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Chapter 202 Alien Spaceship Landing

Larson's ultimatum was given to the Dawn mothership and its captain Li Yuze. Li Yuze did not make any reply, let alone release Qu Xiaoqing. His attitude represented all the officers and soldiers of the Dawn.

No one is a fool. When Qu Xiaoqing was not a hostage, your missiles went crazy to blow up the Dawn without any money. Now that Qu Xiaoqing is on board the Dawn, you have ceased fire. We let Qu Xiaoqing go now. , how is it different from seeking death?

What's more, Qu Xiaoqing's disposal power is not in the hands of any officer or soldier of the Dawn, but in the hands of the Long sisters. How can others take over?

Long Yaojing's attitude towards this matter was: "He's giving an ultimatum! He's already going to war without declaring it, so why give him an ultimatum?"

At this time, Long Yaojing had already settled Chu Di, put on a men's uniform of the Fire Alliance Air Force that Linda found for her, and pretended to be a male soldier. His words were very rough, but it was similar to Her current image matches her very well.

Unlike his sister, Long Yujing also accepted Linda's kindness and changed into a purple classical dress. She was elegant and beautiful, like a charming fairy, and said: "Originally we had no intention of using Qu Xiaoqing as a hostage, but since the other party is so threatening, If we let her go, it would appear that we are afraid of them, so let's lock her up first."

The Long sisters' statement was in line with the wishes of the officers and soldiers of the Dawn, and won a round of applause in the war room.

Both parties reached a consensus and felt that letting Qu Xiaoqing go would be seeking death, while not letting Qu Xiaoqing go would be safer.

However, as a precaution, Li Yuze immediately ordered the ship to sail past the Earth Alliance's aircraft carrier Golden Crow and sail to the Earth.

Since Larson gave himself a limit of 1 hour, and there will be consequences after 1 hour, he should use this 1 hour on the voyage first, and cannot waste it in this space.

At this time, he didn't care whether the Golden Crow was still parked in space waiting for alien inspection. Anyway, we have already said hello to you. Whether you return to Earth with us is your own business, Gao Jianwu.

On board the Golden Crow, Gao Jianwu felt helpless when he saw the Dawn slowly starting up. He also wanted to go with Li Yuze and sent a request to the Earth, but the Earth Alliance was reluctant to issue the order.

Previously, the senior leaders of the Earth Alliance gave him an order to find out why the aliens did not attack Figure-2. Now there is no need for him to report it. The ultimatum issued by the aliens to Li Yuze was broadcast live to the entire solar system. The joint meeting must have been I know what's going on.

But what should the Golden Crow do? We have been waiting for almost half an hour, and no aliens have come to check. Could it be that we have to wait endlessly in this space?

One hour later, the Dawn aircraft carrier passed the final third of the way and was only 200,000 kilometers away from the earth.

The Dawn aircraft carrier, like the Pathfinder and the Terminator aircraft carrier, is the fastest space carrier in the solar system. Their speed is 100,000 kilometers per hour, which is 28 kilometers per second.

When the time limit came, everyone gathered in the war room, nervously waiting for the "consequences" given by the aliens, but they couldn't think of any consequences.

When aliens deal with space carriers in the solar system, don't they just hide in the dark and use missiles to bomb them? Are there any new methods?

If you dare to explode, go ahead. In the worst case, let Qu Xiaoqing die with everyone.

It is still 200,000 kilometers away from the earth. If the aliens resume bombing at this time, based on the intensity of the alien attack, this distance will still be too long for Dawn to bear.

In that case, Dawn will explode in space 100,000 kilometers away from the earth.

Even if he died together with Qu Xiaoqing, Li Yuze was not willing to accept it and ordered: "Major Linda, go find Xiao Sa."

Although I have some opinions about Xiao Sa's taking his life, Xiao Sa is after all an important combatant on the Dawn, and his flying skills are indeed superb.

As the top officer on the Dawn, at this critical moment, Li Yu could not consider the character of his subordinates, but could only consider the role of each person in offense and defense.

Soon, Xiao Sa, who had changed into an officer's uniform, came to the war room. He saluted Li Yuze as soon as he entered the door and turned a blind eye to the Long sisters standing next to Li Yuze. "General, what are your instructions?"

Li Yu said: "Xiao Sa, if the aliens fire at us again at this time, the energy shield of our mothership can only last for one hour at most, so I order you to lead your space fighter brigade and launch the mission in five seconds."

Take the initiative in ten minutes."

Li Yu said that this decision was very reasonable. Assuming that the enemy opened fire again at this time, everyone on the mothership would be blown into cosmic dust together with the mothership in an hour.

Instead of doing this, it is better to attack ten minutes in advance and send out all the ships and fighters that can escape from the mothership. On the one hand, it can delay the speed of the mothership. On the other hand, there are only 100,000 kilometers away from the earth at that time.

Ships and fighter planes can also be broken into pieces and escape to Earth alone.

According to the speed of the Raptor fighter jet, 150 kilometers per second, it only takes more than 10 minutes to fly to the surface of the earth.

This is different from the battle on Mars where ships and fighter planes were sent to attack the alien aircraft carrier near the No. 1 communication satellite. It is also different from the battle where the Leader and Terminator sent ships and fighter planes to die. The result of those two air battles was only death, but

Now the style of play advocated by Li Yuze has a glimmer of hope.

It all depends on the skill and luck of each driver.

Space fighters are the fastest combat units in the aircraft carrier combat sequence, so Li Yu first gave orders to Xiao Sa, and then looked for the captains and captains of patrol boats, frigates and capital ships.

When the top officer issued the order, Xiao Sa naturally had no room for bargaining and immediately took the order to prepare, although he did not agree with the order of attack.

Xiao Se felt that it would be better to let the capital ships go out first, because the energy shields of capital ships like cruisers and destroyers are second only to aircraft carriers, and the time they can delay is much longer than that of fighter jets and bombers.

Xiao Sa left, and Li Yu asked Linda to call in the captains and issue orders one by one. After the arrangements were completed, he said to Long Yujing: "When the time comes, we will finally leave the mothership. What do you think?


Long Yujing knew that Li Yuze was taking care of himself with this arrangement. He first sent out ships and fighter planes to disperse the enemy's firepower, so that the mothership could survive for a period of time in the last 100,000 kilometers, and the one who finally left the mothership

At that time, it was also closest to the earth.

The favor was accepted, Long Yujing smiled and said: "Thank you, General Li, for taking care of..."

Before she could finish her words of thanks, Larson's voice suddenly came from the TV screen: "The time limit has come. It seems that the people on the Dawn think that we can only use bombing to solve the problem. Then let's do it again."

Let the humans in the solar system see the methods of our Japanese alliance!"

Following Larson's words, in the live TV screen, ten UFOs suddenly appeared around the Dawn, shaped like straw hats worn by farmers on Earth, and landed on the deck of the Dawn aircraft carrier.

"Alien spaceship!"


Except for Long Yaojing, this is the first time that humans in the solar system have seen the appearance of an alien spacecraft since the alien live broadcast.

Inside the Dawn, the alarms were ringing, and the defense system’s smart beeps were repeatedly broadcast:

"Warning, the enemy has landed on the ship!"

"Warning, the enemy has landed on the ship!"

This chapter has been completed!
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