his vanity. He needs more awe and worship.

Based on this judgment, Long Yujing immediately decided to talk to Cheka. As long as there was still a chance to talk, things were not too bad. I dare not say whether there was a chance, but at least, he still had time.

In addition, she also believed that talking to Chika could stall him and make him postpone his attack on Chu Di and Tao Bao. After all, there was only Chika on Ceres, and he had to do it himself if he wanted to kill Chu Di and Tao Bao.


As for whether Chu and Tao will be injured during the fall or be strangled by the mechanism, it all depends on their luck, and there is nothing they can do.

So she asked the question: "How do you know I'm a woman?"

Sure enough, Cheka replied: "Because I am God! The omniscient and omnipotent God!"

Long Yujing said: "Just brag. If you really know everything and are omnipotent, then you would know before we arrive at Ceres and take action in advance. How could you wait until we arrive at the Ice Lake to take action?"


This sentence seemed to touch on Chika's pain point. Chika didn't reply for a long time. Long Yujing was afraid that he would be distracted to deal with Chu Di and Tao Bao, so he said again: "I was right, right? Why?"

Don’t you dare to speak?”

Cheka remained silent, as if he was no longer in the conversation. Long Yujing's heart gradually sank, but suddenly he heard Cheka say: "People of your generation are really eloquent."

Cheka's tone seemed a little sad, as if someone had discovered his shortcomings, "You are right, in fact, gods are also human beings, but their abilities are stronger than ordinary people. But as long as they are human, their abilities are limited.

I really couldn’t predict it before you came to the ice lake.”

Long Yujing was very surprised after hearing this. In this case, if Chika wanted to brag, why not brag as much as he wanted? Anyway, he was Daozu, and he was a fish. Unexpectedly, he was very frank. So he asked

: "You are honest."

Cheka's tone immediately became proud again, "There is no word honesty in the dictionary of our Gendaya people, because we don't have deception and lies that are the opposite of honesty, unlike your generation, who lie one by one just like eating.

It’s hard to tell the truth even a few times in your life.”

Long Yujing was speechless because what the other person said was the truth.

I don’t know since when, people on earth began to become hypocritical and vain, and gradually developed to the point where no one tells the truth. Everyone lives in lies, surrounded by all kinds of lies every day, and even lies to themselves.

Not only that, once someone tells the truth, they will become the target of public criticism and will be criticized and despised by everyone. Because the truth is ugly and unpleasant, people don't like to hear it, but they will treat the truth as slander, ban it, and block it.

"What, why don't you defend yourself?" Long Yujing was speechless, but Cheka felt that he had the upper hand and asked provocatively.

Long Yujing decided to change the topic and said, "Why do you want to kill us? Do you know what we are here for?"

Cheka said: "You are here to snatch my fiancée, how can I tolerate it? Let me correct your statement, I am not going to kill you, I want to kill a man, and I will not kill you."

Since the other party knew so clearly, Long Yujing knew better and said, "Since you know everything, I won't hide it from you. But I can't understand, since we are all here to save Long Yaojing, why?"

Do you want to treat them differently? Kill them or not me?"

Cheka said: "Because there are my competitors among them. If we kill them, Long Yaojing will have no choice but to marry me wholeheartedly. But you will not be my competitor because you are a woman..."

Chika suddenly paused when he said this, as if he was sorting out his words, and then said: "It just so happens that when I get married, I need someone to watch the ceremony and bless me. According to the customs of your generation, a marriage without someone's blessing will not be happy.


Long Yujing's heart moved and he said: "Since you also know our customs, do you know who we are from Long Yaojing?"

Cheka said: "I don't know, aren't you from the Yungui ship? I've seen you before."

Long Yujing was even more surprised when he heard this. The other party said that he had seen three of them before, which meant that he had seen Liu Changyong, Xu Xiaozheng and Guo Yue, not himself, Chu Di and Tao Bao, but this could not explain it.

The other party saw through that she was a woman.

Thinking of this, she decided to test it in turn to see how the other party knew her gender, and said: "You are wrong, we are not the people on the Yungui ship. The one you met is Liu Changyong, but Liu Changyong is a male."

Yes, but now you know that I am a woman, isn't this contradictory? Are you lying?"

If it is true that the Gendaya people never lie, then it will be easy to use this characteristic to deal with the Cheka. At least they can have the upper hand in a battle of wits. Although the technological level of the Gendaya people proves that they have extremely high IQs,

Isn’t it emotional intelligence that people on earth talk about?

What's more, now Long Yujing is not using lies to deceive Cheka, but speaking with facts. As expected, Cheka fell into the trap and said truthfully: "What you said makes sense. I learned that two men and one woman came.

The ice lake was calculated through astrology, and then I set up my roof to block women from entering and only let men in."

Long Yujing gained a lot of information from this conversation and took advantage of the situation to ask: "Then why don't you block all three of us on the ice? If it is just to kill them, you can kill them just by leaving them on the ice.

Ah. If you want me to observe your wedding ceremony, wouldn't it be better if you put me in to observe the ceremony? I can't see anything from up there, so how can I observe the ceremony?"

Cheka said: "I put them in because I wanted my fiancée to see with her own eyes what I am capable of. I put you up there to show my loyalty to my fiancée. I will not have sex with any woman other than her."


Long Yujingxin said that this Cheka was a seed of infatuation, and seemed to be very dedicated, and asked: "How did you eliminate my inner strength? Also, I can't see you on the ice, so how can I watch the ceremony?"

You haven't answered me yet."

Cheka said: "Not only have I eliminated your inner strength, I have also eliminated the inner strength of the three of you. Even my fiancée's internal strength has been eliminated. People of your generation do not rely on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to practice martial arts.

With spirit stones? At most, there are elixirs synthesized from spirit stones. Such internal power is a joke in front of me."

Cheka's words were astonishing, but he still did not explain the method he used to eliminate the inner strength of the warriors. After expressing his contempt for the inner strength of the earthlings, he replied: "As for the ceremony you mentioned, I can ask you to appreciate it now.

My new residence, look under your feet."

Before he finished speaking, the unknown thickness of ice under Long Yujing's feet suddenly became clear, as if frosted glass had suddenly turned into highly transparent ultra-white glass, crystal clear to the bottom.

Long Yujing took a closer look and saw an incredible sight, and was stunned.

Isn't this...the top of Olympus, the ice palace where I live?

Long Yujing never expected that Cheka would actually build such a building at the bottom of the glacial lake. Its architectural style, style and even size were exactly the same as his own villa on the top of Olympus on Mars!

This chapter has been completed!
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