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Chapter 269 The more you fight, the better you are

 Above Mars, the modified Phobos is like an extra large iodine-tungsten lamp, illuminating the surface of Mars.

On Mars, no one can see a huge diamond-shaped spacecraft hovering next to this blazing red "iodine tungsten lamp" in the sky.

This rhombus-shaped spaceship is naturally the mothership of the Gendaya advance army. There is no logo painted on the surface of the mothership, but as long as the Gendaya people on board this mothership know, the name of the mothership is Gendaya.


Only Gendaya scientists understand that the internal structure of the Gendaya is actually designed according to the internal structure of the Gendaya body, including organs, tissues, nerves, and a brain.

In the head cabin of the Gendaya, the three-eyed god Chika looked at Qu Liang with a complicated expression and said: "I really can't understand how someone like Xiao Boran became the commander of the Earth Alliance Space Force.

In our civilized world, such people can only be chopped up and fed to dogs."

Qu Liang said with a smile: "There is no way. A harmonious society has created too many people like this. They only use two methods to solve problems since they were young. One is to spend money, and the other is to find someone. Being slapped by others is not what they want.

Slap him back immediately, but how to make the other party sanctioned and punished, how to make the other party run into obstacles and lose everything in his life."

Cheka said: "I understand, this is what you natives call politics, finding others to deal with the enemy, or trying to persuade everyone to isolate someone in order to achieve the purpose of suppression."

Qu Liang said: "The three-eyed god is wise. Xiao Boran is such a person. When it comes to playing tricks and forming cliques, he is better than anyone else. At any time, there are always more people on his side than his opponents."

, so he can control the machine of violence and the army."

Cheka said: "Is this the ultimate method used by the natives of your generation to deal with the enemy? Can this method be used in interstellar war? It's like two children fighting, and the loser asks an adult from his family to beat the other person.

But now, who are they looking for to beat us?"

Qu Liang said: "What the Three-Eyed God said is absolutely true. It is precisely because this method cannot be used in interstellar warfare that we become afraid as soon as we beat him. And the more we beat him, the more afraid he becomes. The more we beat him, the more he becomes afraid."

The more we do things according to our wishes.”

The war that the Gendayas launched half an hour ago to invade the earth did not stop because of Xiao Boran's treatment of Chu Di. Instead, it intensified. After crippled all the aircraft carriers of the Earth Alliance Space Force, they targeted the attack again.

Turned to the ground.

In this regard, Xiao Boran expressed his innocence, but Qu Liang's explanation was: "You just announced your decision to deal with Chu Di. Who doesn't know that you are just talking? Chu Di still needs to finish everything.

Why are you asking us to stop retaliating while you're still alive on Europa?"

Even the Cheka can't stand Qu Liang's behavior. If you bully Xiao Boran like this, aren't you afraid that he will jump over the wall in a hurry and fight to the death with us?

But Qu Liang firmly believed that Xiao Boran would not, and told Cheka that if you don't hit a person like Xiao Boran, he may turn around and bite you in turn. The more you hit him, the more he will kneel down and beg for mercy.

The subsequent development of events proved that Qu Liang was right. The Gendaya spacecraft appeared brazenly in the low altitude of the earth. Even the people on the ground could see it. They attacked ground targets without restraint.

The target of the attack was also very particular. Qu Liang asked the Gendaya spacecraft to, in addition to bombing the air defense positions, focus on bombing the properties of Xiao Boran's seventh aunt and eighth aunt, whether it was a residence, factory or office building, as long as the owner was related to Xiao Boran

, always bomb.

After four years of preparation time, the Gendayans had already obtained detailed information about every alliance and every powerful person.

Then, just like Qu Liang said, Xiao Boran was completely convinced.

As the saying goes, when a person achieves enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven. Over the years, Xiao Boran has been rising steadily in his official career. Countless relatives have become rich with him. It’s not that he wants to use power for personal gain. It’s just that in the eyes of the world, Commissioner Xiao’s relatives are

Can we not give the green light to do things?

However, the current situation is reversed. Anyone who knows his family or has any contacts with him, even if they have only a little contact, will be bombed by aliens and their families will be destroyed.

At first, people thought that the aliens were bombing indiscriminately and randomly bombing ordinary people, but later they discovered that those who were bombed were actually his relatives and friends of the Xiao family. Now those relatives and friends who were lucky enough to survive understood and called all over.

Complaining: "Old Xiao, can we still do it? If not, just stop doing this job. I really can't stand it!"

So when Xiao Boran called from his personal terminal, he surrendered directly and begged: "What exactly do you need me to do? Tell me the conditions directly. As long as I can do it, I will never bargain."

If he had known that aliens would attack family businesses when they started a war, and that they would attack with such precision, Xiao Boran would not have taken over the post of Space Force Garrison Commander even if he was killed.

Even if the promotion is not for the purpose of making a fortune, it is not for the purpose of losing it!

But now no one dares to take over this burden. No one is a fool. This has happened. Who will take the blame for you?

Qu Liang had many conditions, but he was not in a hurry to say them out at the moment. He had to eat the food one bite at a time. He told Xiao Boran: "You should solve Chu Di's matter first. Just saying it with your mouth is not enough. I will

I want to see the results! At least, I have to see your actions, right?"

Xiao Boran almost cried and said: "What should I do? I have contacted Prime Minister Ward of the Wood Alliance and asked them to arrest Chu Di and extradite to Earth, but he refused to do it. He said there was nothing he could do."

Qu Liang said: "Then I don't care, how did you become such a big official? I don't believe you can't even handle such a trivial matter."

Xiao Boran really cried and said: "I really have no choice. If it were anyone else, I could still make a fuss about his family and family relationships, but this Chu Di is such an orphan! It is said that his father is dead

I have a mother who has been missing for more than ten years, and I don’t have any other relatives, what should I do?”

"Cold salad!" Qu Liang hung up Xiao Boran's call directly and instructed the Gendaya spaceship ahead to continue fighting! Fight hard.

Only by beating Xiao Boran thoroughly and knocking him to his knees can the next big plan be launched.

However, Xiao Boran's words inspired me. Who is Chu Di's mother? If Chu Di's mother is found and used as a blackmail, the unification of the Japanese alliance will be much smoother in the future.

Thinking of this, he immediately called Ding Baoxiang.

"Old Ding, how are you doing recently? I'm not telling you, but you are a bit uninteresting!"

This chapter has been completed!
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