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Chapter 200 Qu Xiaoqing gives up the challenge

 I don’t know when it started, and I don’t know how it was formed in a subtle way. A kind of "Ring" culture appeared on the earth. From the beginning of eating, drinking and playing, to smoking, drinking, buying tickets and riding, and then gradually developed

It becomes warmth, flow, and popularity.

But has anyone heard of the term "taking one's life for granted"?

Life is something that everyone only has once. Can this be taken away? The answer is yes, Xiao Sa successfully gained his life once.

Xiao Sa had been lying in the cabin of the Pilot to recuperate. He said he was recuperating, but in fact, he was not seriously injured by Mr. Long Er's air-splitting palm.

Long Er was very measured in his actions. Can Commissioner Xiao's son be killed casually? Long Er just gave him a warning. Don't think that the Long Group does not dare to touch you!

So after two days, his injury was almost healed, but he was still lying in bed unable to get up, asking the female soldiers on the Leader to carry his feces and urine because he felt that he was too shameless to see others.

His plan is to wait for his father to regain his reputation and then make a brilliant comeback. But the question is, is the Long Group's reputation so easy to regain?

His father, Xiao Boran, not only failed to get back on his feet, but instead slapped himself in the face. He only relied on the thick skin he had developed over the years to avoid committing suicide in shame.

Just because he stayed in bed and couldn't get up didn't mean he didn't know what was going on outside.

There was also a TV in his room, and he could also see the alien Trin-Eyed God invading the solar system. When the Pathfinder encountered an alien interception, it destroyed the last ship, the last aircraft, and even the aircraft carrier.

When his own shields were broken down, he also knew what it meant.

In those last five minutes, when Tu-2 escaped from the mothership, there was only one Raptor fighter on the mothership, which was his plane. This plane with a red and pink skull logo was not under the jurisdiction of the Leader.

, which is the order of battle of the aircraft carrier Dawn.

When the Tu-2 first flew out, of course he would not chase it. At that time, he thought that Long Yujing was going out to die. But then he knew that he was wrong. The aliens actually announced that they would not fight the Tu-2!

This gave him a glimmer of hope. He immediately jumped out of bed, without even wearing any clothes, and rolled and crawled into his Raptor, ejected from the Leader, and chased Figure-2.

He didn't expect that he could catch up with Tu-2 easily.

The pilot's driving skills of the Tu-2 were really average. He couldn't figure out how the female pilot of the Tu-2 could fly out of the asteroid belt with such poor driving skills, but he was willing to serve as a wingman for the Tu-2.

Because this can save your life, which is also a waste of life.

And when the last five minutes of the two aircraft carriers, the Leader and the Terminator, ran out, and the aliens ceased fire because of the surrender of the Fire Alliance President, and the people on the Leader and the Terminator survived, he was very happy for a time.

It's regret.

If he had known that he could survive without leaving the Guide, he would never have risked his life to take Long Yujing's life.

But it was too late when he regretted it. He had already flown very far away with Tu-2, and it was impossible to return to the Leader. He really didn't dare to fly around alone, so he could only bite the bullet and follow Tu-2.

-2 flew all the way to Earth, but unexpectedly encountered Dawn halfway.

As for Linda asking him why his wingman could not communicate with the lead aircraft Tu-2, he could not answer. From the beginning, he could not communicate with Tu-2. The communication equipment on the Raptor could communicate with the 1942

Do you want to get in touch with the old machine that was taken off the production line in 2016?

Not to mention that he couldn't, even if he could, he wouldn't have the shame to talk to Long Yujing.

So now when Tu-2 was spinning around in space, he was also confused. What did Long Yujing want to do? Are you showing off your destiny to the audience of the entire solar system?

However, he couldn't ask, didn't dare to ask, and had no shame to ask.

At this moment, except for the four crew members of Tu-2, no fifth person in the entire solar system knows what happened in the cockpit of Tu-2.

The reason why Figure-2 is spinning in the air is that Qu Xiaoqing gave up.

Yes, Qu Xiaoqing is indeed a girl who knows how to assess the situation. Although she has been obedient to these three people since she fell into the hands of Long Yujing and Tao Bao, when she saw clearly the power of the Three-Eyed God, her mentality changed.

Changes gradually occurred.

Especially after she left the Navigator in Tu-2, others didn't know why the aliens didn't hit Tu-2, but she knew very well that the aliens didn't hit Tu-2 to protect her life.

It's not that I care about the life and death of the Long sisters.

As the saying goes, ants still live in vain. Of course, humans cherish life more than ants. When Long Yujing insisted on leaving the Leader, she used her personal terminal to contact her father.

Of course, the Long sisters and Tao Bao didn't know about this, and they couldn't prevent Qu Xiaoqing from using her personal terminal to ask for help from the Japanese Alliance.

After Qu Liang heard about this, he immediately contacted the Sanmu God, so the Sanmu God personally announced the order not to attack Figure-2.

Qu Liang is an important strategic partner of the Three-Eyed God in his invasion of the solar system. In the future, there will be many places where Qu Liang will be relied upon to handle affairs, so this face must be given.

In this way, in Qu Xiaoqing's view, her call for help not only saved her own life, but also saved the lives of the Long sisters and Tao Bao. Therefore, during the flight to the earth, she prepared to follow Long.

The sisters showed their cards.

Originally, she could have shown her cards earlier and made her words clear by flying away from the Leader, but she was interrupted by Xiao Sa who suddenly appeared.

Long Yujing was naturally disgusted when he saw Xiao Sa, and urged Qu Xiaoqing to drive quickly and take a curve, hoping to get rid of Xiao Sa's dog-skin plaster.

