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Chapter 281 Unity

   Over the Zhiyun Military Academy, the aliens who received new orders were a little confused.

In the entire Zhiyun Military Academy, there are two people resisting. There is a mecha in the sky and a machine gun on the ground. The current order is that both of them must live and no harm is allowed, so how can we fight?

If aliens were replaced by earthlings, after receiving such an order, they would definitely reply: That's a big deal!

The alien spacecraft no longer attacked Li Ying and Xu Yanfei, but Li Ying and Xu Yanfei themselves felt nothing. Li Ying thought it was Xu Yanfei's cannon cover that worked, so she stood in front of Xu Yanfei in confusion.

Under this situation, Xu Yanfei also knew how to give up when the situation was good. Taking advantage of the fact that the alien spacecraft was not concentrating its firepower to attack the armory, he asked Li Ying to retreat into the armory together, but he did not know that the alien spacecraft would never attack the armory again.


Arriving at the armory, Li Ying immediately jumped out of the cockpit of the mecha and met Xu Yanfei hand in hand. The relationship between the two of them suddenly became much closer. They were friends of life and death, and their feelings of adversity were almost as strong as

Better than any emotion in the world.

 The two of them talked to each other and asked about each other's situation.

Li Ying said that when she saw a fight starting here in the city, she wanted to come over to support them. She also wanted to get some heavy weapons and distribute them to her police officers so that she could lead them to resist together.

Li Ying told Xu Yanfei that Mr. Long Er from the Long Group and her police officers were on the way and would arrive at the military academy soon. She had already notified them by phone and asked them to meet at the armory of the military academy.

Xu Yanfei was naturally very happy when she heard that resistance forces were coming. She wished that all the people on the earth would join the fight against the aliens, although this was simply impossible.

When Li Ying asked about the situation at the military academy, Xu Yanfei told the situation angrily, saying that there were only two men in Zhiyun Military Academy, one was Chu Di and the other was Tao Bao. He also told Li Ying that she originally wanted to

He went to find Chu Di, but his phone was bombed by aliens, so he didn't make it.

After hearing this, Li Ying remembered what singer Rose once said at the closing ceremony of the Europa Arena that was live broadcast not long ago. What Rose said to Chu Di at that time was that Xu Yanfei entrusted her to protect Chu Di... Observe this moment again

Xu Yanfei was unabashedly fascinated, and he instantly understood what Xu Yanfei was thinking.

She immediately imagined Xu Yanfei and Chu Di standing together, and felt that they were indeed a golden couple, so she smiled and blessed them: "Yes, only you can be worthy of Chu Di."

Xu Yanfei was immediately shy and said coyly: "What? Aunt Li, you know how to tease juniors, how are you worthy of it?"

This is what girls are thinking about. They clearly want others to say this, but on the surface they still pretend not to agree. Xu Yanfei is no exception, and she has no objection to Li Ying's statement in her heart.

As long as it's not Chu Di, no matter which boy he is, no matter how outstanding he is, it all depends on whether the boy is worthy of her Xu Yanfei, otherwise she will get angry. But Chu Di is an exception, no matter how proud she is, she dare not

Living above Chu Di.

While the two girls were talking, a police car roared towards the road outside the gate of Zhiyun Military Academy. They did not slow down when they reached the gate of Zhiyun Military Academy. They smashed the gate and rushed into the campus. When entering the campus, they changed to

Air cushion mode, flying to the armory in the air.

Li Ying has already sent the location to her police officers and Long Er and others. Long Er and others did not take the tunnel, but directly took a land, sea and air amphibious police car and drove over with the siren on.

The alien spacecraft was worried that it had no target to attack. When it saw the police cars filing in, it immediately opened fire and blew several of the police cars into the sky. Those police cars that were not hit by the explosion increased their speed to the extreme and rushed in crazily.

After entering the armory, if it weren't for the fifth-generation Ranger mecha blocking the way, the first car Long Er rode would have crashed into Li Ying and Xu Yanfei.

Xu Yanfei has never had a good impression of the Long Group, but she has no grudges. She has just always compared Long Yaojing as a competitor. At this time, she welcomes the addition of more than 100 warriors from the Long Group.

