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Chapter 231: Besieged

Hearing Long Yaojing's exclamation, Chu Di couldn't help but look back. At this glance, he knew that he could no longer run into the atmosphere of Venus.

  The speed of the straw hat-shaped spacecraft is by no means the 500 kilometers per second calculated by Tao Bao. It is at least 800 kilometers per second, which is 10 times that of the Night Owl bomber!

Tao Bao's previous base point for calculating the speed of the straw hat-shaped spacecraft was wrong. His basis was the overall speed of the alien fleet. However, the overall speed of the alien fleet was formed by the mutual accommodation of various types of spacecraft within the fleet.

average speed.

 The average speed can represent the speed of the slowest ship in the fleet, but it cannot simply be regarded as the speed of the fastest ship in the fleet.

Thirty-one straw hat-shaped spaceships spread out, swooped over in a spherical fan shape, and launched 31 butterfly-shaped missiles at the same time!

Chu Di could tell at a glance that his bomber formation could no longer fly into the atmosphere of Venus. To be precise, it was not that it could not fly into the atmosphere of Venus, but that it could no longer escape.

 If you run away, you won't be able to avoid these butterfly missiles, because these butterfly missiles are twice as fast as the Straw Hat spacecraft! They are 30 times faster than the Night Owl bomber!

What to do in this situation? Chu Di instinctively thought that there was only one way to survive, and that was to turn around again and rush towards the missile!

He made this decision in a flash of thought. At the same time, the plane turned around and turned back to face the enemy. He had no time to explain anything to Long Yaojing, so he stretched out his right hand based on feeling and grabbed Long Yaojing's left hand.

Long Yaojing had no idea what Chu Di wanted to do. His heart was already in his throat. At this time, it was too late to ask Chu Di. He only heard Tao Bao's cry: "Sister-in-law, I'm sorry for you. I

The data was calculated incorrectly! Wuwuwu..."

At this moment, the only thing Long Yaojing can do is to close his eyes and wait to be bombed.

With her super strong martial arts skills, she certainly wouldn't close her eyes in fear, but she could only watch helplessly as a butterfly-shaped missile rapidly grew in size in her field of vision.

She didn't even feel Chu Di's big hand grabbing hers, or she felt it, thinking it was Chu Di's conditioned reflex before he died.

When faced with extreme danger, desperate people will instinctively grab everything around them in order to seek final rescue, just like a person drowning in the depths of the ocean, trying to grab a life-saving straw.

But at this time, she had no time to think about why Chu Di grabbed her hand.

Chu Di was certainly not trying to save a life. What he grabbed was Long Yaojing's left hand, but he also grabbed the switch of the airborne laser cannon.

A laser beam shot out, hitting the oncoming butterfly missile. Almost at the same time, a deafening bang was heard, and the plane instantly passed through the fire caused by the missile explosion.

Long Yaojing blinked instinctively. After blinking, he found that he was still sitting in the cockpit of the Night Owl bomber. He and Chu Di were still alive!

But she had no time to rejoice. Then Chu Di turned around again and hit a missile with the laser cannon again. This missile had just been dodged by them, but it turned in the air and continued to attack the tail of the Night Owl.

The Nighthawk bomber once again passed through the flames of the missile explosion and still survived.

Long Yaojing still didn't dare to rejoice, because she discovered that Chu Di actually rolled and turned around for the third time in the flames of the explosion, and her plane was passing through the gap between the two straw hat-shaped spaceships. Looking to the left and right, she saw that it was originally located between two

None of the fifteen unmanned Night Owl bombers on the side were gone.

Although the fifteen Night Owl bombers are intelligently piloted and completely copy all the movements of Chudi's aircraft, a process of receiving and copying is required.

Although this process was originally very short, less than 1 second, it still caused their laser cannon to fire 0.01 seconds later than Chudi's laser cannon.

 In this 0.01 second, they had no chance to fire the laser cannon, and were blown to ashes by the missiles launched by the Straw Hat-shaped spacecraft.

  It's over, I have only one fighter plane left, and it has flown into the encirclement of others. I really can't escape now.

Nervously, she subconsciously turned over her left hand and grabbed Chu Di's three fingers, but she didn't even realize it.


At the same time, over a plain in the night hemisphere of Venus, sleeping in the darkness of the Dawn, Tao Bao wished he could hit the control cabinet to death.

 According to the plan, before Chu Di led fifteen Night Owl bombers to take off, the Dawn was already flying close to the land of Venus, flying at ultra-low altitude towards the night hemisphere.

Due to the thick atmosphere and haze of Venus, most of the sunlight is blocked, so even in the day hemisphere, the visibility of human naked eyes does not exceed 3 kilometers. This is one of the favorable conditions Tao Bao uses to deal with aliens.


Aliens can only detect the situation on the ground through radar. Regardless of any radar, what can be detected is an illusion arranged by the Dawn engineering vehicle and robot. It is a "Dawn" parked on the surface of the day hemisphere.


 The real Dawn will arrive at the night hemisphere of Venus within 60-100 seconds.

The surface visibility in the day hemisphere is only 3 kilometers, and the surface visibility in the night hemisphere is 3 meters, which is lower than the visibility in super foggy weather on Earth at night.

 Originally Tao Bao planned to launch the Minuteman 3 ballistic missiles immediately upon arriving at the night hemisphere, but this is no longer possible.

  The top speed of the Minuteman 3 intercontinental missile is only Mach 15, which is 15 times the speed of sound, about 5 kilometers/second, which is only 1/6 of the speed of Dawn.

Although on the surface of Venus, the speed of sound propagation increases exponentially due to the super atmospheric pressure and carbon dioxide with a density much higher than that of Earth's air, the speed of Minuteman 3 will not increase along with the speed of sound.

 What is the concept of 15 times the speed of sound on Venus? That speed is faster than the Raptor fighter jet, more than 150 kilometers/second! However, the actual flight speed of Minuteman 3 is still 5 kilometers/second.

 (So the speed unit of Mach is pure nonsense, it is too limited and is only suitable for playing house on earth.)

 So according to the original plan, Tao Bao had to launch Minuteman 3 as soon as it arrived in the night hemisphere, so that Minuteman 3 could reach the stratosphere of the day hemisphere's atmosphere when Chu Di completed luring the enemy and flew away.

 But now Tao Bao no longer dares to launch Militia 3.

Even Chu Di and Long Yaojing’s planes have not returned to the atmosphere of Venus, so what is the point of launching Minuteman 3? Is it just to destroy the already extremely harsh natural environment on the surface of Venus?

Furthermore, once Chu Di and Long Yaojing luckily escape from the encirclement and enter the atmosphere of Venus again, wouldn't the militiamen 3 who arrived in time also blow up the two of them?

Tao Bao was so regretful that his intestines were blue. He didn't want to hit him to death, but he had already hit his head on the control cabinet, but the agile Li Yuze protected his head.

Li Yu sternly reprimanded, like a slap in the face: "What are you doing? You can't save the two of them even if you kill them. Now they need you to help them find a way! Think quickly and see if there is any way to save them!"

 The situation has evolved to this point, and the planned ambush battle has lost its meaning and has become a problem of how to rescue Chu Di and Long Yaojing.

How to rescue him? Tao Bao grabbed his head with both hands and picked off two handfuls of hair, but he couldn't think of an effective way.

This chapter has been completed!
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