However, it is true that Qu Xiaoqing's flying skills have improved, but compared with experts like Xiao Sa, she is still far behind. She doesn't dare to push the throttle lever of Figure 2 to the end to play with the speed of life and death, so she can't do it no matter what.

Get rid of Xiao Sa.

Long Yujing wished she could use the aviation cannons and machine guns from World War II to blow Xiao Sa's plane into pieces, but she was flying with you from the wingman position, and her cannons and machine guns in both directions were completely useless.


She had no choice but to let Xiao Sa follow her.

Qu Xiaoqing's final showdown came from Tao Bao's words. Tao Bao said: "This Xiao Sa is really embarrassed, knowing that the Cheka will not beat my sister-in-law and sister..."

After hearing this, Qu Xiaoqing could no longer hold back and said, "It's not that the Three-Eyed God won't hit your sister-in-law and sister, it's that he won't hit your old classmates, okay?"

In order to prove her words, Qu Xiaoqing immediately confessed to Long Yujing about her request for help from the Japanese Alliance.

Then he persuaded Long Yujing in turn: "You should go back with me. You have all seen this situation now. I don't need to tell you that you should know that as long as you can't escape from the solar system, you will eventually be able to escape from the palm of the three-eyed god.

, then why are you running? Where else can you run?"

Since I don't know the relationship between the Long sisters and the crypt, Qu Xiaoqing's words can be considered reasonable.

In fact, Qu Xiaoqing's heart is not very vicious to begin with. How vicious can a young girl's heart be? The most vicious heart of a woman refers to a woman, not a young girl.

Even though the alliance has become a force majeure today, Qu Xiaoqing still did not show off to the Long sisters.

Instead, he sincerely persuaded: "The festivals that my father and my uncle and they had with your family happened in the past. I didn't know about it, so I feel that I have no grievances with you two sisters. When we were in Ceres,

, Sister Yujing also saved my life, I will not be ungrateful, so I promise you now that as long as you come back with me, I will make sure that you are fine."

It cannot be said that Qu Xiaoqing's words were malicious, and she did not have any malicious intentions, but can the Long sisters accept her persuasion? Obviously impossible.

Not to mention that the Long sisters still have an escape route in the Earth Caves, but with the entanglement between them and the Cheka, how can they go back? Should Long Yaojing be allowed to go back and marry the Cheka?

Therefore, Qu Xiaoqing and the Long sisters did not get along. Not only did they not get along, but their relationship gradually deteriorated.

How arrogant are the Long sisters? You want them to admit from the bottom of their hearts that they were protected from attack because of Qu Xiaoqing's glory. How is that possible?

However, this matter is still very embarrassing. If you don't admit that you are influenced by Qu Xiaoqing, then you have to admit that the Three-Eyed God was concerned about his relationship with Long Yaojing, so he ordered not to attack Figure-2.

These two reasons, working in reverse order, make the Long sisters uncomfortable anyway.

The Long sisters already had a grudge against this matter, and with Qu Xiaoqing's words, could there be a good outcome? Even if Qu Xiaoqing didn't stage it, in the eyes of the Long sisters, she had already begun to stage it.

They have promised to protect the Long sisters, isn’t it considered a show?

After a disagreement, they started to quarrel with each other. The Long sisters became more and more angry, but they had nothing to do with Qu Xiaoqing, because she was the only one who could drive the Tu-2. What could you do to her?

Long Yujing lost all his martial arts skills, but Long Yaojing didn't bother to torture Qu Xiaoqing just because of his superior martial arts skills. He could neither beat nor kill him, so he could only argue with each other, but no one could outsmart him.

The Long sisters were helpless, and Tao Bao was even more helpless. With three women playing a show, his head was spinning as he listened to it.

When the Dawn used anti-aircraft shells to play subtitles, Tao Bao saw it immediately. When he told Long Yaojing about the relationship between Linda and Chu Di, the Long sisters immediately decided to give Linda this face and ordered Qu Xiao

Qing flies to the Dawn.

Qu Xiaoqing couldn't bear it and categorically refused to carry out the orders of the Long sisters, "It's fine if you don't go back with me, but you also ask me to protect a woman who has nothing to do with me and an entire aircraft carrier. You are going too far. I

Don’t go!”

After saying this, she took the risk and released her hands and feet from the control column and rudder at the same time, stopping the flight.

The Long sisters were also really angry. If you don't fly, you won't fly. At worst, we will all die together. Who is afraid of whom?

Upon seeing this, Tao Bao stretched out his hand to pull Qu Xiaoqing away, "Forget it if you don't want to fly, I'll learn now!"

Qu Xiaoqing refused to let him pull her. She had the skills of a warrior and a half, and Tao Bao, who had lost all her internal strength, naturally couldn't pull her. When Long Yaojing saw them, he grabbed them from behind and captured them both.

The seats were changed and Tao Bao was driving the plane.

In fact, flying a plane in space is the easiest thing. You can’t go up to the sky, go down to the ground, bump, or fall. As long as you explore and understand it carefully, you can learn it sooner or later.

But after all, the driving skills of this old-fashioned aircraft have nothing to do with the Book of Changes. It has little to do with arithmetic and quick calculation. It all depends on the combination of the feeling of the hands and feet and the coordination of vision. Tao Bao really needs a process to get started. At the beginning, he can only fly


This is why Figure-2 is spinning in circles in the air.

According to incomplete statistics, when learning to drive in a driving school, there are two types of students who are the slowest in learning, one is a doctor and the other is a teacher, and the slowest among them is the man who teaches mathematics.


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