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Chapter 244 The war has just begun

  Near Io, in the war room of the Dawn mothership, Tao Bao asked: "Chu Di, what are you going to do now?"

So far, the anti-aggression war that lasted for nearly two years is basically over. The Earth and the major alliances in the solar system represented by Chu Di have won. Tao Bao means to let Chu Di decide between Dawn and Princess Europa.

Is the next step for the No. 1 to return to Earth? Or what?

Chu Di thought for a while and said: "The Dawn belongs to General Li and Sister Da. It is not up to us to decide where it will go. The Europa Princess was borrowed from Ross and must be returned to them. I promised to return to Europa in person, and now it's time."

It’s time to fulfill our promise, but in this case, a few of us will have no transportation.”

Tao Baodao: "Yeah, I'm thinking about this too."

In fact, Chu Di no longer cares whether he has transportation or not. He estimates that he can teleport freely within the solar system or even the galaxy. However, as an earthling, it is customary to always have a shelter from the wind and rain.

 So Chu Di said: "I want to hand over these two Gendaya motherships to you for research and study. What do you think? Is it possible?"

What Chu Di means is to use the captured Gendaya mothership as a vehicle for several of his own people. It can be regarded as a RV and a mobile home.

Tao Bao said happily: "This is a good idea. I can try it, but the mothership next to you is already escaping from the earth. Have you noticed it?"

In the past period of time, Chudi only occupied one Gendaya mothership, but ignored the enemies on the other Gendaya mothership. Now this Gendaya mothership has fled the earth, and the Armillary Sphere

As shown above, Tao Bao immediately informed Chu Di.

Of course Chu Di would not ignore the remaining alien power and said: "It's okay, they can't run away. Later, I will clean up all the Gendaya spacecraft in the solar system. Now I need you to tell me what to do."

Take control of the Gendaya mothership I am on and fly to Jupiter."

Tao Bao stuck out his tongue when he heard this: "Brother, you killed those hundred Gendaya spacecraft near Europa, right? How did your ability become so great? I can't explain your ability even with the I Ching.

Now, is this still martial arts? How did you do it?"

Chu Di smiled and said: "It's just that it can't be explained by the Yi Jing. My skills are higher than the Yi Jing. It's a long story to be specific. Let's talk about it when we meet. First, tell me how to drive this mothership to the vicinity of Jupiter.


Tao Baodao: "The mothership you are on should be automatically controlled. You can go to the brain cabin, find the heading instrument in the brain cabin, and manually adjust the pointer to Jupiter."

Regarding the internal structure of the Gendaya aircraft carrier, "Wuji" once gave detailed illustrations to Tao Bao, Chu Di and Long Yaojing. He explained the scientific and technological principles to Tao Bao and the attack methods to Chu Di and Long Yaojing.

Following Tao Bao's prompts, Chu Di activated the Gendaya mothership and let it fly to Jupiter. Then he went outside the mothership alone and arranged the Gendaya people on the Mars land base and the spacecraft cruising near each planet one by one.

Finally, he caught up with the Gendaya aircraft carrier that had just escaped, and entered it. Just like before, he killed all the men and left the women behind.

 Gendaya people are different from the people on Earth. People on Earth often use all the people as soldiers, regardless of gender, age or child, but Gendaya women will never participate in the battle. Even if there is no man left, they will not take up arms.

According to Wuji's description, the only job of Gendaya women is to give birth to children for Gendaya men, but they are unwilling to give birth to them. The reason is that their reproductive organs have superpowers and can communicate with the Gendaya gods.

Every Gendaya woman wants to give birth to a child for the god, but the Gendaya protoss only has less than a thousand people in total. In order to prevent the vertical eye superpower from diluting and deteriorating, the gods of Gendaya do not dare to have more children, so they

This led to the tragedy of the Gendaya woman.

Two Gendaya motherships, carrying tens of thousands of Gendaya women, flew to Jupiter at the same time. Tao Bao was curious about Chu Di's actions and asked: "What do you want to do with so many Gendaya women? Open

Marriage agency?”

Chu Di asked back: "What if I don't keep him? Kill him?"

Tao Bao was speechless.

In war, it is the custom of the people on earth not to kill women and children. Chu Di is not willing to kill women, and Tao Bao is certainly not willing to kill them. But what is the use of keeping these Gendaya women? Even within the Gendaya civilization

, these women are also useless and worthless.

Chu Di could only smile bitterly at this and said, "I really can't think of any use in keeping them, but can they be killed? How about you kill them."


   Twenty-four Earth days later, the two Gendaya motherships arrived at Europa at the same time and successfully joined forces with the two motherships Dawn and Europa Princess.

On Europa, Chudi fulfilled his promise and returned the Europa Princess to the Wood Alliance Aerospace Force. He refused the dinner invitation from Wood Alliance Prime Minister Ward and only had dinner with the popular singer Ross.

 In addition to Chu Di and Ross, those who had dinner together were Long Yaojing and Xu Yanfei, Long Yujing, Linda and Tao Bao, Times reporter Louise, and Chu Di's old friend Wuji.

Although Ross wanted to spend time with Chu Di, Chu Di said he didn't have time.

Ross asked Chu Di very bluntly, if you are already married to Long Yaojing and Xu Yanfei. If so, I will withdraw from the competition.

Chu Di answered truthfully, saying that it was not the time to consider getting married now, no matter who the woman was.

Ross didn’t understand when he said this, saying that you once said, “The Huns have no place to live until they are destroyed.” Now that the invading aliens have been eliminated, what more wars are there to fight?

Chu Di said: "There are many battles to be fought. This is a military secret and I can't tell you."

Ross still felt that Chu Di was trying to push the envelope, but since Chu Di had already said that, she couldn't get to the bottom of it in public.

 After the dinner, Chu Di did not stay overnight on Europa. After saying goodbye to Ross and Silky Chicken, he left Europa overnight and led two Gendaya aircraft carriers to Uranus.

There are two purposes for going to Uranus. One is to reunite Yin Yanmei and Di Lidong as husband and wife, and the other is to collect liquid diamonds. In addition to replenishing the needs of the Gendaya aircraft carrier, they must also double the amount and return it to the Mumen Air Force. This is also

Chu Di's unfulfilled promise.

Li Yuze’s Dawn mothership no longer went with Chu Di. He and Linda returned to Mars with the ship. The aliens on Mars had been eliminated by Chu Di. They wanted to regain their lost territory and rebuild their political power.

On the way to Uranus, Chu Di asked Qu Liang and Yin Yanmei to board a Gendaya mothership, and gave the mothership to Yin Yanmei. Chu Di felt that putting aside whether he recognized his biological mother, but the basic necessities of life

Don't treat him badly.

 Chu Di himself, Tao Bao, the Long sisters and Xu Yanfei took another Gendaya mothership, traveling with Yin Yanmei's mother ship, to escort Yin Yanmei.

In the head cabin of Chu Di's mothership, Long Yaojing and Xu Yanfei talked about the Europa dinner, and they both felt that Chu Di was perfunctory with Ross.

Long Yaojing felt that since he already had Xu Yanfei, it didn't matter if he had another Ross, so he said to Chu Di: "If you like Ross, then marry him. Anyway, two is a bigamy, and three is also a bigamy. If you don't like it, then marry him."

Why lie to her if she refuses directly? Wait until the day you can no longer lie to her, how hurtful it will be!"

Chu Di said: "I didn't lie to him. Do you think the war between us and the Gendaya people is over? Then I tell you now, this war has just begun."

  (End of this volume)

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