When he got here, according to Long Er's wishes, he wanted to ask a six-star warrior to help and go to the cave together. But when he saw that Li Ying and Xu Yanfei both wanted to fight the aliens again, he said this

Swallowed into the stomach.

This woman hasn't even considered evacuating yet. How can a man like me, who is over a hundred years old, retreat without a fight? If the warriors of the Long Group are compared with the military students and the policemen of the Military Comprehensive Bureau, what else will I have in the future?

Do you want to go see the two young ladies and Mrs. Long?

"Fight! How to fight, Director Li, we all listen to you."

Long Er has never seen Xu Yanfei's prowess, so in his opinion Li Ying should be the unwavering leader here.

Of course Xu Yanfei will not compete with Li Ying for command. First, Li Ying is the elder. Second, Li Ying is the director. Third, Li Ying just saved her life. Fourth, Li Ying thinks she is worthy of Chu Di.

..., taking these four factors into account, she was willing to obey Aunt Li's command.

Li Ying was a little confused by the two fierce men, an old man, a young man, and a woman. "I am only good at catching criminals. If you ask me to take command, how can I take command?"

 Xu Yanfei said: "Anyway, Aunt Li, you are the boss here. As for how to fight, I have a suggestion. Isn't there a mecha here? Those of us who can operate a mecha can operate a mecha. Those who can't operate a mecha..."

At this point, she picked up the powerful particle beam cannon placed next to her leg, "If you don't know how to operate a mecha, you can use it! Just aim at the spaceship in the sky and shoot it! As long as you don't leave this armory.

The energy shield, lean against the wall and fire as much as you want!"

Li Ying was overjoyed when she heard this and said: "You, a top student who went to the Royal Military Academy, are so good, so let's fight like this. Yanfei, you lead them inside to fight ground to air, and I will take the mecha up to the sky to fight air to air! Let's fight first.

Let’s see the effect before talking about anything else. Is there anyone who dares to follow me?”

“That’s great! Count me in!” Wei Guo from Long’s Pharmaceutical was the first to stand up.

This man was originally impersonated by the "Scavenger" killer. The killer "Wei Guo" was driving the 5th generation Ranger in front of him. He was directly vaporized in the cockpit by Chu Di and was almost canceled by Li Ying.

, and now he is even willing to risk his life to stand up and follow Director Li to kill the enemy.

With Wei Guo taking the lead, Long's Pharmaceutical instantly stepped forward with fifty or sixty warriors, regardless of whether they knew how to use the mecha or not, and they all fought bravely to be the first.

Seeing this scene, Long Er couldn't help but feel relieved and said: "Brothers, I, Long Er, can't operate the mecha. I will cover you on the ground. When you go up, beat me hard. Don't embarrass our Long Group."


Turning on the mecha to hit the spaceship is like a dragonfly shaking a stone pillar. Xu Yanfei came up with this idea. His original intention was to have a harassment effect and see if he could lure the alien's spaceship into the shooting range of the underground air defense position. How could he have thought of this?

He is so passionate about helping people, it would be unwise to stop him at this time.

Especially Li Ying, according to Xu Yanfei's opinion, Li Ying is the last person who should go to heaven. She just escaped by luck, and she may not be as lucky if she goes up again, but she knows better what it means to lead by example. At this time, Li Ying

The boss had to take everyone with him, and she couldn't dissuade him.

 Forget it, we are all on the verge of heroism anyway, so let’s just give it a try. Even if we don’t fight like this, what can we do? Why don’t we just sit here and wait to die?

The next moment, mechas filed out of the armory door one after another. Some went straight up and headed straight for the alien spaceship.

Study and understand how to take off, and some of them can't even walk. They started rolling and crawling from the door, climbed out, and couldn't stand up straight for a long time...

Looking at this scene, the military students on the mountain, especially the students in the mecha class, couldn't help laughing. At this level, do you still want to go up to the sky and fight alien spacecraft?

This means that Xu Yanfei didn't hear their snickering, otherwise he would have used his machine cannon to mow them all down, what a bastard!

This chapter has been completed!
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